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Everything posted by eRay

  1.   I guess that is possible, but I can see no reason for him to have paid a $200 transfer stamp to transfer it to a trust when as a Special Occupational Taxpayer, he can own and use as many suppressors as he wants without paying any transfer tax. He also would not need a chief law enforcement Officers signature to purchase it for his business. When I had a Class 3 license, I never transfered a firearm to myself.When I gave up the license, all machine guns and suppressors left in inventory became my personal property without having to pay $200 each to transfer them.
  2. We all know he does this stuff to get attention and they reward him by giving it to him. He is a licensed SOT Class 3 dealer and it is legal for him to possess the suppressor. The registration for the suppressor was wrapped around the suppressor in the gun case. The officers probably should have checked to make sure the rifle was unloaded, checked the registration on the suppressor, then give him a citation for disorderly conduct or something and sent him on his way. They did just what he wanted them to do. 
  3. Glock prices seem to be down. I bought three new Glock Generation 3 Model 19's off Gunbroker a couple of weeks ago for $469 each.
  4. Nothing I like better than being told that all white people are racists by a black president that the white people elected twice.
  5. Can you really blame them. Used to be all a criminal had to worry about was a cop happening by a crime and shooting him. Now they have to worry that every potential victim could shoot them. If I were a thug, I would be protesting against Stand You Ground As Well.
  6. I went to look at a foreclosed property that was up for auction last month. A neighbor walked down to the road and inquired as to what I was doing there. I calmly informed him that I was there to look at a piece of property that was for sale. Once he saw that I was there for a legal purpose, he filled me in on all the details of the property and the neighborhood. I did not punch him in the nose or beat his head on the sidewalk. In return, he did not shoot me. We both parted on friendly terms. If Trayvon Martin had been my son, I would have taught him the proper way to interact with others.
  7. The only opinion that is worth a diddly squat is the 6 people on that jury and they have spoken.
  8.   I think this  sums up the situation better than anyone else has explained it. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is exactly what happened.
  9. It is always easier to pull a trigger that to watch your brains leak out of your ears from pounding your head on the cement.
  10.   CHild ABUSE. I must have missed something. I was unaware that Zimmerman had sodomized Martin.
  11.   We would probably all be safer if we stayed in our trucks all the time. That said, I still get out of mine on occasion and I do not want anyone beating my head on the ground if I get out. I will shoot you.
  12. There may not be a not guilty verdict. The six women on the jury may decide that it would be better to sacrifice one innocent man than to start the looting, rioting, and burning that might cost many more lives. That would not be my decision but it could well be theirs.
  13. eRay

    G19 advice

    I would probably sell it for that. I just called the seller and got two more for the same price. Don't know if he has more but the Gunbroker listing number was 349815989. They also have a Davidsons lifetime warranty.
  14.   Actually 4473's are never destroyed. A dealer must keep them until he closes his business. When he closes his business he must send them to the " ATF OUT of Business Division" where they scan one million documents per day and file them on microflitch for future traces.It is illegal to store them on a computer for a registry but not to scan them and file them for future traces.
  15. eRay

    G19 advice

    I just bought a new Gen 3 model 19 on Gunbroker for $469 plus $19 shipping and $30 transfer fee.
  16. The sidewalk is deadly enough for me. If you pound my head on the sidewalk, plan on getting shot..
  17. Based on the strong opinions expressed on this forum, I am predicting a hung jury.
  18. There is defininately a double standard in this country. If Zimmerman had been black and Martin had been white, none of us would have ever heard of this case.
  19. Had 4 at the Athens Walmart Wednesday. $1295 each.
  20. Background checks run through TICS are good for 30 days. If for some reason you need to come back later and pick up the gun, the dealer can use the background check for up to the 30 days. However if you buy a second gun at a later time ( even the same day ) another background check is required.
  21. Take a couple of road flares. They smoke like crazy and smell but they are super hot and burn for 15 minutes. I have started lots of wet brush fires burning with them. They are so hot that I have started a fire from a pile of coal along the railroad track with no kindling.
  22. If they get semi automatic rifles and hi cap mags today, They will be after semi auto pistols tomorrow. When they get them they will be after shotguns then revolvers. Their ultimate goal is to eliminate all guns. Everytime we compromise, we are moving them one step closer to that goal.
  23. If they get semi automatic rifles and hi cap mags today, They will be after semi auto pistols tomorrow. When they get them they will be after shotguns then revolvers. Their ultimate goal is to eliminate all guns. Everytime we compromise, we are moving them one step closer to that goal.
  24. They will never go door to door. What they will do is give us a 90 day amnesty period to turn them in. After that , anyone caught with one will get an automatic 10 year prison sentence with no chance of parole. When the local police come to your house one day because you and your wife have an argument and she tells them you own a gun they will send you away for 10 years. After your friends see what happens to you, most of them will get rid of their firearms. 
  25. I had a great day. Sold 15 handguns and almost all my ammo. 26 more to sell tomorrow and I can retire. Thank you to all of you who bought something today. I really appreciate it.


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