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Anyone Golf?

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I play two or three times a year now. 10 years ago, I was a complete range rat, played twice a week on top of all the practice to a solid four and all that jazz. Broke par a few times. Nowadays with no practice, I'm happy to crack 100, which is the best I can reasonably expect. I've basically accepted that I don't have time to be good at it any longer, so I spend more time enjoying the scenery and company, which I never did when I was shooting for a serious number. Like anybody else who's ever been serious, I love the game and hate the game at the same time. Those who really understand that last part have my sympathy.

I have much respect for anybody who goes out and plays it as it lies, calls their own penalties, and stays true to the rules. Whatever Scotsman came up with the game clearly designed it to stretch your sanity and integrity right to, and sometimes past, their breaking points.

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... I have much respect for anybody who goes out and plays it as it lies, calls their own penalties, and stays true to the rules. Whatever Scotsman came up with the game clearly designed it to stretch your sanity and integrity right to, and sometimes past, their breaking points.

I try to follow the rules to the most of the time, however there are a few rules that I disagree with....

Spike marks... why can't you tap down spike marks? That's just dumb. Granted, soft spike shoes have reduced the problem trememdously, but still.

Ball that stops in a divot in the fairway. I consider that "ground under repair" and think you should be able to move it. As an amateur playing municipal courses, I refuse to accept a penalty for hitting my ball in the fairway.

Repeated stroke-and-distance for OB. First ball OB = stroke and distance. 2nd ball OB = just go drop one.

I also think some of the other rules about replacing balls and such shouldn't apply to amateurs as well.

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I try to follow the rules to the most of the time, however there are a few rules that I disagree with....

The Rules of Golf have much in common with Real Life. I've always believed that's the subtle philosophy behind the seemingly unfair ones staying in.

- OS

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Golf is about integrity and honesty, especially when no one is watching, The rules are the rules, no exceptions for level of play.

I gave golf up after we moved to TN. It was my hobby for a long time, then working in the biz became my career. The hobby sort of lost something when that happened.

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I used to work at a CC and golfed 5-6 times a week for 5 years. I got pretty good but in my old age the body does not want to play fair. Between my hand and ankle there is no way for me to get my swing back. I still go about 2-3 times a year and it is still fun for me as long as I keep in mind that I am no longer good at the game and that it is just a game. I can usually keep it under 100 but still have off days that shoot up to 120.

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Golf is about integrity and honesty, especially when no one is watching, The rules are the rules, no exceptions for level of play.

I gave golf up after we moved to TN. It was my hobby for a long time, then working in the biz became my career. The hobby sort of lost something when that happened.

Agreed, Mike. I've always been of the Harvey Penick school - no gimmes (for me, not my partners, if playing for score), no mulligans, and deal with all the adverse stuff as it comes. Doing those things used to make a good round feel even better - when you hang up a good number and know you did it 100% legal, there's nothing better. Sadly, throwing up a big number but playing by the rules does nothing to ease the pain. Thankfully, there's beer for that, or at least handicapped gambling.

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I have played golf under lots of standards.

Do-overs, gimme's, common sense rules. Never those scores. I have no problem with mulligans in a friendly game, gimme's were controlled by whoever tended the pin.

I played with one guy regularly who never ever ever ever ever lost a ball. I did not care, it was on his conscience.

I did notice that guys who had posted handicaps generally could not shoot within ten shots of it in a club championship tourney. That always made me question how they kept score every other time.

I would take a mulligan or a gimme, it was an accepted part of our weekly game. But come club championship time I played them as they lay, and holed out on all 18 holes. Started that weeks before the tournament. It is a different mindset to play with the actual rules of golf. I wouls blow up a couple of strokes in a tourney but not ten or fifteen as I saw lots of guys do.

I played in Florida with lots of guys on the tour, the players ability test tour that is. I dunno how many guys I worked with that wanted to pass the PGA playing test and get into the program. The dudes would play five or six days a week and play skin games. That is the worst you can do if you wanna post a score. Picking up your ball when you are lying three and someone is in the cup with a birdie does not help your game.

At best one out of ten or fifteen would eventually pass the PAT. Lots of guys had played PAT's and failed ten times or more. Basically you had to shoot 155 or so for two rounds on the same day. Tougher courses had higher acceptable scores, but generally you needed a 77 and a 78 to pass and be in the PGA program.

I have only worked with maybe two guys who had enough ability to go to Q school and try to gain entry into the PGA tour. That is out of more than a hundred guys. Golf is freaking hard, even more so from tips. I played with guys who could shoot 70 evry day of the week but got into tournaments and could hardly break 80.

It can be a brutal game.

Myself I sucked. I knew better than try to be a club pro, Made my dough in other ways.

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