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Everything posted by -boatman-

  1. I think you are correct. My sister and her husband in Madison Co. AL told me basically the same thing. It did not cost much either.
  2. $3.18 in Jackson. Maybe it will keep coming down.
  3. Since you are not going to carry this gun look for a used Ruger P95. Its a little heavy for carry but would be great for what you are going to use it for and will not break the bank. They shoot good and are reliable.
  4. You are correct. The 45c is larger than the 40c. That is the only thing that keeps me away from the 45c.
  5. I left there from that location last week and did not see any kind of sign. I called myself really looking and don't I missed anything but........
  6. I trust my PF9 completely. It has never once malfunctioned in any way. I did send it back for the new frame but it worked fine before that. The potential is there with any semi auto to malfunction before a revolver. I only carry it when the way I am dressed keeps me from carrying my M&P40C on my belt. Then I pocket carry and I pick the PF9 because of the flatness. It's just more comfortable in the pocket. Is it better than a revolver? No. DOes it work? Yes. And it holds more rounds and is very light.
  7. I have been leaving a handgun in my black vehicle while at work. They don't get any hotter than black. You'll be OK.
  8. -boatman-

    KELTEC choice

    I'll go with the PF9 crowd. Single stack is flatter and it has a lot better trigger. Before I carried a P11 I would carry my m&p40c. There is not that much difference between the two. With not overly tight pockets I can carry the PF9 in a pocket holster all day long. It also hides under a shirt on your belt very well. IMO all you are getting with the P11 is more rounds. If I feel that is not enough I put a spare mag in another pocket.
  9. I did the same thing this week and I did it in Florida.
  10. Kel Tec now has a metal mag release. I have two PF9's and sent one back for the upgraded frame and it came back with with a metal release. I like the PF9. I have had no problems out of mine. The one I bought new has hundreds of rounds through it but the ejector roll pin was walking toward the hammer. The new frame takes care of this. The other PF9 I bought used and have not shot it much but it has not missed a lick either.
  11. My wife does not have one and cannot be talked into getting it. I have tried for a long time but no luck.
  12. Restaurants would be number one for me. The only reason restaurants is not tied with parks is because I go there more often than I do parks. After those two everything else is a distant second.
  13. It looks longer than my 40c. Is the picture the compact or full size? It does not say c after the 45 like it does on my 40.
  14. At the moment, Ozarka spring water. Earlier, very sweet tea on the rocks.
  15. I have been thinking the same thing while reading the other thread and I cannot understand why someone would go to all the trouble to make it worse when it is easier to keep it hidden and go about your business. At least we can go in whit a weapon without breaking the law if it is not properly posted. Doing this is not going to help anything, just make it worse. I just don't understand.
  16. If this is something that you can change your self you could get them to send you the part. Saves you and them money and your gun is not gone. They are good about sending parts.
  17. Rabbi, I remember those days well and what you are saying makes a lot of sense BUT I hope you're wrong.
  18. Been stopped one time. I told him I had permit and weapon. He asked me where it was. I told him on my waist. He thanked me for telling him and that was the last think mentioned about the gun. Could not have gone better except for the ticket.
  19. I use a hand held Garmin GPS60csx. It is a great GPS receiver that gives visual turn by turn directions with beeps. I also use a Garmin usb18 that turns a laptop into a GPS and gives you a huge screen with lots of detail with visual and audio turn by turn directions. I use city select street software, topo software, and US inland lakes and river software. I do not have a GPS reciever that is made just for a car. If this is what you are wanting I don't really know what is best. I use them both all the time for travel, boating, and geocaching.
  20. I leave it in the box. If you do not want to carry the ammo box you can easily get what you want out of the ammo box. I have not yet had the problem with not enough room in a ammo box but I do use several boxes.
  21. I get mine at Tractor Supply. The best reason I can give you for getting it there is so you can get gas up until 9:00pm and on weekends.
  22. -boatman-


    I work with a guy who is terrified of snakes. One day he did just this and could not see the snake in the road afterward. So he drove until he came to a house (several miles) where he knew the owner, pulled up in the yard and blew the horn until he came out. He then cracked the window about a quarter inch (could not have the snake getting in the car with him) and told him to check under the truck for the snake. He took a lot of kidding about that one for a long time.
  23. Would this make it legal to carry in wildlife refuges? This is not a park and I would think is not covered in the Tennessee laws as a place where we cannot carry so I would think this would be OK. How about LBL in KY? Would it fall under this? Part of LBL is in Tennessee so until something changes in here it would not be legal but I think park carry is legal in KY but I don't know if LBL is a park or if it is something else altogether. Also if it would be legal in KY how would they work that with half being legal and the other half not? Any chance they would go ahead and make it legal all over LBL?
  24. My main carry is .40 but if I need to drop down is a 9mm next. If I need to really go small it is a .380.


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