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any one here make vineagroon

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I a cooking up a batch of it now for use on my first project, I am going to try my hand at some gun belts and holsters and thought I would go the vineagroon route 1st to keep my costs down. I understand it does a great job of dying leather but cant really tell from on line photos.

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That is what I understand, the color is suppose to be very deep and no shine, for this batch I used a bunch of brillow pads. I rinsed them 1st the stuck them in the bottle, it has been outgassing since, but I am not sure what it is suppose to look like once it is done, I have to go back and reread the article on it. Also once done the metal has to be strained out obviously so that it is usable, so it close but no cigar.
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That is what I have been reading, however I understand that the backing soda bath can damage as well? Did you mix your own? how long did it take to mix up? I have had it outside n the heat and has been cooking up well just not sure how long the entire process takes.

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I mixed my own using rusty nails I got off a construction site, I let it brew for two weeks. Still had an odor but it left the holster after a few days.  I too have heard that too much and too long of a soak in the neutralizer will damage leather.  I used a  small spoonful in a half filled kitchen sink and let it soak 15 - 20 seconds, then rinsed with clean water.

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