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Bike Trip - 2000 miles in less than 48 hours


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So, a little thread resurrection here. The ride this thread documents was my first "iron butt", and was certainly testing. However, this riding season I plan on doing something a little more enjoyable. I plan to ride through every county in Tennessee during the course of the riding season. For those keeping track at home, that's 95 counties. During this, I have plotted one big ride to hit the 4 extreme points on the Tennessee compass in 1 ride, which will total 1,191 miles. To make that particular ride more challenging, I plan to do it in under 19 hours. So, there will likely be another thread coming regarding this, but would love to get input. If anyone else is on board, let me know and we'll put a ride together.

Why do it in one trip? Why 19 hours? You are going to see stuff you want to stop and look at and see places where you want to stop and eat or shop.

If you just want to make a long azz run wait until August and make the ride to Sturgis. Too much to see riding around here to push the clock. It won't be enjoyable. Edited by DaveTN
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Why do it in one trip? Why 19 hours? You are going to see stuff you want to stop and look at and see places where you want to stop and eat or shop.If you just want to make a long azz run wait until August and make the ride to Sturgis. Too much to see riding around here to push the clock. It won't be enjoyable.

Not a Sturgis guy, and because I can. This was inspired by the "Wisconsin 1,000". Figured I'd do the Tennessee twelve hundred. The rest of the counties will be hit in enjoyable fashion.
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Not a Sturgis guy, and because I can. This was inspired by the "Wisconsin 1,000". Figured I'd do the Tennessee twelve hundred. The rest of the counties will be hit in enjoyable fashion.

That is a 63 MPH average if you didn’t stop for 19 hours. Did you buy a Sport Bike?
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Not a Sturgis guy, and because I can.

I’ve never met a biker that has been to Sturgis and didn’t like it. What’s a “Sturgis Guy”? :squint:

Seriously though I didn’t mean to sound negative; sorry you took it that way. You said you would love input and that’s what I did. I have done this several times during rides to Sturgis, California, and Florida. I was responding because a ride is interesting, but what you are suggesting is just burning gas against the clock.

I am riding to Illinois for the annual ride on the Capitol at Springfield in May.
In preparing my butt for this I thought I might make a run over to SMKW in April. I will post it here for anyone that wants to ride along. I’m not holding out hope for a bunch of riders from here though, I’ve seen how those threads go. smilielol5.gif Edited by DaveTN
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I’ve never met a biker that has been to Sturgis and didn’t like it. What’s a “Sturgis Guy”? :squint:Seriously though I didn’t mean to sound negative; sorry you took it that way. You said you would love input and that’s what I did. I have done this several times during rides to Sturgis, California, and Florida. I was responding because a ride is interesting, but what you are suggesting is just burning gas against the clock.I am riding to Illinois for the annual ride on the Capitol at Springfield in May.http://abate-il.org/events/2014%20Awareness%20Rally%20Final%20Draft%202014-1.pdfIn preparing my butt for this I thought I might make a run over to SMKW in April. I will post it here for anyone that wants to ride along. I’m not holding out hope for a bunch of riders from here though, I’ve seen how those threads go. smilielol5.gif

No offense taken. Kind of a test myself against the clock and the road kind of thing. Plus, I don't mind burning gas. :)

As far as Sturgis, the overwhelming crowd is not for me. Can't handle that type of congestion. Hell, I don't even go to Riverbend because of that. Just not my thing. Edited by Good_Steward
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Let us know how it goes...  Sounds fun.. 

I'm too old now days for anything ironbutt except in a Lazyboy or a couch.  


So you're a Harley guy?


Haha. Zombie thread. I thought it was a bit cold to be riding to Vegas.


Few years back I quit my job and did all the states around TN and KY (and TN and KY), 1666 miles in 4 days. A lot less mileage but it was just good to be out on the road.

Edited by tnguy
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tnguy, I was a Harley guy.  One accident and now I have a trashed shoulder. lol


I had a Vrod and it had a real small gas tank, I think 2.5 gallons.  My back, my butt and my badder were good with the legs on that machine.. :pleased:

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I currently have an SV650 but it may be time to upgrade this year. In the running are the Bonneville, the street triple and the Ducati monster. I think it's time for another road-trip also. May do the full Natchez Trace. Been wanting to for a while.

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