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House plans to vote on de-funding obamacare

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You know good and well the only thing that man wants is to be Senate Majority leader. and he screwed that

job up the last time he was in that position. He is one of the weakest men who could hold that position.


But you could have been sarcastic, eh? :D

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You know good and well the only thing that man wants is to be Senate Majority leader. and he screwed that

job up the last time he was in that position. He is one of the weakest men who could hold that position.


But you could have been sarcastic, eh? :D


Not being sarcastic. Sure, Turtle Man and all the rest wanna keep their jobs more than anything else. With that said, I'm betting he cusses Democrats as much or more that we do. 

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I'm sure he does, Mike, but he does only because he wants the power he thinks he will gain for it, not necessarily for

the good of the republic, also. His finger is either wet while in the air, or it stinks. If he won't back reason and logic, he

is the problem, just like a Democrat. I could have wished something else to say, but he is not much of a conservative.

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I'm sure he does, Mike, but he does only because he wants the power he thinks he will gain for it, not necessarily for

the good of the republic, also. His finger is either wet while in the air, or it stinks. If he won't back reason and logic, he

is the problem, just like a Democrat. I could have wished something else to say, but he is not much of a conservative.


If he's doing his job, he'll back whatever his constituents want. That's not only the case when we personally agree.

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Guest ThePunisher
People like Cruz, Lee, Palin, Paul and other Tea Partiers are America's only hope of reversing course of this Marxism/socialism/communism experiment that has a strong foothold in our present government in DC.
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This is a filibuster, Lester. He is waging war with Harry Reid over parliamentary rules by performing his act.


It's interesting what someone in Texas asked him, right after he was elected. It was why he submitted a bill. "Because

I ran for two years promising it to be my first bill as a US Senator." I'm not sure I quoted it correctly, but content and

context is correct. If anyone goes against someone trying to do the job right, they are political enemies, including

Republicans. I love listening to him. He is another Mark Levin. We need more of those guys to be heard.

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Guest Lester Weevils

It is not a "true" filibuster because it was already (by previous senate vote) limited to end noon wednesday.


The speaking going on during this filibuster (various questions by other senators, making Cruz's job easier, not having to speak continuously)-- It is quite good. Almost makes one wonder if the content might persuade a RINO or two to vote against, but probably not. The RINOs are most likely long gone by now knocking down long tall ones, flirting with interns, eating spensive steaks, paying no attention whatsoever.

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I'm goiong to wake up in the morning and:


1)  Obamacare will be fully funded

2)  The governement will remain open

3)  The debt ceiling will be raised, and

4)  Some god-awful amendment will be tacked on and approved.


And there's doodly-squat anyone can do about it.

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I'm not saying he will succeed. I don't know that, but I do know he stands up for what he says and makes an absolute

effort to do his job. If that can't be supported, then I don't know what can.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Sent a cheery note of encouragement to Alexander and Corker, for all the good it will do--


It is a tragedy that TN lacks senators with sufficient courage and strength of conviction to support the defunding of ACA.

Such as admirable senators Cruz, Paul, Sessions, Rubio, et al.

What the heck is wrong with you people anyway?
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Sent a cheery note of encouragement to Alexander and Corker, for all the good it will do--


Sent a cheery note of encouragement to Alexander and Corker, for all the good it will do--

Well I hope they get to see it but I found out that very few negative emails are ever seen by the elected officials. Congresswoman Diane Black fired two of her aids for not letting all of her emails get to her computer but were deleting them as to not upset her. From what I heard Diane Black was furious about it. She called all of her staff together and made it quite clear that if this happened again she would fire every one of them and start over with  a new staff............. 

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People like Cruz, Lee, Palin, Paul and other Tea Partiers are America's only hope of reversing course of this Marxism/socialism/communism experiment that has a strong foothold in our present government in DC.

I've been watching/listening to Senator Cruz. I'm glad someone like him is saying what I wish I could say, he's got my full support.


He's fixing to read bedtime stories to his daughters at home.

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Guest Lester Weevils
In addition to computer streams, it is on TV CSPAN-2. Takes talent to speak that long with good diction and sentence+argument construction as good or better than that which obama's speechwriters sweat and re-re-re-edit over. Edited by Lester Weevils
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Guest ThePunisher
Ted Cruz may not ever be POTUS b/c of the eligibility question, but he along with Palin, Paul, Lee, West is very important in influencing a new conservative movement (Tea Party) that will have a big and loud voice in shaping the republican party's future, and exposing and eliminating the Rhinos. If his patriotism, passion and common sense can help awaken the sleeping people as to what is happening to our country, then he will be as important as any POTUS candidate in saving our country from these commies currently in power.
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I'm goiong to wake up in the morning and:


1)  Obamacare will be fully funded

2)  The governement will remain open

3)  The debt ceiling will be raised, and

4)  Some god-awful amendment will be tacked on and approved.


And there's doodly-squat anyone can do about it.


Well, that's what will happen I guess, but not by tomorrow.


CR has to go back to House once they've stripped the ObamaCare clause out of it it, and House will probably not take it up till Monday. The House GOP will then decide whether the gummit stays open, as I said all along.


And again, this ObamaCare thing in the CR doesn't even really slow it down even if somehow it were left in. It's not funded hardly at all by the yearly budget, but mainly by the non-discretionary funding, just like Social Security and Medicare, over which this CR has no effect whatsoever. The ACA exchanges will open on Tuesday regardless, for example, the money has already been spent or given to the states for it. Might be some fewer IT contract geeks around for a while, that's about it if things "shut down".


So, whether they "shut down" the government (which of course also does not shut down the non-discretionary spending part of it, which is also still most of it), or not, then they still get once more shot on the debt limit discussion if they want to try that. Again. Before the debt limit is eventually raised. As always.


Shutting down gummit or nuking the debt limit either one, the GOP still takes the fall for it. May not hurt much, or at all,  state by state what with the GOP gerrymander machine so firmly in place (which is only reason GOP still has the House and so many Republican state legislatures), but can't see how it could help at all in the next presidential race.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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How long has he been talking now?

He started at 2:41 pm, coming up on 9 hrs and he's stumbling a little bit, hang in there Ted!


Mike Lee is pretty good too, this is the first time I've really heard him speak. 

Edited by kieefer
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