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Hunter Biden

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Oh hell, when’s shooting starting? We’re a banana republic now. 🤣

Excuse the sarcasm, but the judicial system did its job. It is what it is.  Lock him up!

Edited by Links2k
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He won't spend a day in jail. Probation, maybe a fine and after the election Daddy will pardon him.  He'll get a light slap on the wrist. If it was one of us, they'd put us under the jail. 🤬

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Letter of the law, he surely lied.  Drug addicts (and he met that definition at the time) who are still making rehab efforts shouldn't have guns.  That said, if some jury discretion had happened here, I wouldn't say that was the worst outcome either given how that form can basically be a form of  entrapment when filled out before a background check is conducted. 

I don't know many instances where prison helped reform non-violent drug users, so I don't think that's the move here.  But upholding the conviction, suspended sentence, max out the fine, and some hefty community service would all be very appropriate.

If President Biden wants to pardon or commute any sentence on his son, that's his prerogative and also quite wrong.

Edited by btq96r
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3 hours ago, pop pop said:

What do you think is fair Grayfox54, and others? They are saying up to 10 years on 2 counts and 5 years on the other charge MAX. 

I would like to see him locked up with the January 6 protesters it won’t happen but that’s what I would like. I’m a dreamer lol 

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9 minutes ago, gregintenn said:

I would prefer to see form 4473 found unconstitutional.

This. Right is right, wrong is wrong regardless of who is in the court’s crosshairs. 

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Just my $0.02, this is a cover for all the rest of the money laundering from china commie pukes, Ukraine, Burisma and the ones we do not know about. Hunter going to jail, nope, the doddering old fool will do the "Don Pardon" thing, just before he is replaced or after he wins, Lord Help Us.

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19 hours ago, gregintenn said:

I would prefer to see form 4473 found unconstitutional.

Until that happens, it is the law.  Many laws need to be changed, but haven't.

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This is Joe Biden's opportunity to show how really serious he is about gun crime. He could allow his son to go to prison, and then he can say "I mean business, and gun crime is gun crime and must be punished." I would totally respect him for his stance, even tho I disagree with it. At least he would be putting his money where his mouth is.

Of course, we all know that will never happen. He will pull every string that can be pulled to keep him out of prison. And gun control is good for everyone else but them. He certainly wouldn't be putting up a fight for any of us.

Prison for him would be "common sense gun control". I mean, if you can't call that common sense by their standards, then what is?

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Wouldn't it be delightfully ironic if Hunter's defense team appealed this decision to the Supreme Court and they ruled the form 4473 to be unconstitutional?  I know it won't happen but it would be wonderful if the gun grabbers gave us a 2A WIN just because it was good for one of their own.

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I've been thinking on this. Frankly, I wouldn't hold it against Joe if he did pardon Hunter. 

If it was my son and I were in a position to help, I'd do it in a heartbeat and never apologize. Frankly, I don't respect a man who would put politics ahead of family. 

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I expect Joe to hold off until after the election to take any action. If he wins, he’ll wait until after the inauguration. If he loses, he will drop a pardon on the way out. No doubt. 

I wouldn’t hold it against him either. He’s a criminal in the way that only a politician who’s been in Washington for over half a century can be, but I can’t hold this against him. There’s mountains of other stuff besides the actions of a father (even an enabling one) to worry about more. 

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Joe said he will not pardon Hunter or commute his sentence.  He may mean what he says - I suspect Hunter's status as a felon won't change his life much and I doubt he'll be sentencted to do any time.  He may get a suspended sentence, but I suspect a hefty fine (chump change for a Biden) and probation.  Joe can claim he took the high road because he knows there will be no real consequences.  

Edited by deerslayer
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2 hours ago, willki said:

Wouldn't it be delightfully ironic if Hunter's defense team appealed this decision to the Supreme Court and they ruled the form 4473 to be unconstitutional?  I know it won't happen but it would be wonderful if the gun grabbers gave us a 2A WIN just because it was good for one of their own.

The anti-2A crowd will probably use this case to say, "See, a 4473 isn't enough!"

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7 hours ago, Grayfox54 said:

I've been thinking on this. Frankly, I wouldn't hold it against Joe if he did pardon Hunter. 

If it was my son and I were in a position to help, I'd do it in a heartbeat and never apologize. Frankly, I don't respect a man who would put politics ahead of family. 

I wouldn’t, but only because I wouldn’t support a drug addict child. He got himself in it, he can get himself out of it, or face the consequences. I’ve made it very clear to my kids where I stand on the issue.

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