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As if I didn't have enough reasons to hate the media...

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I seem to recall the NRA winning a case against someone for publishing this kind of info. They won based on rights to privacy, IIRC. However, if these people don't publicize the database, what can be done? Better question is obviously, what do they plan to do with the information?

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The money required to set up and maintain a list of HCP holders for a single state seems quite expensive unless you have big plans for it.


It's actually not expensive at all.  Every news organization in this county has the means and staff to setup a database and load it with records.

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It's actually not expensive at all.  Every news organization in this county has the means and staff to setup a database and load it with records.


I know what you mean, I'm a database administrator, myself. The newspaper surely already has a database engine and the necessary hardware. So, these costs are nearly zero. However, manpower is not free.


There are a lot of states and constant updates to make. I sincerely doubt the states make the data extracts simple to subscribe to. That means you have to have someone pulling data files and loading them often enough for the data to be meaningful as far as being current goes.


The staff to gather this data from the states, create the import routines, maintain the database, and create/run reports against that data aren't exactly minimum wage workers. Your average database resource in IT is charged around $125/hr to projects where I work (and we're a small shop).


I'm sure these people could be doing something to make selling newspapers easier instead of all this work on the CCW database. This project could easily cost tens of thousands of dollars over the course of 2 or 3 years. So, they must have a money-making purpose to justify the internal manpower cost of such a project.

Edited by BigK
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I would like to see someone spy on some of these editors and owners of these media outlets, then publish their names, their phone# if they can get it, their street address of their home, street maps and ariel pics of their home, the car they drive and plate number, the restaurant, store of coffee shop they usually stop at, pics of their wives or husbands, pics of them walking around town etc.ect. Anything that's legal in public. Post them all over the internet.
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The Commercial Appeal in Memphis already has a database for Tennessee permit holders. Of course, this database does not have any information after April 6 of last year but the database is still active. It does not have addresses but you can look up someone by name, city, and zip code.


And there's really no need to continue advertising it. 

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Don't forget....This kinda goes both ways, but the gun haters are too stupid to realize it. They are really publishing two databases in one. A list of gun owners yeah, but they are handing criminals a list of unarmed homes and easy pickings for home invasion types. It DOES make a quality safe even more necessary in my thinking though. Edited by Randall53
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