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Everything posted by hipower

  1. I've only met a few of the TGO members in person, but I can attest to the fact that every one I have has been a pleasure to talk with and seemed to be completely as they appear in print here. But this example of honorability far surpasses what many people today would give all these "rightwing [and some lefties too, I think] gunnut extremists'' credit for. It is an honor and a privilege to be even loosely associated to such a great group of people as these examples of our membership.:no1:
  2. hipower

    Decided on a 1911

    Don't think you'll go wrong with a SA. I have had a LW Loaded Champion Operator for about a year, and after a few FTF and a break in period, it has been a great pistol. Good crisp trigger and very accurate. The only issue I've had was not the fault of the gun, had some old mags with weak springs that needed replacing. Otherwise it's great. I think Magic's right about the stainless finish for resale.
  3. Didn't RK Shows put on the shows at the old Smyrna Walmart? If it was, should be a decent show. But isn't the location the National Guard building? How much room is there?
  4. Can't go wrong with the xd/sc! I've had one in 9mm for about a year and love it. VERY accurate. Easy to hold and shoot. And I too like the grip safety. I've been getting into 1911's for the last few years so I don't really notice it. I'm into my third xd now and haven't found anything that holds and shoots better. Except maybe my SA LT Operator in 45. Anyway, got off track. My father-in-law was given an xdsc 9 for his birthday last year and he, his son, and I went out to shoot it and several other guns that day. I didn't get really impressed until I shot it. I was stunned at the accuracy from that little 3'' gun. And the feel was great. We went to several shops that afternoon until I found one. Took it home that day. Great little gun.
  5. The 22 revolvers are a blast to shoot. And cheap too. Good looking piece.
  6. Baxter?? I'm from Baxter. Left there in 1974 and still have lot of family in the area. You picked a pretty nice place. Land still fairly reasonable. Pretty good air. Not too many Yankees and Undocumented immigrants yet. All joking aside; it's a good area. It's changed alot since I moved, but still nice to go back. What part did you buy in, if you don't mind saying? Anyway. Welcome home.
  7. Absolutely Beautiful Guns!!! And I completely agree with the "Pass It On" . I'm a fair shooter at best with limited knowledge but I like nothing more than introducing someone to the shooting sports and helping foster the love of guns and shooting.
  8. hipower

    XD or XDm

    This is personal opinion only. Many will disagree with me but you asked for differences between the xd/xdm series. So.. I like the xd series better. Even withe the multiple backstraps, the xdm line is just too large for my hands. It doesn't sit quite comfortably in grip/shooting position. The ergonomic and cosmetic upgrades are good but are they enough to warrant the $150+ price differences? And as 10mm4me added, very few of us can really tell the difference in the match grade and regular barrel in a gun that shoots as well as the xd platform does? Over the last few years, I've acquired two full size xd and one xdsc and find the sc to be my personal favorite. Its a 9mm and shoots amazingly well for a short barrel gun. Once again, these are my opinions about them and are probably going to have many in total disagreement with them. Just get what feels best and shoots best for you. You won't go wrong with any xd.
  9. I have a PT140 and really like it; But wouldn't consider it a "pocket pistol" in the usual sense. It's a good carry size for iwb carry [although I prefer a belt holster personally]; but not sure if you mean pants pocket or even light jacket pocket. If you want a pants pocket carry, I'd really consider something like the 809 Slim or a Keltec. Although I don't care for the trigger pull on the 9mm keltec. JMO
  10. Big +1. I have a commander size Operator that shoots better than the Colt Officers model and my S&W 945 Micro. Sorry for the further hijack.
  11. Does kinda sound like him.
  12. My thinking is that lasers do have a place and are useful to guys like myself with eye issues and for the wives who don't shoot regularly. I have CT grips on a Jframe for my wife, and am planning on one for a K frame. I have found that after a little time sighting in, the dot and impact point on the jframe are in perfect unity from extreme close range out to about 30 yards, at least by sandbag testing. Wife likes her gun with them so I'd give them a +1. Also considering a set for house and carry guns for me. JMO
  13. hipower

    New Toy

    I've heard many good things about the RIA pistols and wouldn't hesitate to have one if the chance occurred. Good looking pistol. Have fun with it. I really like the Commander size.
  14. I'll echo Mike357's comment, the Springfield looks great. I have an Operator and love it.
  15. hipower

    Sigma .40

    I got a Sigma 40 on a trade several years ago. I'd agree with 90%+ on these comments--long heavy trigger, somewhat bulky,accurate, good shooter, really good gun for the price, and pretty much a copy of the Glock 22. Put them side by side and you'll be surprised at how much so. As for the trigger job from S&W, that sounds like a good idea. I didn't know they'd do it free of charge. John Wall at Eastside [shades of He Who Must Not Be Named] did some work on mine and improved the trigger considerably. I can't quote the price for it was an "inside" deal. But I understand that $25-35 range for the work. Anyway, I'd not call the Sigma a pos, not the greatest pistol either; but a good servieable weapon at a reasonable price.
  16. Just tried the release on my onw xd9sc. As with some others, the release is a little hard. But I must say I really hadn't noticed it before or had it bother me. Could it be the power of suggestion? But I really can't say the release pressure needed is excessive or much different than that of other autoloaders I have. Not saying that it is not irritating to some of us with smaller hands; but I can't say it seems excessive. I have about 400 rounds thru mine and the only issue is that the 10 round mag has a slight rattle when fully loaded. Drop to 9 rounds and no sound. I've taken the mag apart and can't see any obvious problems. It functions perfectly, just has that little rattle with a full load in it.
  17. hipower


    Some nights around here sound like a slow day at a good range.
  18. hipower


    No citations. Just a very stern warning while he tried to keep from laughing. I don't think he'd ever seen a possum before and had to be convinced that it was a varmint and not same tame animal.
  19. hipower


    You had to see it to believe. The little sucker kept trying to make a nest in my storage building and I kept running it out. We finally had a showdown about midnight under the full moon. I won the battle. But almost lost the war when Metro arrived to check out the noise. Every light in the area was on, and several neighbors watching as I explained to a young, thankfully sympathetic and understanding officer about dispatching the critter.
  20. I realize that I'm out of touch with the "street fashions", but how does the washer keep his pants up? Seriously? Are they attached to the boxers? And no, I don't get it either.
  21. hipower


    Congratulations on having a home where you can step out on your porch and fire away. Always wanted to be able to do that. But my neighbors here in the city take a dim view of it. I think every person in several hundred yards woke up and called the local LEOs when I took out a rampaging possum in the back yard with a flashlight and a .38.
  22. Great looking!! I am:drool:
  23. My grateful thanks to TnTitan for his offer. I had accepted conditionally if my wife could go, but she has objections. So...some one please accept this offer and have a great time at the game. And once again, A big "Thank You" for the offer.


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