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Everything posted by Seabeejason

  1. It would be next to impossible. There are over 300 million citizens in this country. It would be a colossal undertaking. Not to mention the fact that millions of those citizens will be hungry and eventually desperate. Just keeping things from going completely bonkers will be a big enough challenge. You also can't neglect the fact that our military and law enforcement are American citizens themselves. Getting them to forcefully control the population will be a challenge in itself. You really think our military will overwhelmingly obey orders to oppress the American people? Orders that came from a bunch of rich greedy bureaucrats that started this mess in the first place? I don't think so. I spend 10 years in the military and I know that most of them are good people that will do what's right. There are some mindless drones in the military too, but they're in the minority. I am not worried about the government taking over and sticking us in camps. As long as we have our firearms we will be just fine. I do not intend to use mine to fight anyone in any case, unless I have no choice. Hunting is my primary intention. Keeping food on the table and clean water to drink is number one on my priority list. That is what most folks should worry about.
  2. I don't know. This dude ran over some police cars, that dude ran over the the whole damn town. Something tells me his beef was on a whole different level.
  3. I picked a bi-tone Xds .45 up today. I just went to the gun store to browse and there it sat. I have been planning on getting one since they announced that they were going to make them. I've just been waiting for the gun store to get one in stock. And now I have one
  4. If Michael Bloomberg calls himself an Independent??? That's just an insult. If he is an Independent then I guess all liberals are Independents now. Every time I see Michael Bloomberg's name I feel like hitting something. Maybe I'll just put a poster of him up on the wall and throw darts at it.
  5. It will likely come down to the Independent vote. The country is so polarized right now that Dems and Republicans will be firmly sided with their own parties this time around. The Republicans need to get as many voters to the polls as possible this time. I have always considered myself as an Independent in the past. I have voted Democrat in prior elections. But this time around I am voting straight Republican. Seems that these days the Democratic party is fully embracing socialism. I want no part of it. I seriously doubt I will ever vote Democrat again, period.
  6. Only in Commiefornia. Where everything is always someone else's fault.
  7. I have a solution for this. Just stop going to posted movie theaters. If they think that they need to take my ability to defend myself then I think I need to keep my money.
  8. You just have to be aware of the tourists. Some of them get freaked out a bit by a gun. I was backpacking out of the backcountry a while back and had a .44 magnum strapped to my side and happened to run into a couple tourists from Chicago (they were foreign too). They were very interested in our packs, where we had been, etc. They were really nice until they seen our guns and then things got a little awkward. They were still nice to us though. All long as you are courteous about it I think most people are accepting. For the most part you will be just fine. Just don't carry into park buildings or posted businesses (all the common sense stuff). And if someone asks why you have a gun just use it as an opportunity to educate them about the 2nd Amendment and the right to carry.
  9. I would like to get one of those, but I got a Streamlight Protac 2L that will work for now. It's 180 Lumens and does a good job of blinding people. I just now took it to the bedroom where the wife was watching the Olympics. I turned off the T.V. real quick and tested it on her. She said she definitely couldn't see anything but the light from the flashlight. I think she is still seeing spots. She's not too happy with me right now.....
  10. The treaty is not dead. It is just being delayed until after the U.S. Presidential Election in November. Hillary and Obama said that they are still wanting to reopen negotiations after the election. The leaders of other countries, including Mexico, Russia, China, and Britain are all extremely determined to get this thing passed. Obama thinks that he can claim that he is no threat to gun rights, get re-elected, and then get this treaty rolling again once he is in his last term. This is not over folks. Not by a long shot. There is also something else that I find disturbing about all this. I read about it earlier today. There’s a thing called the Vienna Convention (the Law of Treaties) which the U.S. signed and the Senate ratified. It provides that when we sign a Treaty - until REJECTED by the Senate or renounced by a President – it remains in force, binding us based on the President’s and Secretary of State’s signature. So, if Obama is re-elected, Hillary will sign the Treaty, and they will never bring the Treaty up for ratification and Obama will not renounce the Treaty - leaving the U.S. bound by it. And, it WILL BE ENFORCED by the U.S. Courts. Has anyone else read about this? I am curious if this is something that the Obama Administration can do if they sign the treaty (if Obama is re-elected).
  11. I hope the Sheriff adopts the new initiative. It is obvious that the immigration officials have their plates full already. If regular law enforcement can help deport these folks it's all the better. I do not mind people becoming citizens LEGALLY. But when they come here, pop out some kids, and start living on welfare it tends to piss me off. I know there are plenty of Americans that sponge off the system, but it does not mean we need more people on government subsistence. Many of these folks are hard working and good people, but if they want to work here they need to obide by our laws and contribute as an American citizen should. This woman should have never won that lawsuit. She came here, broke the law, and then sued because those laws were enforced. At the most she should have just gotten the healthcare she needed to safely deliver her child and then deported. But I fear now that she has a U.S. born child she will undoubtedly get to stay here and become another taxpayer liability. It will also set a precedent for future court cases like this, which makes me even more angry. Lets send a message to these folks and start deporting ALL illegals, regardless of their circumstances. And then start fining the crap out of any employer that hires an illegal. I really wish that we could help these people because all they want is to have a good life like the rest of us. Many of them are obviously willing to work very hard for it. But if we open our borders to everyone wanting a "good life" our country will go down the tubes even faster than it is now.
  12. That is the only downside that I could find. It's a silver impregnated ceramic filter, which means you need to be careful with it. You could potentially crack it if you drop it. And then there is the freezing problem, which means you need to dry it out really well if you use it in cold weather. I do not plan to use it in freezing weather though. If I disassemble it in the field I will not have it no more than a foot from the ground and will keep it away from rocks. The casing around the ceramic filter is pretty tough, so I am not extremely worried about it. But I will still be really careful because ceramic filter replacements are about $175.00 each.
  13. I done quite a bit of research and I think you'd be hard pressed to find an almost equal model to this filter for $60.00. I just now combed through Amazon and did not find anything like this one for that price. All of the ones I seen were just plastic filters. If you did find something comparable for that price then you got one heck of a buy.
  14. Anyone watch that Fobus holser video? I know I won't carry them anymore. That dude snapped it right off that other guys waist.
  15. Let them riot. I don't really care as long as this guy gets a fair trial. I do not know the facts, that's what the jury will decide. If this guy gets set free due to a fair trial and there is rioting, they better hope they don't do it in my neighborhood. That dog won't hunt.
  16. I got it for $301.25. Total price was $421.00 for everything in the picture. I am very confident it's going to be dependable. I am taking it on a backpacking trip in the Smokies in a week or so and I will give everyone an update on how well it works in the field once I get back.
  17. I have been contemplating it for several months and finally pulled the trigger. I think it is pretty much the ultimate portable water filtration system on the market. I bought the Katadyn portable water filter, an in-line charcoal filter (the plastic round black thing on the end of the tube), and a Steripen. The Katadyn filters to 200nm and does not filter out viruses (which are smaller), so I got the Steripen to take care of that. The in-line charcoal filter on the outlet tube is great for making the water taste better, & also removing even more contaminants & sediments. After hours of research, reading reviews, and watching videos I came to the conclusion that this is the most effective system out there. The Katadyn portable water filtration system is rated to filter 13,000 gallons of water, which at one gallon per day would take about 35 years before needing a filter replacement. It is made in Switzerland & also has a life time warranty. With this system I will be able to make drinkable water from almost any water source. Of course, I have lots of purification tablets and the old boiling method as back-ups just in case. It took a good chunk of change, but I think it is totally worth every penny. You can't survive without water.
  18. I just recently paid off my BOFA credit card. I did not cancel it because I do not want my credit to take a hit, but I will never use it again. I hadn't used it for several months anyway. Bank of America is a terrible bank and Citibank is even worse. I got mad at Citibank over their shady bullcrap and canceled my card with them. I called and let the representative know what a terrible company they are and also emailed their headquarters. A couple weeks later I get a letter saying they canceled my other card for me. I thought it was funny because I had never even used the card one single time anyway. I threw both of the cards in the burn pile and watched them burn while I drunk a beer. I have a much bigger vandetta against Citibank than I do with BOFA, but they are both horrible companies. I have my loans through a credit union. My other banking is at US Bank. I have banked with them for years and do not plan on changing anytime soon. They're a good bank.
  19. Well, I have a couple plans. My wife and I live right next to Smoky Mountain National Park. It is literally right outside our front door. So, that land is not owned by anyone other than the government and it is a pretty big place. Also, I definitely do not plan on intruding on other peoples domains unless I am invited. If someone tells me not to be on their land I will have no issues leaving. You're right, many folks will band together and not allow outsiders. That is fine too. I wouldn't want useless people in my group either because all they do is consume resources and drag the group down. The area I live in is a pretty tight community out in the country, so the whole group thing shouldn't be an issue. Also, I believe I have plenty to bring to the table. I can hunt, fish, and build things out of just about anything. I am also an engineer, so I tend to figure things out quickly. I also spent 10 years in the military in various units where I learned survival, advanced medical skills, and how to neutralize threats. I don't know of too many regular folks out there that have had the same training that I have had over the years. If it does hit the fan and we see it coming soon enough we will likely head back out to southern Missouri where our folks live. They have plenty of land and we also know every farmer in the area extremely well. They are very close family friends. My wife's family also owns a very large farm. Game is plentyful and the people population isn't near as high as it is here close to the east coast. That means more food for less people and a smaller chance of confrontation. I have stored enough gasoline to get us out there and we can pack up our supplies too. Which, like I said, if we see it coming we'll still be able to fill up on the way anyway and save the gas we have on hand. Our routes are already preplanned to avoid Nashville, which is the only major city on the route. If we can get home we will definitely be doing that instead of staying here in east Tennessee. We have a plan for here, but I have the feeling that I'm not the only person with Smoky Mountain National Park in mind. So that plan is just more of a contingency than anything. As far as having the skills covered goes, you will need at least a couple other folks in your group that have the same range of skills as you. If for some reason you become immobilized for a long period of time you will all of a sudden become that person that's the fifth wheel. Having at least a few "useful" folks around will definitely pay off. Not to mention the fact that you WILL need security. A one person combat team never gets very far. Remember what the military teaches...there is no "I" in team. If you have a large slice of land full of game you will likely need to defend it at some point. I know you're a military guy, so I am likely preaching to the choir on this one. But I guess I'm in a talkative mood. I wish you the best and I hope we don't ever have to put these plans into motion. But it's good to be prepared regardless. Edit: I just re-read my earlier post and it sounded like a pretty crappy plan, which is why I am guessing you asked those questions. I was a bit lazy and didn't explain it very well. I mentioned the whole community thing because I think that should be a part of everyones plan. It is very necessary. Not saying that you should be "dependent" on them, but there are inherent advantages. i hope my post above cleared it up a bit, lol.
  20. Thanks guys. I just researched this and I now know how to build one. Between this, storing some water, having water purification tablets, and boiling water I think that about covers it. Also, there are literally hundreds of springs bubbling up from underground in East Tennessee. That water is already as pure as it can get. I definitely plan on taking advantage of those as well. A sand filter is defnitely something good to make on the fly if you get stuck in a sticky situation. Only bad thing is that sand could be kind of hard to find around these parts.
  21. I think the T.V. network just scouts out as many dumb folks as possible for this show. It is almost like they are trying to poke fun at preppers. The guy you are talking about actually has all his stuff stored under ground in a shipping container. He simply has a small shed built over the entrance and a wood door that he built himself. He has wine, food, and lots of guns in there. That is fine and dandy, but he just broadcasted to the whole United States that he has all his stuff stashed there. This is a HUGE flag that says "come rob me". When are these folks going to learn that part of preparing for such a disaster, whether it be economic or otherwise, is that you keep it to yourself? The last thing you want is for every person in town to come knocking at your door. In a desparate sitiuation ordinary people will be nice at first, but they will become animals once starvation sets in. I watch the show because I get a couple good ideas from it every now and then, but that's it. The show is also creating a whole new class of preppers that will undoubtedly make a run for the store and start buying survival goods, etc. Which will cause huge price increases in said goods. I have a small food and water stash, along with the necessary tools and supplies for survival. My main plan is to simply live off the land. There are plenty of small animals and water springs in East Tennessee to supply my family of three for a while. You can only stash so much before eventually having to do what people in the old days done, which is hunt their own food. I have military training and my wife and I were taught how to hunt, fish, and grow food from the time we were children. We'll be fine. The main means of survival for us will be banding up with a large group of people to increase security and provide more means of gathering and storing food. Community will be extremely important. The only thing I am worried about is those city slickers and hood rats that think the grocery store is their only means of survival. They won't have a grocery store anymore, so they'll try to take it from others.
  22. There is still hope. If only there were thousands more like him. Bless that man.
  23. This infuriated me so much that I just went straight to the NRA's website and renewed my membership. It expired a while back and I neglected to restart it. I also got a couple new T-Shirts while I was at it. Anti-gun morons like Bloomberg sure do a great job of boosting the NRA's ranks. He's a great marketing tool for pro-gun folks such as myself. The NRA does use a lot of tactics to boost its membership, but Bloomberg and Obama are real threats to our 2nd Amendment. And the NRA is our greatest weapon. Here's a question I would like to have answered. If guns are not needed then why does Bloomberg's body guards all carry them? Why does Obama need Secret Service guys that carry guns? Why do banks have armed security guards? Yes, those questions are all pulled directly off the NRA's website. But they do make a very good and relevant point.
  24. Here is an email I just sent to Mayor Bloomberg's new campaign to stop SYG. "I for one, will never support your campaign. Â And frankly, now that I am aware of it I will do everything in my power to rally people against it. Â SYG laws make it possible for average citizens to defend themselves from hostile attacks by a criminal who is intent on doing harm to them or those around them. Your campaign is just another attempt by Mayor Bloomberg to strip 2nd amendment rights away from law abiding citizens one law at a time. He needs to take a look at his own city as a shining example that gun control does not work and it will never work. Â Taking those rights away from a law abiding citizen only enables a criminal and creates more innocent victims. Â One incident is not a justification to rally against the right of Americans to defend themselves from attack. Â This campaign will be futile and I will rally behind the NRA to ensure that, along with other people who oppose your campaign. Just thought I'd let you know. Thank you and have a great day."
  25. I wish that moron would just keep his mouth shut. If guns are so bad then why are most of highest crime areas in the country those that have strict gun control? Some examples of cities and states are Illinois, California, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, East St. Louis, NEW YORK CITY. Maybe that idiot Bloomberg should try explaining why his city is such a crap hole where thugs prey on citizens every day with guns they procured ILLEGALLY. But I guess hood rats and thieves have more rights than a regular law abiding citizen. Right? If Bloomberg doesn't like our gun laws then maybe he should move to England. I really can't stand that idiot.


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