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Everything posted by jgradyc

  1. Just an update. I ordered two pair... one wireless frame and one sunglass metal frame from Zenni for about $30 apiece. The quality was as good as my regular eyeglass purchases locally. I'm pretty rough on glasses, but they have held up extremely well over the past four months. I just ordered a couple more pair. There's a coupon for 10% off SIGNUP10 that works. Again, my cost for a single vision sunglasses were $28 and $33 apiece.
  2. I've always wanted a multitool or two. Maybe one in the house and one in the car. I have a couple that I would say are junk. I can't justify paying $80. It doesn't have to be a leatherman... just something that won't break in my hand if I need to use the screwdriver or whatever. Oh, it doesn't have to have scissors, but if it does, they have to actually work.
  3. Maybe it's just me, but when I see a tennis racket bag, I think GUN, unless the guy dresses the part and drives a BMW/Infinity/Volvo. If you're wearing boots, overweight, or wearing a Carhartt jacket.... well, it's not fooling me.
  4. I did this today. It worked like a charm. There's a washer that's a near perfect fit. I didn't think to check the size, but at home it measures 9/16 I.D. and 1 3/8 OD. The clerk rang it up as a 1/2 inch, so I'm not sure what size it really is. Regardless, for 33 cents I now have a "wrench" to remove subborn CR2032 covers. Thanks for the idea!
  5. I have a bicycle computer with one of those CR2032 batteries. It is the kind that opens with a recessed slot about the width of a quarter that you twist about an eighth turn to open. I've used a quarter and I can't get this thing to open. It's beginning to gouge the plastic edges. It's way too wide for a screwdriver. How can I open this darn thing?
  6. Thanks, I assume these SiriusXM radios will transmit to Bluetooth as well? That would be a plus.
  7. I'm thinking about getting a SiriusXM radio that I can use in my old car (2000 Subaru) and also on my old Kubota tractor. I'm pretty sure I can handle mounting it and the antenna on my tractor, but is it hard to mount these things in a car? I'd just keep the existing radio, I guess, otherwise I'd have to fill the hole where it goes. Any suggestions on how to do this?
  8. I haven't started watching this season yet. Is it worth even watching?
  9. I've only had them a short time, but I like the 5.11 Tactical 1.5" Leather Casual belt. If you're skinny enough to wear a small (under 31" waist), they are dirt cheap on eBay. I paid $17 for brown and $25 for black.
  10. I don't see disallowing the manufacture of full auto weapons as significant restriction of my 2nd Amendment right to own firearms. I'll stand my previous statement that President Reagan's actions were on the whole favorable to the 2nd Amendment.
  11. So, as President, Reagan's actions overall were favorable to the 2nd Amendment. His statements while President supported the 2nd Amendment. As far as California is concerned, I could give a fat rats' behind about what California does.
  12. What did Reagan do that was so bad? Genuine question.
  13. Anyone here using the Apple Watch? There's a fitness app for it that tracks calories burned. My training partner really obsesses over hers. It beeps or something if you're sedentary for an hour to remind you to get up and move around. I think she tries to burn 500 calories per day. It's pretty accurate for running and rowing, but not too good for exercises where your hands don't move, like Farmers Carry. I only need to lose five pounds, so I monitor body fat percentage instead using calipers that cost about $9 and an online calculator here. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/how-to-measure-your-body-fat.html EDITED: The reason I like this approach is that even though my weight is about the same as one month ago, my body fat percent as dropped from 13.8% to 13.2%.
  14. Contrast is a bit too stark. Testing the picture posting...
  15. After reading One Second After, it seems to me that Faraday cages aren't going to be very helpful.  So your phone, laptop, portable radio, and iPad survive... so what? All you'll hear is silence. What are you going to do with these devices if there is no power and you can't get on the internet? You can't put your car's electronics in a Faraday cage.   If you have a shortwave radio, maybe that would be helpful, provided you have a way to use solar power to charge the batteries.   My thinking after reading One Second After is that all my old bicycles are going to be worth their weight in gold... scratch that, gold will be worthless... worth their weight in salt, ammo, rice, dried beans, etc. I'd bet that my 20 year old Schwinn would be an even trade for a handgun. 
  16. Thanks. This explains what why the door was locked with keys inside.
  17. Like hipower says, do what the docs tell you.   Sixteen years ago, I had inguinal hernia surgery. The doc said no running for six weeks. I felt great and started back running at five weeks. It tore something and even though it's not enough to find as a hernia, it still hurts once and a while now. Like I said, that was 16 years ago. Don't try to come back faster than the doctor says.
  18. You won't believe this...   I wondered how accessible my plug wires were, so I opened the hood to see. They're easily accessible on my 2000 Subaru, but when I looked, one of my plug wires was almost completely in two.  :eek:  One side of the wire was blown off or chewed off... hard to tell.    Not sure what would cause this. It looks kinda like the wire exploded and blew out one side of the covering, but enough of the wire was left to keep running. No burning anywhere on the wire. I'm guessing the spark was jumping the tiny gap so the car was still running, although I had noticed some skipping yesterday.    Back to the OP. How does one change oil without opening the hood? How do you open the hood with the door locked? Why would you lock the door after opening the hood and take the keys out of the car? And finally, doesn't the remote start also unlock the car door?  It just seems like an odd progression of unlikely events.
  19. I just finished reading One Second After, a very sobering book. It got me to thinking, what survival skill do I have that's important enough to be accepted into a community. I have guns and ammo, but those are tools, not skills. I'm not a hunter, but frankly, hunting isn't rare in Tennessee, so a community might already have enough hunters.    I think my skill would be the ability to fix almost any bicycle. It's not a common skill and bicycles could be valuable once gasoline is no longer available.  
  20. You might want to rethink this. If the power goes off and stays off in a major SHTF situation, lights at night will be like a beacon to your home.   To the clueless masses, it says you have stuff and they'll show up at your door asking for help. To the bad guys, it says you're prepared and might have lots of other stuff they want to take from you.  
  21. Thanks. I've noticed that I get tire wear on the outside with 32 lb pressure, which is another reason I've gone up to 35. Based on your experience, I may go up to 40 after I drive at 35 for a while to see what 35 feels like.
  22. This simply is not accurate. As you have implied, if the tail of the shirt or vest snags in the trigger guard, it can pull the trigger. If the top edge of the holster gets caught in the trigger guard, it can pull the trigger. If you stick your thumb into the trigger guard while holstering or trying to catch a falling gun, it can pull the trigger. Add that to the fact that it is almost impossible to reholster in the 5 o'clock position without painting your hips. Plus, you can't see the holster in the 5 o'clock position.    I don't reholster while wearing a holster. I take the holster off. The only time I reholster while wearing the holster is when I'm practicing drawing drills with an empty gun and dummy snap-caps.   Sorry... rant over... Do whatever you like...
  23. Background: I have a 2000 Subaru Legacy Outback. The manual calls for 30psi front and 29psi back. The tires are Goodyear Viva 3 all season tire stamped with a 51psi max pressure rating.    I routinely use 35psi for tire pressure. The reason is that I prefer a firmer ride and I can feel the sidewalls "roll" a bit taking exits on the interstate below 30psi. Can I safely go higher? Will it adversely affect handling?
  24. I don't have a carport, my car is parked beside the house,  but I've given this scenario some thought.    1. I never keep anything of value in my car overnight.  2. I'd turn on the floodlights without calling out or showing myself. That would chase away the thief without putting myself at risk. 3. I'd carry a long gun and go out on the upper deck, which gives me the high ground and some cover. 4. I'd call the police.   I'm NOT going to risk going to court over shooting some POS meth addict stealing my old flip flops or sunglasses. I'm not going to attempt a citizen's arrest. What if the guy has an accomplice you haven't seen yet? I'm not going to put myself at higher risk. I have a responsibility to my family to keep my personal risk as low as possible and not risk escalating a scenario.    If I were the OP, I'd wire a motion sensor outdoor floodlight at my car that would ding in the house. I'd also invest in a super bright flashlight. 


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