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Sen. Graham Says Gun Bill "Going Nowhere"

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Guest 6.8 AR

I don't think so. Graham would see a primary race if he did that. He would probably lose it, also.

Sen. Jeff Flake was the one making the comment, also. Shumer is scrambling to get something

on a bill to make it look like he did something. Background checks wouldn't make it through the

House, anyway.

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Shumer is scrambling to get something on a bill to make it look like he did something.


At the end of the day, this is what it's all about - creating the illusion of doing something. Even Biden has admitted that NONE of the current gun control legislation being promoted will do anything but disarm law-abiding citizens.

Edited by daddyo
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What they are going to try is pass an amendment using the voice vote. That way legislators can say, without proof, they voted one way or the other. Problem is the person calling for the voice vote determines who wins by the amount of noise each side makes. And it is their interpretation who won. And once the person in charge declares it passed the odds of getting it reversed is nil.

This is a lot more dangerous than having a by name vote as previously wanted. This is why they gave up the by name vote so easily knowing a voice vote would be easier to cheat.
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Guest 6.8 AR

Still has to pass the House, and it won't have a Democrat Speaker pro tem to do the voice vote thing. Takes

a lot more than the Senate. That's why we need to keep the House red, and get the Senate back.

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I know this sounds like good news, but when it's coming from the RINO herd, you have to worry.


Catch me up with Lindsey, I've been under the impression over the last 4 years that he's among the most conservative fellers there for the most part.


Has been a burr under Obama's saddle consistently, has fought against ObamaCare, has been the strongest voice regarding Benghazi investigation, hard line on immigration, now gun rights, etc.?


I know he got a bit too "eco-green" there for a while, but has now reversed that stand too?


- OS

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Guest 6.8 AR

He likes immigration reform, along with his sidekick, McCain. He has his conservative moments, though.

I think they are, a lot of the times, geared for re-election, and not very consistent conservatism. He was

a loud opponent of Obamacare, Mac, but so were all the other Republicans on that.

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Guest ThePunisher
Graham and McCain were critical of their senate colleagues Rand Paul for his filibuster on trying to get answers from Obama about drones killing Americans, and Ted Cruz for his questioning Feinstein on the 2nd Amendment and gun ban. They clearly went Rhino criticizing their conservative Tea Party senate colleagues. Edited by ThePunisher
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Guest 6.8 AR

His "reform" seems pretty good to me. Has been a leader in the idea of verification of border security before any other action can take place, etc.


- OS

He isn't the leader on that. Bunch of pols have been saying that for years. I'm glad he's on the bandwagon, though.


The one thing you have to remember about McCain and Graham is that they love to steal the camera away,

any time one is near.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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He isn't the leader on that. Bunch of pols have been saying that for years. I'm glad he's on the bandwagon, though.


The one thing you have to remember about McCain and Graham is that they love to steal the camera away,

any time one is near.



Are there any of the 535 on The Hill you actually approve of? Maybe Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, and that's about it? Maybe one or two more?


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Guest 6.8 AR

Actually there are several others, but they stay out of the limelight. Darryl Issa is another who comes to mind,

but I'll have to think for more names.


The ones who really stick out are usually the ones who stay in front of the camera. I like the Tea Party

winners by and large.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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We must be ever vigilant 'cause you know the minute we let our guard down'.  They will attach it to some other bill. 

Absolutely. And they will. Pelosi said this is only the beginning.

We need to get these anti-American zealots voted out of office.

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We agree on a lot of stuff, but can you name 2 conservative ideas he's championed in the last 4 years?  Otherwise I call BS, he's a RINO of the first order along with his running buddies McCain and Lieberman.


He likes immigration reform, along with his sidekick, McCain. He has his conservative moments, though.

I think they are, a lot of the times, geared for re-election, and not very consistent conservatism. He was

a loud opponent of Obamacare, Mac, but so were all the other Republicans on that.


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Lee-UT, Chaffetz-UT, Amash-MI, Duncan-SC, Jones-NC, Huelskamp-KS, McClintok-CA to name a few who aren't too bad :)  You'll notice the lack of anybody from TN on that list :(


Are there any of the 535 on The Hill you actually approve of? Maybe Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, and that's about it? Maybe one or two more?


- OS

Edited by JayC
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Guest 6.8 AR



We agree on a lot of stuff, but can you name 2 conservative ideas he's championed in the last 4 years?  Otherwise I call BS, he's a RINO of the first order along with his running buddies McCain and Lieberman.

Not really, especially original conservative thoughts. That's why I think he's a RINO, also. Did I say that? Apologies

if I did. :D

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Guest 6.8 AR

Graham talked a good fight when he was interviewing the wise Latina for the Supreme Court spot.  In the end, he voted Si, Si.

He proved that, like Alexander, talk is cheap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And today Graham joined our two fine Tennessee Rino's in voting for cloture so that the next Democrat bill that hasn't been written yet can be brought to the floor.   

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