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Millions of People To Be Inconvenienced By Obama Visit To NYC

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Just commenting on the shutdown of roads and subways, during rush hour no less. How do they expect millions of people to get home from work? Walk a'la 9/11?

They do this and more sometimes.....has nothing to do with Obama,,,,,I have seen multiple closures

for Bush and Reagan.......nothing new bro.....It sucks ballz

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I don't get it. You're acting like all the roads and subways in NYC were shut down. If you actually read the article, you will see that only the PATH service to the WTC was to be shut down during his visit. People just took the subway to another PATH station, where the trains were rerouted. Roads along the motorcade route were closed, but that is no different from any other presidential visit to anywhere. Sure, many people were inconvenienced by this, but "millions" inconvenienced? Hardly.

This is all normal stuff for a presidential visit. You are probably the only person outside of the NYC area that is upset over this. :drama:

Sorry, Have two brothers who are NYC cops and another who works in an office building right there, and they've all told me how it's a bit more F-ed up than normal, like for other 'normal' Presidents. I guess I'm a "racist" then. That's fine with me.

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Sorry, Have two brothers who are NYC cops and another who works in an office building right there, and they've all told me how it's a bit more F-ed up than normal, like for other 'normal' Presidents. I guess I'm a "racist" then. That's fine with me.

Hmm. I don't see what anyone's race has to do with this. Nobody has brought it up, or accused you of being a racist. However, you know yourself better than anyone, so............ :shrug:

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Hmm. I don't see what anyone's race has to do with this. Nobody has brought it up, or accused you of being a racist. However, you know yourself better than anyone, so............ :shrug:

So I have said. I don't care for Kenyan presidents.

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I hope that he never comes here to Nashville!

Not sure what you are inferring or implying...but we'll all assume that it's a funny joke.

From Fiddler On The Roof:

Lebisch: Rabbi! May I ask you a question?

Rabbi: Certainly, Lebisch!

Lebisch: Is there a proper blessing... for the Tsar?

Rabbi: A blessing for the Tsar? Of course! May God bless and keep the Tsar... far away from us!

Same blessing goes for kenyan presidents.

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Guest kingarmory

Hmm....stuck in traffic with a <16oz beverage..........sucks to be them. When crap like this happens in stupid nanny states like NY, CA, MD, MA, or IL, I have a hard time feeling bad. F-em

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Hmm....stuck in traffic with a <16oz beverage..........sucks to be them. When crap like this happens in stupid nanny states like NY, CA, MD, MA, or IL, I have a hard time feeling bad. F-em

Well...if you drink it fast enough, you can use the empty cup if you need to...uhhh...

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