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'Sandy' to hit the NE

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No, it isn't general. They're categorized by sustained wind speed. Having grown up on the Gulf coast of Florida I can say there is a huge difference between 85 mph sustained winds and 130 mph sustained winds.

I agree. My point is that there are many factors that determine the severity of a particular storm. Some of them are very concentrated in area, some are extremely large. Some carry far more rain than others. Some have have a much greater wall of water, which is a factor of pressure and wind. Having grown up with a father who flew in the navy, I have lived in my fair share of hurricane areas. My basic point is I don't simply look at the category and think ell this will be easy and this one will be hard. And yes indeed I would take 90 mph winds all day over 130mph winds.

None the less this is all providing me entertainment while I work a bit from home and wait for the major push of the storm and hope I don't lose electricity. At least it isn't 100 degrees ike the last two times I lost electricity for extended time.

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Right, I agree with all that. My issue is that the news is using terms like "storm of the century" and "worse that Katrina." Completely ridiculous. There are a few things that make this weak storm more damaging, such as the timing of the landfall with high tide and being a rainmaker which may stall over land for a couple of days, but this is not going to be some kind of super storm they're making it out to be. They're just being self-important because this storm will affect Manhattan and that's where all the talking heads live. Many of the stories this morning were about the different boroughs in NYC and how they will be affected by the storm. Who cares? That's local news, not national. Forgive me, I just hate NYC and the assumption that anyone should care about what happens there over any other place. With the amount of hype you'd figure a weak hurricane of large size has never hit the US.

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Guest ThePunisher

Anyone think that Obama will use Sandy as an excuse for suspending the election if major damage happens in the liberal hotbed of the northeast?

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Guest ThePunisher

dude, relax. Your posts flirt with paranoia more and more each day.

And yours make me think you are happy with Obama more and more each day. And that's Mr. Dude for your information.

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I've heard the hype to on different websites saying something to the effect as using the excuse to extend the election because people won't go out to vote. We'll see. Like some else said the storm is affecting "the center of the universe". O may do anything just to keep himself in office longer. And, yes, I put my tinfoil hat on before I replied lol.

TNBrat :) Hiding in the woods… ;)

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And yours make me think you are happy with Obama more and more each day. And that's Mr. Dude for your information.

Just because I don't jump on the Romney bandwagon doesn't make me a fan of Obama. I already drew in the little circle next to Romey's name and did my best to not throw up while doing so.

Now, put on your tinfoil hat and keep spreading the fear mongering.

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Guest ThePunisher

Just because I don't jump on the Romney bandwagon doesn't make me a fan of Obama. I already drew in the little circle next to Romey's name and did my best to not throw up while doing so.

Now, put on your tinfoil hat and keep spreading the fear mongering.

Don't need any tinfoil, Obama is doing a good job of creating fear in this country. Sorry you are one that can't recognize what he's doing to our great country.

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No, it isn't general. They're categorized by sustained wind speed. Having grown up on the Gulf coast of Florida I can say there is a huge difference between 85 mph sustained winds and 130 mph sustained winds.

This one is all about population density and the 11 foot storm surge. The infrastructure on the Gulf coast has been stress tested :). Things are pretty ugly up there. Subways are flooding and things like that. Millions without power. And, the storm is gonna last for awhile.

A category 3 would have probably killed thousands. Imagine evacuting NYC. I don't think they could get it done.

Edited by mikegideon
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This one is all about population density and the 11 foot storm surge. The infrastructure on the Gulf coast has been stress tested :). Things are pretty ugly up there. Subways are flooding and things like that. Millions without power. And, the storm is gonna last for awhile.

A category 3 would have probably killed thousands. Imagine evacuting NYC. I don't think they could get it done.

Yeah, in total number of folks affected just by the flooding, may well be more extensive damage cumulatively than Katrina, at least in dollar figure. Just Jersey Shore alone might tote up higher. Or not, since the wind isn't actually totally destroying near as many buildings as Katrina.

Another significant difference compared to the New Orleans part of Katrina, doubt if there are but pockets of places that will actually retain the water like N.O. did. And unless I'm not seeing overall picture very well, looks like we won't see much of a death toll at least compared to Katrina, since the wind isn't doing anywhere near the damage.

Several ways to compare I guess, just have to see how it all pans out.

I got a friend retired in Rehoboth Beach, looks like they may have really dodged the bullet barely, I see the lights on the boardwalk never went out! Situation looks quite different right on other side of bay from him in Cape May area.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Yeah, in total number of folks affected just by the flooding, may well be more extensive damage cumulatively than Katrina, at least in dollar figure.

- OS

Well that may go without saying. When you consider that one ritzy home on the Jersey coast costs more than an entire ward in N. Orleans. The lost revenue due to the cleanup effort is going to stack up quick too. But as a matter of power and destructiveness, this was a weak storm that happen to make landfall at the very worse time of day, which probably doubled or tripled the amount of storm surge related damage.

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I've heard the hype to on different websites saying something to the effect as using the excuse to extend the election because people won't go out to vote. We'll see. Like some else said the storm is affecting "the center of the universe". O may do anything just to keep himself in office longer. And, yes, I put my tinfoil hat on before I replied lol.

TNBrat :) Hiding in the woods… ;)

Well if there's any mention of extending the election from the Obama camp, Romney should just tell Obama and the media that he will voluntarly suceede all electorial votes from N.Y., N.J., Mass., Conn., and R.I., it's not like he has a chance to win in the S.S.A. (Socialist States of America) anyway.

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I liked that, K191145, but it would be funny how skewed the votes coming out of those areas that Romney could win

one or two of those states. I seriously doubt extending the election would benefit Obama. If the soldiers overseas

don't get to vote, their ballots went down in a crash, then I don't see extending the election for anyone else. Their

situation is easily as tedious as this storm. Definitely as life threatening.

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I liked that, K191145, but it would be funny how skewed the votes coming out of those areas that Romney could win

one or two of those states. I seriously doubt extending the election would benefit Obama. If the soldiers overseas

don't get to vote, their ballots went down in a crash, then I don't see extending the election for anyone else. Their

situation is easily as tedious as this storm. Definitely as life threatening.

Let's see how well their big ole government does bailing them out of this. Nothing like a good dose of FEMA to turn somebody into an ex-democrat :)

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dude, relax. Your posts flirt with paranoia more and more each day.

Haven't you heard? Obama used HAARP to create this hurricane. Why on earth do you think it hit land during a full moon's high tide and while UN Observers are here? Seriously.

He's going to use this as an excuse to cancel the elections, issue an executive order declaring him supreme leader of the world and the UN Observers are going to disarm us so that we can't stop him.

Stay tuned to Alex Jones for the latest info.



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