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Everything posted by trblmkr13

  1. Welcome from Nolensville I am also a refugee from the Oceanside area
  2. Nothing would shock me I try to expect the worst
  3. I don't think you could qualify shooting 410's, how would they score it?
  4. I am curious about recoil and price
  5. We will continue to slow down until Fiber is brought into neighborhoods the coaxial cable technology is maxed out and it was not designed for 2 way communications
  6. What about Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry?
  7. trblmkr13


    It doesn't look to bad, wonder how they hold up?
  8. Stories like this drive me nuts its straight corruption
  9. This will probably start an uproar but what the hell 1. The job is not as good as the fans want it to be (See Notre Dame) 2. Expectations for are not reasonable 3. This years recruiting class is getting thinner every day and 3 of last years good recruiting class have already been dismissed At best UT gets a cordinator with no head coaching experience from a top tier team, at worst you get a recently fired coach (Mike Leach or Jim Leavitt)
  10. I just don't like Jay Leno
  11. I would guess History channel's core audience is veterans and gun owners, Liberals don't care about history unless they are trying to rewrite it


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