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Starter fishing gear

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As mentioned in the title looking at some starter fishing gear. Nothing fancy just hit the bank occasionally, catch and release, and relax. Haven't fished since I was probably a boy but was looking at maybe a Zebco 33 rod/reel combo but have no idea what lures. 

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I'm pretty much full circle back to a hook, sinker, float, and live bait.

I'd grab some panfish jigs, plastic worms, hooks bullet sinkers, and an assortment of Rooster Tail spinner baits.

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2 hours ago, gregintenn said:

I'm pretty much full circle back to a hook, sinker, float, and live bait.

When I go fishing my cane pole is the first piece I pick up. I’ll hook a worm on it. Catch a small pan fish and load that on a spinning rig and cast it out.  I’ll see if I can catch a bigger fish. If I lay into a bunch of decent size pan fish I’ll sit there for an hour just having fun.

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Posted (edited)

I know a lot of guys using spinning rods And using circadas and June bugs as bait and doing quite well  you can pick up the bait in my yard as I am blessed with both lol 

Edited by Sleep profit
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Last time I went I just used worms. Like I said I'm just trying to find more relaxing hobbies that don't drain the bank. Plus, my daughter went a few times and liked it and I get to laugh at her messing with the worms. A neighbor gave her a gave her a kids pole and a full size bright purple rod. I was rocking the bright purple figured I need to get one she will be ready for the full size soon enough.

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Sky is the limit on what you "could" get for lures....seriously, you could spend some cash just grabbing the color you like in every lure. 1 of each can become 100 lures easily. Go to Walmart, grab a few things and go fishing. If you like the looks of it or it's your favorite color or you saw a YouTuber use it, buy it and go fishing.

If fishing is going to be a relaxing time waster, than waste time fishing with worms, corn, bread or biscuit dough. Don't need fancy lures to catch fish.....

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Depends on fish you are after and the type of water you will be fishing. Zebco 33 is a general use reel and will work for most fish. For lures get the ones sized for the rod action and line test. Spinning. floating/diving, spoons and such. Bait has always seemed to work even with a cane pole and bobber.

Will need some weights and hooks, size them correctly and let the fun begin.

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