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Everything posted by Seabeejason

  1. When are these media slime balls going to give it up? Already about 30 homicides in Chicago this month alone and they're all over this story. RIP to those who lost their lives. Not to the shooter though, he can burn in hell. http://news.yahoo.com/police-minn-office-shooter-among-several-dead-010359263.html
  2. They want to ban lead bullets because they "poison our wildlife". Seriously? I'm pretty sure that critter is going to die due to that lead bullet piercing it's skull before it dies of "lead poisoning".
  3. Never thought about it much, but I suppose going out in a blaze of glory while taking a few Taliban rag heads with me wouldn't be a bad way to go. Maybe once I get to the other side I'll get the chance to shoot 'em again.
  4. The United States has done it many times, indirectly of course. The Russians and the Chinese have a large interest in this little debacle. China needs oil and Russia likes to stir sh*t with the United States.
  5. Well, I do believe in Jesus and the like. But, if we were to chuck that aside and think about other reasons to support Israel in this endeavor there is still compelling motivation to do so. For one, we all know that Iran has repeatedly publicly called for the complete annihilation of Israel. They have even went as far as to deny the Holocaust. Another thing we know is that Iran is definitely pursuing the means to create nuclear "energy". They have admitted this several times. So, when we couple the fact that Iran is definitely seeking to enrich uranium for nuclear purposes and the fact that they want to destroy Israel their purpose is pretty damn clear in my eyes. Israel is only 800 miles from Iran's nuclear facilities. That's about the distance of Kansas to Tennessee. Once Iran has nuclear warheads it will not be hard for them to be delivered to their targets. And who's to say that they will not automatically target U.S. bases in the region? They know that if they were to strike Israel that the United States would swiftly retaliate, so why not just preemptively strike U.S. bases too? Israel knows that Iran is doing this to make weapons and frankly Americans know it too. Iran's regime is as extreme as it gets. Why would they give a crap about having nuclear capabilities for "medicine"? They don't. I do not want another war started with yet another Middle Eastern country. Our country cannot afford it and the world economy will not be able to absorb the shock that a huge Middle Eastern war will deliver. But I think that it is getting to the point that our hand is going to be forced, one way or another. Iran has already said that they will attack our bases in the region if Israel attacks them. They said that any actions by Israel will be dictated as an action by the United States. So there you have it. It won't be pretty. Iran is not Iraq. A military campaign against Iran will be very costly in terms of human life if we have to put boots on the ground. But the alternative is possibly having millions of innocent people killed by a regime that's hell bent on annihilating Israel. I'd rather fight than see that happen. It's a shame that the Iranian people will get dragged into this. They are just trying to survive like the rest of us. When I was in Iraq I met lots of great people. Heck, if it weren't for the Iraqi civilians we wouldn't have had any cold water most of the time. I hope the Iranian government will get their heads out of their asses and stop trying to live in the stone age before this gets any worse.
  6. I have a very good job right now, but I had to move 400 miles to take it. There are literally no good paying jobs back where I'm from. I sent out resumes to dozens of resumes and couldn't even get a phone call returned from 99% of them. Those that did offered me a starting wage that I considered insulting. I worked odd jobs for an entire year before I was finally hired by my current employer. It's a good example of how the economy may be doing decent in some parts of the country while it is not doing so well in others. I could have stayed in southeast Missouri and worked a much lower paying job, but I didn't spend 10 years in the military and 5 years in college to work for a wage I could have achieved without it. Heck, even in East Tennessee the job market is not great for those without some sort of advanced degree (engineering, etc). Lots of factories are hiring, but the pay is terrible and the ones that do pay well are hiring at a sluggish pace. If I was to do things over again I would have gotten a degree in some sort of medical profession. That seems to be the only field that you can find a job just about anywhere. Of course, with ObamaCare kicking in I am not sure how good the outlook is for that. Judging from the latest reports our economy is slowing yet again. So, I would have to say that things are getting worse. We're not at that point of it being absolutely terrible, but we're getting there pretty darn quick.
  7. I agree. Our politicians like to demonize other countries to deflect the blame. Our "leaders" are the ones that have gotten us into this mess. They are currently our biggest threat due to their inability to come up with some sort of solution. They only want to get reelected. That's their only concern. As for Japan, I do not see them as any kind of a threat. They are one of our strongest allies and the are dependent upon the United States for defense from countries like China.
  8. I know that. My analogy was simply that...just an analogy. To say that China will keep buying our debt because their economy is dependent on ours is simply a mistake. China is investing heavily all over the world. They are diversifying heavily to insulate them from economic turbulence in the United States or otherwise. Not to mention the fact that they are buying up gold and other resources at an astounding rate. China knows that they can no longer be dependent on the United States for their growth. Also, the United States is heavily dependent on the dollar remaining the world reserve currency. All it would take is for that to change. China is definitely a force to be reckoned with. They may only hold a small chunk of our debt, but what if they decided to suddenly and completely stop buying U.S. debt? Every other country and investor may decide to do the same. Then it's game over. Currently, United States treasury bonds are a safe haven. Who knows how long that will last with the dire financial situation of the U.S. Also, holding over $1 trillion in U.S. debt is a great strategic advantage. If the United States ever succeeds in really pissing off China they can just dump all those treasuries onto the market at the same time. That would drive up interest rates and cause rapid inflation. Right now, this could hurt China because it would make their products cost more in the United States. Plus, the world economy as a whole is not currently doing well. But eventually that will not be the case as demand picks up in other countries such as Brazil, India, Russia, and China due to a growing middle and upper class. It's food for thought at least.
  9. I read the other day that when the national debt hit $16 trillion it equaled approximately $50,000.00 of debt for every person (including children) living in the United States. That's $140,000.00 for every taxpayer. To understand how much of a threat this debt is to our nation you need to scale it down to something more simple. Imagine an individual that has really good credit. The credit card companies send him several credit cards in the mail. Each card has at least a $10,000.00 limit. Knowing that he makes a good salary at his job he decides to take advantage of the credit and the extremely low introductory interest rates knowing he can easily afford to make the payments. Fairly soon he starts buying televisions, guns, and other nice things with these credit cards. The debt starts accumulating, but he can still afford the payments, so he keeps spending thinking that eventually he will start paying off the debt. Soon, all the credit cards are nearly maxed out. The payments have become a burden, but he can still make them even though most of what he is paying is interest. Since he still has good credit the banks send him a couple more credit cards. He uses them and starts accumulating more debt. Then all of a sudden a few financial difficulties hit and he misses a few payments. The credit card companies then decide to reevaluate his credit worthiness due to the missed payments. They realize he is overextending himself and decide to reduce his credit lines on the remaining two cards and and his credit score is then downgraded. At the same time the introductory interest rates on the other cards expire. The guy with once outstanding credit is now on the brink of bankruptcy and can't meet his payment obligations on his debt. The United States is the guy with the credit cards and the credit card company is China, among other countries. Eventually countries like China are going to stop extending credit. When that happens it's all over. The United States is at the point now that it cannot afford to pay down the principal on the debt, so it pays interest and gets more loans. It's only a matter of time. Our current GDP is $15.3 trillion. http://www.usdebtclock.org/ "The single biggest threat to our national security is our debt". -Admiral Mike Mullen Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  10. i didn't realize they were biased. Looks like it's run by Liberals. I deleted the link.
  11. This is not as bad as the story above makes it out to be. It's fairly one sided. Take a look at the link below from Fact Check. *Deleted* I have a GMC Sierra in the drive-way. It's a good truck, but my next one will likely be a Ford F-150 or a Toyota Tundra. But I have other reasons for that.
  12. I started a thread on this a couple weeks ago. Mods feel free to merge them.
  13. "She took a gun and shot him ten times, several times in his private parts, before cutting off his head and hurling it into the village square at Yalvac". I almost feel sorry for him......but not really.
  14. And he killed them with a .22 rifle to boot. It's just too bad he didn't get the other two scum bags. http://www.wlwt.com/news/local-news/news-northern-kentucky/Boone-County-homeowner-shoots-kills-intruder/-/13608792/16463942/-/b33lt6z/-/index.html
  15. Yup, we have to do everything we can to not let America end up like the U.K. The minute we decide that we have won the fight is the same minute we will lose our right to defend ourselves with our firearms. We have to be vigilant.
  16. Seabeejason

    M&P 15-22?

    I have been thinking about getting one myself. I have a 1965 Marlin Golden 39A, so it has been hard for me to justify buying another .22 even though the 15-22's look really fun. I do have a question though. I looked at a couple of them yesterday and couldn't help but notice the S&W's had a fully synthetic lower. I looked at the Colt's (made by Walther) and they are metal. Are all the S&W's synthetic or is it just one particular model?
  17. Wow, this guy basically calls out the white race as nothing but a bunch of murdering hillbilly racists. I cannot believe that The Tennessean allowed this garbage to be put on their website. He talks about the shootings in Nashville, but fails to talk about where those particular guns likely come from. They are all likely obtained illegally by the gang banging thugs that commit the crimes. We don't have shootings every day in Knoxville. I wonder why that is....... This guy is just another douchebag that has a grudge against a particular race. Nothing more.
  18. I think I'll choose the one on the Right. The one on the Left looks a little runny and doesn't have any consistency. It's also got some dirt in it and the base looks all unorganized.
  19. I liked it, but his age is starting to show. He definitely got lost a few times, but the man is 82 years old. I can only hope that I am alive and kicking that well if I ever make it to his age. He made some good points and best of all his speech wasn't a script. People should cut this dude a break. Clint Eastwood is the shiznit
  20. What we need is some sort of super-ban on shooting people because all the regular bans aren't working.
  21. I ride my Harley while OCing all the time. I also OC at the stores too. I will occasionally flip the shirt over it, but it's still hard to hide.
  22. I would have jerked it back out of their hand and told them to get screwed. The law states that you just have to change your address with the state. I moved recently and that is exactly what my local Drivers License Center told me. As long as it's updated in the state's system you're good.
  23. I decided to research the complications of Lasik last night. And after doing all that research I have decided to just stick with glasses and contacts. Apparently, there are a lot more life long complications that can occur that the docs do not bother to tell you about. Things like permanent severe dry eye, severely impaired night vision, and lots of other things that can diminish quality of life. I also read that Lasik patients will usually end up back in glasses eventually and that it is a lot harder to operate on a cataracts patient and correct their eyes if they have had Lasik. I even read that some folks have even committed suicide due to their permanent eye problems they received as a result of Lasik. No thanks. I can get by just fine without Lasik.


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