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Has any one else noticed this?


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I don’t know how many folks here are movie goers, I for one am not but I have been noticing one thing that is changing and that is the length of time many movies spend in theaters before becoming available on DVD’s. The theater stays are getting shorter and shorter even more the ones that would have been considered great Box Office hits 5 years ago that would have remained in the theaters for 12 to 15 weeks are now only in them for about 6 to 8 weeks before they begin advertising them coming out on DVD. Is it that Hollywood is dying on the big silver screens? Is it the price in theaters driving folks to wait for DVD’s? How many folks believe it has a lot to do with the really Big Screen Tv’s now on the market? Myself I think it is a combination of several. Has Hollywood lost all of their talented writers and as folks are seeing more and more movies that are now remakes of movies made 10 years ago? Like Robo Cop is being released again and in the past couple years there have been many remakes of older movies. Do they think that because the technology has improved that is will improve the movie? I do realize that they are performing for a newer younger audience but with all of the TV networks running thousands of reruns even the newer audiences have seen them before. I personally try avoiding any movies that have certain stars in them best they are to far left in their beliefs and I refuse to rent them or go to the theaters to watch them. Others are worn out on TV reruns. I guess I have seen Iron man 1, 2 and 3 advertised on Fox every weekend for last 6 months. Same way with Transformers. Fox is wearing it out also every weekend. Just how long to they expect to keep an audience attracted to the same old thing? Would like to hear others opinions and ideas……………..jmho  

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 I have noticed that Hollywood is rewriting old movies instead of doing new movies. Think of how many stories of the old west that have not been told. So what does Hollywood do? Remake True Grit. They have also started a 3D craze. I hate 3D!  Half of the picture is out of focus. I want to see everything in focus.  I know people are not going to theaters like they used to. If people stop going to theaters, Hollywood will stop making movies. It will be the end of the world. My fondest memories of growing up was the smell of popcorn, the cigarette smoke in the rest rooms and the big screen. I still like going to the movies but if I'm going to drop $50 bucks to see a movie, it better be a good one.

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Its probably several factors, but i think piracy has a lot to do with it.  It is not uncommon for people to just download the movie they want to see instead of waiting for the DVD.  Getting the DVD to market faster helps cut down on some of the illegal downloads.  Manufacturing of DVD's has also become more efficient and cheaper in the last decade increasing the profit margin for that area of the movie market.  

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Movies use to be something my wife and I went out to every weekend, then 1 mo, and now 1 year.  I use to think it was due to our small kids, but recently attending the Lone Survivor taught me it was the costs most likely, i.e. ~$30 just for 2 people, and that is sharing 1 coke and 1 popcorn plus the movie tickets.  I don't know how teenagers can even have a Friday night date anymore. 


A good comparison is attendance to NASCAR races, NCAA football games, and possibly more.  I see and hear that venues like those and others are still challenged.  When I was in my 20s, I went to each and every Bristol race, Bush and Winston cup, and few at Atlanta and others.  I use to attend every home UT football game, and most other major events.  I find these still just as enjoyable, but just too expensive to attend.  I like my NASCAR, but on radio.  I like my UT football, but on radio or TV.  The others, I have faded away from.  I have to cut corners somehow, because everything is so high.  I also have cut satellite to cut costs  and thanks to work, I no longer have own my personal cell phone, I have theirs. 


I don't trade cars as often as I use to, my truck is 12 years old, and my wifes van is approaching 6 years old.  We bought both new.  I sure do enjoy not having any car payments though, but I may have been on paid for coolaide for so long, I likely can never have a car payment again.  I realize I am no longer 20 years old, 30 for that fact.  I am in fact very close to 50.  So is it society in general that has changed, the industry maybe, or just my buying habits have changed due to my age?  I don't know.  I do think the 2008 like 1929 had a major effect on the psyche on people and money.  My grandmother was 10 when the great depression hit, but in her old age she was just so price conscious of everything and always had money stored up.  I once asked her why, and she said I will probably never know what hard times are, but anyone who lived through the great depression will always save money at every opportunity and store money. 


I know I strayed from the OP, but I think there is more going on than just Hollywood changes. 

Edited by Runco
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I'd like to go to the movies more than I do because I do love the screen size and the sound systems they use really make the movie an 'experience'. 


But I don't very often go for several reasons.  My reasons, in no particular order are; cost, too many people in one spot and usually one talking or kicking my seat and lastly; I don't live very close to a theater.  My wife likes the "pause and pee" feature we have with DVD movies. :pleased:


The last time I went to the movies I got kicked out for sneaking food in the theater.  I argued to the manager that concession costs were too high and he countered that my BBQ grill was smoking too much.   Ok, I made that last part up..    Sorry Doug, I couldn't help myself.. :rofl:

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It's rare for me to go to the theater these days. Hollywood has been bereft of original ideas for at least 10 years now.


I own approx. 1500 DVDs, and most of the movies I own have not seen the inside of a theater in at least 20 years. If it ain't in B&W or original Technicolor, I ain't got much use for it. Of  course there are exceptions, but to say that Turner Classic Movies (and AMC in the old days) is one of my favorite TV channels speaks volumes for my taste in film.

Edited by tartanphantom
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Its probably several factors, but i think piracy has a lot to do with it. It is not uncommon for people to just download the movie they want to see instead of waiting for the DVD. Getting the DVD to market faster helps cut down on some of the illegal downloads. Manufacturing of DVD's has also become more efficient and cheaper in the last decade increasing the profit margin for that area of the movie market.

Speaking from my experience, I don't believe piracy is really an issue when it comes to theaters. I'm sure there are plenty of people who download pirated stuff and watch it, but consider the fact that they wouldn't go to the theater and pay for a ticket anyway. Going to the movies is an experience. That experience used to be cheap. Now it costs and arm and a leg just to get in there, not to mention the cost of concessions. Add to that the general nastiness of theaters nowadays.


Once Netflix came along we just decided to wait until stuff comes out on DVD. This is before having kids, so the ability to get out wasnt the issue. It just doesn't make sense to drop $30-$40 bucks to see a movie when we could just wait and see it for the cost of a monthly Netflix subscription. I never downloaded pirated movies, and folks I know of the same mindset as me don't either. Going to the movies just ain't worth the money and hassle anymore. Plus Hollywood has been turning out absolute garbage. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Edited by TMF
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There simply aren't enough good original movies in theaters, I can count on one hand how many movies I go to the theaters for in a year now, MANY of the movies I watch are older sci-fi or westerns in our home theater. When fans are willing to(and required to) fund a large chunk of the production costs of a movie they think should be made it speaks volumes about the movies the industry is choosing to produce.


Veronica Mars


Another more recent story


The wife and I donated more than we would typically pay to see a movie in theaters(she is a huge VM fan), but we got a poster signed by the cast, Blu-ray/DVD combo, t-shirt, and copy of the script. I honestly don't think I've looked forward to a movie coming out this much since Lucas re-released the "nearly original" Star Wars trilogy to theaters in '97.


Will the movie change the world or be a hit at the box office. . .Highly unlikely but there are certainly some very dedicated fans that want to see it which is more that I could say for another spiderman remake.

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Guest TankerHC

The studios have been doing it about 4 years now. Started when Sony worked a contract with Netflix to release movies after 47 days in Theaters. Netflix lost that contract about the time they split streaming and disc and started hemorrhaging customers. Today some movies are released to PPV before they are in Theaters, and some are released the same day. Average time for the last two years has been about 6 weeks. 


On Roku PPV, plenty of movies released before they hit theaters. Mostly low budget stuff but I did see one Sci-Fi that was pretty good, cant remember the name though. 

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Guest TankerHC
Brad Pitt has a WWII movie coming out. He plays an M4 Commander. They are filming in England right now. Can't wait.

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Nascar sucks. And the quality of some one the new movies have gone down dramatically over the years. The more movies that come out, the less and less I want to see them. Time is also a factor. As far as price goes, its doable, just would have been much better if it was cheaper. 

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