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Mom Fights Back Against Intruders Breaking In Her Home


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That video really shows how fast this crap happens. I've told my wife time and again to keep a gun nearby when I'm gone. You don't have time to get one out of a safe in that kind of situation. No kids at home of course. These thugs were in the house in less than 5 seconds from the first kick.
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That's what I was thinking Dave!

Hopefully they learned from this (the thugs) but a bullet hole or two in the a** would give them something to remember it by! I salute the lady for having what it takes to defend her children with a rusty carbine!



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I think there is another big thing we can take away from this. Note that the one intruder with the pistol was determined and tried to take another run at the door. Many people believe that at the sight or sound of a gun an intruder will go running. As we see, that's not always the case. We (everyone that owns a weapon) must be prepared to do what is necessary to stop that threat to our lives and our loved ones. I'm certainly glad this story had a happy ending, but from the bullet holes in the videos I saw that poor mother was just spraying and praying. Practice, practice, practice. Don't count on that criminal to run simply because you have a weapon. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
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Yep , it does look like she was just capping off rounds but if I was a bad guy and I heard the kind of rounds she was capping off I don't think I would wait to see if she was able to hit me or not. They guy either had a death wish or was just plain stupid but either way he was a very lucky person.  I hope she does get some practice in and I would almost be willing to  send here a box or two of ammo to go to a range and get help with learning what she needs to know about doing a better job next time and killing the bad guys or at least making them bleed...............jmho 

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