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Alaska; The Last Frontier on Discovery Channel

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Except they dont live in the "Wilderness", they live right outside Homer, Alasaka. Pop. 5009. But I can see how they are roughing it though. All they have is Lakeside City Mall, Walmart is 81 miles away.


And where they live, are walking trails. Tourists walk those trails year round. wonder how many have been eaten by Bears and Wolves?


Should note that I did like that show until I saw the OP and started reading about it. (Thanks OP.. :x:). Seemed to be one of the only real, reality shows on TV. Think Ill go back to watching Discovery Documentaries on the Inuits. No money, live in shacks or mud houses in the middle of nowhere (No Malls or Walmarts), still hunt traditionally, still leave dead family members above ground if they die in the winter (Ground is frozen so they cant bury them until it thaws), still speak their traditional language. Only problem they seem to have is  alcoholism because they do have bars in their villages. And they have been living in the same locations for over 1000 years.


You're welcome!

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That site doesn't indicate the source of their net worth, how it was determined or whether the site developer just pulled numbers out of his a**. I would imagine that a significant portion of that net worth is the value of their land given that it is right on the river and very close to Homer as you indicated. Have you priced property near Homer on water lately? It ain't cheap. Regardless of how much "money" they may have, it is clear that they try to live a frugal lifestyle and live off of the the land as much as possible. 

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Regardless of how much money they have it is more interesting that most of the other reality crap on TV.


I have more respect for someone who is wealthy and roughs it than someone who is poor and goes over their head in debt to act wealthy.


One of those is sustainable.

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