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Everything posted by Seabeejason

  1. I still say that I hate the fact that I have to choose between two parties that really don't give a damn about this country. They are all in it for themselves. That's why we have over $16 trillion in debt, which will NEVER be paid off. I'll vote for Romney/Ryan because Obama is a lot worse in my opinion. But, it's still just the less of two evils. Honestly, if Ryan was running for the top spot I'd feel a lot better about it. He'd make a better POTUS than Romney.
  2. While I do not question Ron Paul's political stance, I definitely question the RNC's motivation for making this "tribute" video. Something tells me it was not for Ron Paul. If they truly admired Ron Paul's efforts they would have let him speak without having it vetted.
  3. They just now kicked these things down to $245.00 on Amazon, which is one hell of a buy. I used mine a couple months ago in the backcountry of the Smoky Mountains. It worked flawlessly. We actually dumped the water out of our Camelbacks and just filtered water out of the rivers. It was great. Just figured I'd post this for those who want a great water filtration system. http://www.amazon.com/Katadyn-8013618-Pocket-Water-Microfilter/dp/B0007U00YE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346289367&sr=8-1&keywords=katadyn
  4. New York Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel, a Democrat and the chief sponsor of the microstamping legislation on semiautomatic pistols that was last considered by the state’s full Senate in 2010, said she believes Remington’s vow is merely a threat. “Their main product isn’t even semiautomatic guns; the main thrust of what they do are long guns and military contracts,†Schimel told FoxNews.com. “As a former businessman, it would be foolish for them to leave the New York market. They are getting a lot of money from the state.†Just another example of a dumb liberal that has no idea what the hell she's talking about. Merely a threat? Considering that states like Tennessee would welcome a gun manufacturer with open arms and huge tax breaks I do not think it is a threat. I'm sure when factories led a mass exodus out of other liberal states those government officials thought the same thing. "They need us, they won't leave." Look what happened. When are these morons going to realize that they are not needed? How are you going to try to force a company to alter their production processes for some idiotic idea that will not even work? I think both of these companies should relocate to East Tennessee.
  5. I read an article that actor Jim Carrey made a comment that our 2nd Amendment needs to be reversed as a response to this shooting. He just went onto my douchebag list. No more Jim Carrey movies for my family.
  6. Me too. I do not make it to Bristol at all these days. Not sure if I'm willing to drive a couple hours just to visit Cabelas. We already have a huge selection of sporting goods stores in and around Knoxville. Maybe that's why they chose Bristol.
  7. I just wish that many Americans could learn how to research a candidate and the issues without using biased news sources. That is a big part of the problem. Americans just seem to be either too busy to properly research a candidate or they just simply do not care. I am with you on November. I am in the process of convincing my family to vote for Romney. I have a couple of them on board already. My mother and step father have always voted Democrat in the past due to the fact my step father is a Union Pacific railroad engineer (labor union). They are pretty fed up with Obama and his socialist agenda. I do a pretty good job of getting them fired up about it I think many people who normally vote Democrat are going to cross the party line and vote Republican this election. I also think many Independents are going to lean to the Right this time around. We'll see how it goes in the next couple months.
  8. I have had to wear corrective lenses and contacts since I was 8 years old. I just scheduled a Lasik surgery for September 7th and the consultation is on September 6th. They are going to map out my eyes and see if I am a viable candidate and to determine how much reshaping they'll have to do on the cornea. I was always told I was a "good candidate" for Lasik. Guess we'll find out soon. If it doesn't work out I will be going y'all in finding some tough eye glasses. I am hoping I get to have the surgery. I am literally legally blind without my contact lenses or glasses.
  9. It is now on my list. Very useful product. I have two propane stoves and lots of propane canisters, but I like the idea of not having to rely on fuel. And you can't beat being able to charge iPhones, iPads, and the like. In a SHTF scenario it would be nice to be able to access useful information. And having access to some fun games could be a good morale booster.
  10. She should not have talked to the media at all. If I ever have to shoot a home invader and the media shows up at my door I will tell them to kick rocks before I have them arrested for trespassing.
  11. Really? He was constantly almost shut out during debates. I seen plenty of occasions where the only press he got was bad press. That's because they did not want him to have a chance. Reporters would run him down every chance they got. You want to know why RP supporters were always angry (whining)? Because they seen what was happening. I could clearly see what they were doing to him. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but the more I watched the more evident it was to me. We all know the media has their own agenda and they will do what ever they can to achieve it. Ron Paul is not someone that can be paid off and they know it. That's why he was blown off by the media. Like I said, Americans can be swayed by the media and it has a real effect on how a large percentage of the population will vote. And it definitely reduced Ron Paul's chance at being a viable candidate for POTUS. I admit he was a bit extreme on a couple issues, but the man did not waiver on his stance. He wants to return this country to its constitutional roots and I will stand behind that 100%. He is tired of this country being bought and sold by corrupt spineless politicians that can care less what is in the best interests of the American people, and frankly I am too. But we all know what we have to do. We have to get Obama out of the White House and Romney-Ryan is our best chance. I suppose that is something we can agree on. Also, Wilkow had Ron Paul on his show, the Wilkow Majority. Rand Paul has been on his show too.
  12. I have a lot of respect for Ron Paul. It is a real shame that he was not given a fair shake by the media despite the support he had from the American people, including our military. It is a shining example of the garbage that now makes up todays media. Those who control the message have a very good ability to control a voters opinion on any given issue. If Ron Paul would have been treated fairly and given a chance then he would have had a real chance at becoming our next president. The corruption and dirty politics in our government today is sickening. I will reluctantly vote for Mitt Romney because I want President Obama and his cronies out of the White House, but that is the ONLY reason. I am honestly sick of having to choose between the lesser of two evils. After seeing what the media done to Ron Paul I have COMPLETELY stopped watching television news. It's all biased one sided misinformation and out-right lies.
  13. My wife got stung by some fire ants while mowing in the backyard. I took the push mower out there, dropped it to the ground, and chopped those little bastards to pieces. You don't mess with my woman without dealing with the consequences. Just ask those ants.
  14. I think there is more to this story. For the F.B.I. and the Secret Service to show up at this guys door he had to have said something that was deemed to be an actual threat to someone's life. I don't know what happened, but it is definitely more than what we currently know.
  15. Looks like there's already another one coming up at the Expo Center. Since the next one isn't until November I think I may have to go to this one too. RK Gun & Knife Show When: Saturday, September 8, 2012 9:00AM-5:00PM Sunday, September 9, 2012 9:00AM-4:00PM Where: Hall C at the Expo Center Ticket Information: $10.00 for Adults Free Parking
  16. I just sent them a thank you email.
  17. No sir. Didn't know about that one. I haven't been real heavy into ordering ammo online. I guess I need to get into it more. I will definitely search gun-deals.com and see what I can find. Thanks for the tip.
  18. Picked up a new EOTech EXPS2-0 for a good price as soon as I walked in the door. Also got a couple hundred rounds of ammo from Georgia Arms too. The price on their hollow point ammo seemed to be pretty darn good to me. If I can get it cheaper I'd like for one of you to tell me where because I am damned interested.
  19. The Dragon is not that bad. I have been there several times (it's only 20 miles from my house). As long as you ride like you got some sense then you will be fine. The ones that die are the ones that think they are at a race track. The Dragon is not a forgiving place. When you run off the road you will hit a tree, go off the side of the mountain, or both. My advice is to ride at your skill level and keep a close eye out for the vehicles and motorcycles that sometimes come around the corner on your side of the road. Lots of people have been hit head-on like that. To me, it's just another extremely curvy road. The skyway is not hard either. It takes you to much higher elevations, but it is no more curvy than The Dragon. It's just a good long scenic ride. I think it is a must for any motorcycle rider to ride it at least once. There are some many places to ride here it's not even funny. Every weekend can be a new adventure. I will definitely do that. Thanks. I will also check out the American Legion too. I honestly just need to get off my butt and go to a Dragon Chapter meeting.
  20. I will be there at 8:30AM. I wanna be one of the first in the door. Gonna grab some ammo, AR parts, and maybe a new optic.
  21. Got mine from Amazon too. Had it for several months now and it's definitely worth the money. I paid $50.00 for mine. I have one of those too. You can't beat a 220 Lumen flashlight for $25.00. Worth every penny.
  22. I do not think it is for purposes of "killing Americans", but the government is buying up an awful lot of hardware and ammo lately. I can't accurately speculate what it is for, but I have a few ideas that cross my mind. I do not think a war with Iran is that far off. And I also believe that Iran is a flash point that will potentially set off something much bigger. It is no secret that our government is sneaky. They know a new war is not popular with Americans, but I do think they are definitely preparing for something big. We will know as soon as the election is over.
  23. Lol, she has the peeing down pat, but we're still having to wipe for her. Every time she goes potty she runs and tells me and I give her a high five.
  24. I've been looking for a local group to ride with on the weekends. I've been riding a lot here lately, but it's getting a bit boring riding solo. I haven't joined the local H.O.G group (The Dragon Chapter) yet even though I do plan to do so soon. Anyone here belong to that group? I have only lived here for about 14 months, so I don't know anyone. I'm planning to take a ride out into the mountains this weekend. Anyone wants to ride shoot me a message.


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