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CNN Story that is not ANTI-GUN !?!?!?!?

Guest drv2fst

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Guest drv2fst

You think maybe they 'see the light'. This AND they fired Piers..............

I'd like to think so but I hate to get my hopes up. They are probably just playing nice to trick some moderates until the next election.
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Lately I've seen more pro-gun stories on CNN than I have anti-gun stories.


I keep getting poo pooed when I say it, but CNN has come way back toward center over last couple of years.  It really is the most neutral of the big three now. Doesn't seem to have helped their ratings though, seems the public is now more polarized than ever.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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I keep getting poo pooed when I say it, but CNN has come way back toward center over last couple of years.  It really is the most neutral of the big three now. Doesn't seem to have helped their ratings though, seems the public is now more polarized than ever.


- OS


They've been trying to find a middle ground audience between MSNBC and Fox News.  They are ahead of MSNBC in the ratings for most time blocks, but well behind Fox News in all of them. 


All told though, the amount of cable news ratings on an average day/night isn't as big as all the hoopla about the networks would indicate.  Especially when compared to the size of the adult population or even the voting numbers.

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Guest drv2fst

I wonder if the abject failure of Piers Morgan's show was their wakeup call.  Maybe, just maybe, that showed them that the majority of the population that have their own $ to spend with advertisers aren't as socialist as CNN would like them to be.

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I wonder if the abject failure of Piers Morgan's show was their wakeup call.  Maybe, just maybe, that showed them that the majority of the population that have their own $ to spend with advertisers aren't as socialist as CNN would like them to be.


Nah, they got it two years ago that they weren't making any headway in ratings trying to out-commie MSNBC. And since FOX seems pretty much unassailable for the right, I think they're trying to be a true third choice of "neutrality", which I always thought they pretty much were for quite a few years after they first cranked up.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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