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I am a stupid idiot...

Guest Len

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Yep, not just a regular idiot, but a stupid one.

Got home yesterday afternoon from shooting IDPA at Brush Creek (fun time!) and pulled the car in the garage. It was hot, so I left the garage door up. Hit the sack at about 1130pm. A few minutes later, I hear a couple of "bumps in the night." The cat's ears perk up and I open my eyes. The noises don't sound like they are coming from inside the house and I am half asleep, so I do nothing. Stupid! Morning comes. Head out to go to work, walk into the garage and notice I left the danged door up all night. Very stupid! I get to the car, and I see my center arm-rest up and my various belongings from the side door pocket on the front seat. Yep, I've been ripped off! Stupid idiot!! They got $36.00 and a cell phone charger. They left behind the $100.00 Ray Bans, the $200.00 GPS receiver and my 2nd-favorite holster for my Glock 19. Luckily he/she/they were stupid too.

Had my first-ever interaction with the Gallatin PD as a victim of a crime. The officer responded quickly, was courteous and professional, dusted for prints (no luck there -not a big shock, it ain't like on TV), canvassed the neighborhood for witnesses, told the night shift to come back for the people who were at work, and gave me the case ID #. Also gave me a couple of crime prevention tips. (The very same tips I teach in classes...)

A positive experience with the GPD and a valuable lesson reinforced/re-learned. CLOSE THE @#&* GARAGE DOOR!!!!!

George Carlin passes and I get ripped off. Not a good start to my week!

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Guest bkelm18

We all make mistakes. No shame in admitting it. As long as you learn from them and don't make the same ones again. Good thing they didn't get off with any of the high dollar stuff.

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Guest canynracer

WOW...sorry to hear this, hopefully the access door to your house was locked...

judging from what they took, must have been some kids...but if they saw your holster, they may be back for the gun...make sure your locked nice and tight going forward...

again, sorry man! :)

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You mean they didn't get that 2000 LB. block of steel?

Sorry to hear about that, Len.

I've done the same thing. They got away with my wallet and CB radio. The wallet was empty of cash, but it was a real pain trying to replace my DL, SS Card, Bank Cards, etc. The nearly $500 CB radio really p@#@&d me off.

It usually only takes that one mistake, and you'll likely never do it again.

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Thanks for the kind words everyone!

Yeah, me and the GPD think it was just some kids. The access door to the garage was locked. Y'all are right -lesson learned and not likely to be forgotten now.

Dunndw: Yes, he knows and I have been properly chastized. He has suggested I "review my security procedures." Will do. (I called him for advice on questions to ask the cops.)

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This is one good reason I like having a pair of hefty dogs roaming my property at all times... I know it's not always practical for some neighborhoods, but a dog who knows when to bark and who is supposed to be there is an asset for sure.

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Sorry to hear that.

I've got a contact for my alarm system on my garage door so that I can look at my keypad in the kitchen and know that the door is down. My alarm will not set if it is open. You may want to check into that if you have an alarm.

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I like this idea! Thanks!

Sorry to hear that.

I've got a contact for my alarm system on my garage door so that I can look at my keypad in the kitchen and know that the door is down. My alarm will not set if it is open. You may want to check into that if you have an alarm.

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Guest Major Pain

Motion lights around my place. Cat or dog can't walk around without turning them on, and one shines on bedroom window and wakes me up. I live in the sticks so downside is coons and possums also turn them on.-----MP :confused:

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Damn. Obviously kids. Took what they wanted. They don't have fence contacts yet.

Contacts on the garage door are a good idea. If you do it yourself, it should be cheap - less than $10. Just put it in series with a window or door.

Just look on it as a learning event.

And dogs are a lot better than cats as guard beasts. :confused:

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That's as likely as one of our Glock deists buying something with a hammer as a primary weapon. Obvious and logical, but it ain't gonna' happen. :cry::confused:

Hey, I bought a semi-auto 1911-inspired design as a carry gun. Anything can happen. You might even pick up a Glock 36. Who knows?

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Oh we've all had the brainfart at times....glad it was no worse than it was.

....and the fact the dusted for prints is a lot closer as looks on TV than it would be if the same thing happened here.

My mother just recently had $2000 stolen from her purse in her living room. (Don't get me started as to why things were like that). PD responded next morning when she called. Took her name and info and that was about it. Have a 99% idea of who it is...local thief lives across the street, not sure if they have even talked with him and not heard anything since.

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Guest abailey362

judging from what they took, must have been some kids...but if they saw your holster, they may be back for the gun...

That justs means he should get a pot of coffee and sit with the glock downstairs tonight.....maybe that will teach the kids a lesson (unless they think it's an airsoft gun :devil:)

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(+1 for abailey362!)

So, I get a call this morning from the Gallatin PD. They caught the guy -he was responsible for a series of thefts in town. He's currently sitting in the Sumner County Jail (not the nicest of places...) rethinking his priorities in life.

Seems filing the report was a good thing -it helped them track the guy down. Glad I did my small part. Wont be sitting up at night with Glock on my belt and shotgun in my lap tonight!

:P to the Gallatin Police Department! :no1::up:

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  • Administrator

Len, I know of a guy up in Greenbrier who used to do pro automotive alarm installations and still does them on the side at his house. If you're interested in something like that, PM me and I will get you his contact information.

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