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Everything posted by trblmkr13

  1. You could look into Hi-Points they are a lost cost option
  2. Welcome and try a XD out while you look at Glocks
  3. trblmkr13

    Got me a new toy

    I have a XDm in 9mm and its my favorite range pistol
  4. Camp Foster I spent 2 years there
  5. This definately signals a good change for mainstream America
  6. Whats the recoil like on the slim?
  7. Foxnews has it at the top of the web page
  8. Revis is great but he can still only cover 1 receiver and Peyton likes to spread the ball around
  9. Seems like they are just waiting to see if there is an uproar
  10. +1 SWJewellTN I design call centers and have had similar experiences
  11. Kel-Tec 3AT with desantis nemisis
  12. Colts and Saints like it or not
  13. I got excited for a few minutes still looks like an interesting gun
  14. If anyone is interested here is some more info http://www.ruger.com/pdf/specs/SR9c.pdf
  15. The 17 +1 is with the grip extension so that really is only 1 better than the XDsc


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