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CCI Standard Velocity In Stock at SGAMMO

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GI I feel you brotha. Over the last few days I have adopted your views on all of this. Saturday I drove to every Walmart in my area as well as bass pro. About mid ways through I was thinking, "What am I doing?" I am making myself sick trying to find some ammo just to SHOOT! I have 100 rounds coming in today that I paid too much for. Once that is gone I am going to take up another hobby until this crap goes away.

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What a moron though. This is the time when I wish I had bought a lot more .22 from Sportsman's Warehouse a couple months ago. They had a pallet of 500 round boxes for something like 15 bucks a piece. Should have bought the top level off of that and been set for a while.

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i've been stressing on finding some .22lr for months. Just have to stay vigilant, a guy tried to trade me 1400 rounds of .22lr for a ar15 conversion kit and 3 25 round mags. people think they are sitting on gold.

I will give you 1/2 of a brick, but you must come pick it up.. Hope this helps.. And give you the wood box it"s in.. 

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Ya I hate to say it but we are all adding to the problem. Those of you who didn't stock ammo months if not years ago have no excuse. You can't claim you didn't have the money because obviously if you can afford to pay 2x as much now you could have bought ammo months ago for a fraction of the cost.



Everyone needs to calm down, stop snatching up every box you find and let supply catch up with demand. If need be just hang on to what you have for the next few months until things settle down.

Edited by Erik88
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