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The Rifles Got Together, So I Took a Picture - Post #1,000 TGO Thank You Message


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I noticed I was about to hit 1,000 posts after all this time at TGO...the rifles told me that I should take a family photo and post it up, since I may never have adopted them had I not found TGO.  When I first came here years ago, I owned one 9mm pistol (an XDm 9mm) as a nightstand gun.  Reading the various threads and seeing other people were as interested as I was, or even more so, in the various types of firearms, along with all the arcane and trivial information that comes with that interest, was encouraging.  I had always been interested in guns, but only somewhat grew up with them.


Finding a community of like-minded individuals who celebrated the shooting sports without having to qualify that support in "polite" conversation was liberating.  Finding a community that supported new gun owners, as I was, with members willing to guide me throughout my increasing engagement with the hobby of shooting, and eventually collecting firearms, was incredibly helpful.  Because of the engagement of TGO members with me since June '09, I've been able to safely introduce many new shooters to the sport, and will continue to pay it forward every chance I get.


To the TGO community - seriously and sincerely - thanks, ladies and gentlemen.  Before I found TGO, I thought that an interest in guns was something something only found on the fringes of polite society, and never to be discussed.  I know very much better today, and it's all due to the last several years of exposure and learning facilitated by David and all of our members here.






Left to Right: RRA LAR-15 (thanks, JoeBob!), CZ 452, 1936 Mauser K98, 1943 Finn M39 (thanks, Garufa!), and my Grandpa's 870, just because.  I know it's not a rifle, and it's not mine - it's my dad's shotgun (and I hope it stays that way for many years), but man, does it ever look good.  I can't wait to make some space in the next photo for an '03 and an M1.


Thanks for everything, guys and gals.



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