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For the Libertarians Planning to write in Ron Paul

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No matter who you pick personally, it will be Romney or Obama

Are you happy about that ?

Or do you wish there were better options ?

How would we go about getting better options then this?

Personally Im disgusted by it I feel I have no choice I feel like why do we have the right to vote if we can only choose who the powerfull tell us to choose from.

I may not be able to change it .

But...I wil try.

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No better time then now ! If romney wins can you honestly say things wont keep going down hill just as fast

Opinions aside can you look at Romneys record and say the direction of this country will change for the better with him ?.......

Nope. But can assure you that things will continue as per now or accelerate downward under BHO. Some wagers are just obvious.

"The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's how the smart money bets." - Damon Runyon

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Nope. But can assure you that things will continue as per now or accelerate downward under HBO. Some wagers are just obvious.

"The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's how the smart money bets." - Damon Runyon

- OS

I like HBO. You skip your geritol this morning? :)

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Guest ThePunisher

I'll say it again. I kinda like Gary. Better than our current commie in chief. It's just those pesky numbers.

There you go talking about arithmetic again. :confused:

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Yup - keep siding with the 'sheeple' and nothing can change.

You too? Can we have a strategy other than just trying to push a guy to the 5% level? We gotta get Obama gone. If there really was no difference in the two, I would vote for the obscure guy to help make a point. Just too much riding on it. If I was really a sheeple, I would probably just line up for my free cheese.

Edited by mikegideon
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i like what johnson has to say. i just know i would not have voted for obama or romney either way, so its nice to see another canidate. i also agree with if more people vote for what they believe in and not what there friends are voting for we might see some changes.

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i like what johnson has to say. i just know i would not have voted for obama or romney either way, so its nice to see another canidate. i also agree with if more people vote for what they believe in and not what there friends are voting for we might see some changes.

Two candidates. Rosanne is in there too. She's a commie, but she says funny stuff sometimes.

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Guest ThePunisher

Two candidates. Rosanne is in there too. She's a commie, but she says funny stuff sometimes.

If there was a choice between Rosanne and Obama, I would pull the lever for Rosanne.

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You too? Can we have a strategy other than just trying to push a guy to the 5% level?

Yup, me too.

I won't vote for Romney any more than I'll vote for Obama. Every election is the same, it's "panic time" because "this is the most important election ever", and everyone lines up to vote down the party line - not because they believe in the candidate, but because the fear-mongering from their own party actually worked.

Vote for whoever you want, but realize that continuing to vote for the status quo (and don't kid yourself, Romney is the status quo, just like Obama) is why we're where we are today.

But I'm sure many here will utilize pretzel logic to blame everyone but themselves for the situtiation we're in.

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Most people are too scared and spoiled to make any real sacrifice for the betterment of society as a whole. They are afraid of losing what little they have. The same "stuff" they can't take with them anyway.

This is something that's a little difficult to understand, especially when so many claim to be God-fearing Christians. There should be nothing to be afraid of.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

"Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die". Those words are from another Socialist Commie.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Third party percentages in elections are lower after Y2K than before Y2K. Every time lately they manage to frame it "the end of the world" if not voting one way or t'other. By now both parties might be congratulating themselves that they managed to capture near 100 percent of the voters based entirely on induced hysteria over microscopic differences. By now they might be thinking they have perfected fear and panic. Frying pan versus fire.

If you have a company that makes a crappy widget, which people generally despise, but people keep buying your widgets anyway, year after year, as much as you can ever make-- Why would you ever improve the product? You're already selling as much as you can make! Whats the point improving the product?

If they manage to polarize the 2012 election and get nearly all the voters, that will be four presidential cycles in a row. After such a long run of success they will be convinced that they have it down to a science. No way it will get any better in 2014 or 2016. It will be more of the same old crap as long as they can pat themselves on the back for doing a good job of keeping us on the plantation..

The only way to force change on the major parties is for them to lose market share. As long as they can manipulate near total market share based on which is the marginally least incompetent, no change, forever. In 2016 you will be bitching about what bad choices we have, saying the other guy is so bad you have to vote the lesser satan this time, but maybe it will be better by 2020.

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Guest ThePunisher

Are Rastafarians commies? I figured they were to buzzed to care.

By your correct spelling of Rastafarians, I don't think you missed any English classes, unless of course you are using spell check.

Edited by ThePunisher
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Yup, me too.

I won't vote for Romney any more than I'll vote for Obama. Every election is the same, it's "panic time" because "this is the most important election ever", and everyone lines up to vote down the party line - not because they believe in the candidate, but because the fear-mongering from their own party actually worked.

Vote for whoever you want, but realize that continuing to vote for the status quo (and don't kid yourself, Romney is the status quo, just like Obama) is why we're where we are today.

But I'm sure many here will utilize pretzel logic to blame everyone but themselves for the situtiation we're in.

If we both sit home, Romney will carry Tennesse by a good margin. Fact is, the presidential race is probably the least important lever you can pull in a state that's all red all the time. Same deal with the deep blue states like NY.

But, if I'm gonna vote my ideals, I'm writing in Dickie Weed. Filling a bunch a crop dusters with bacon fat, and spraying down Pakistan is the best friggin' idea I've heard this season. :)

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By your correct spelling of Rastafarians, I don't think you missed any English classes, unless of course you are using spell check.

English professors use spell check :). I checked it.

EDIT: Just noticed, I misspelled too :). What a dumbass

Edited by mikegideon
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