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Uselton Arms!


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Well there is one thing Rick Uselton has done for me, He has been my background on my labtop with the picture of him with his booger hook on the bang button. Reminding everyday of how he could really take a picture like that for a newspaper. So not only does he want to get rid of gunshows for his own personal gain, he also does not practice proper firearm safety.

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Sarcasm? understand?:slapfight:

I work there, and i know who and how i am. i don't let a single person come in the store without asking them if they need any help or would like to see anything. i know most of the members by first name and have become very close with many of them. but whoever it is, i am a genuinely nice and thoughtful person, i have been working in retail for 12 years, and on a personal level, the posts about the staff are what really hurts me at least, not that i dont feel inclined to defend my soon to be father in law. anyone who reads this, lets start over, because the staff is not at all the same from the madison or goodletsville stores, and i personally would love to try to maybe change some opinions. My name is hayden, and i seriously and with welcome, ask that any of you come in and ask for me, and see if maybe i can't improve prior experiences or pre-judgements. i am confident that those of you may find yourself pleasantly surprised.

I dont know if you ever got a proper welcome here, so WELCOME! :)

So now that we understand that you are part of Ricks business and family, its easy to see why you would want to protect and defend him and his business.

Want to REALLY help Rick?

Spend some time on this forum and read ALL the posts regarding him.

Read what people have to say about him, his business practices, how they feel ripped off by his prices, and all the other frustrations they have with this man and his political views.

Now, don't waste your time posting in every anti-Rick thread, telling us how he loves puppies, and donates to the Red Cross.

The members here won't buy it.

What you CAN do is take these thoughts and opinions back to Rick, sit him down, and explain that he may want to address them in his business and life.

Perhaps Rick is a super nice, pro-2A, generous man. But the overwhelming opinion here is that he is not.

Good luck.

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Guest malbolja
couple things, just from an objective observer

At the least, you are by your own admission engaged to one of Rick's employees, so you are NOT objective.

- find me a staff at any of the "local" gun shops that are more knowledgeable, more friendly, and more willing to go above and beyond for their customers.

Judging by 99% of the posts here (ALL of them but yours), almost any shop in the area has that covered.

-i hope I'm not the only one seeing the painfully obvious bias involved in the refined individuals posting here

Did you also notice that everyone here that has set foot in that shop has the same opinion? Why do you think that is? I suppose they're all jealous of Rick and his sterling reputation. :slapfight:

Seriously - how do you explain the consistently negative opinions presented here?

- if not that then perhaps the level of maturity, and any real motivation to constructively do anything about their woes, could be evidence that these supposed "facts" should be taken with a grain of salt.

Right along with your opinion.

personally i feel sad for whatever gun-store owner needs to deal with the customer that seems to be obsessed with taking a dump as retribution.

Yeah that's pretty over the top. I took it as a joke, but with your persecution complex I'm not surprised that you didn't.

-you know maybe id be able to take these here posters a bit more seriously if they considered anything remotely realistic in terms of making an impact, or at least capitalizing on what seems to be the most simple job/business around according to what i read.

They ARE making an impact - they are refraining from doing business there.

-you know what i would love to see... no its not an upper decker... hmm no its not the arrogant gun-store owners primarily behind these posts no... oh yes, i would love to see anyone open a gun-store in franklin, heck, open one next door.

-you should have no problem finding your way through the complicated zoning control of the town, certainly no problem with building a state of the art facility with the absolute cleanest range and air quality in the state.

-you should have no problem reflecting on your contractor history to properly build a building that functions safely while containing thousands of rounds per day.

-it would be incredible, you could charge your own high or low prices and let everyone use your range for free, no membership just stop on by load'er up and shoot away. I'm assuming you have connections with a large insurance firm to cover the 400 pages worth of specific restrictions.

-since its apparently nothing but gouging customers nobody should have a problem,

Rick can charge whatever he wants. People don't have to pay it. You can get better prices without even leaving Franklin. I haven't heard anyone complain (here or IRL) about the facility, just about the price IN COMPARISON TO OTHER LOCAL VENUES - and the attitude of the staff.

i will give you a matter of days before your doors are closed, your shut down, and your broke

Is that what happened to Ricks old store? Maybe word of mouth caught up with him.

- ohhh wait, that would work but everyone posting here has there own little setup, a store, or someone else's gunsmith they use, so yeah it would probably be a better idea just to put all your efforts into stomping a viable competitor with bias falsehoods.

I guess you have a different definition of 'viable competitor' than I do.

on a serious note, anyone reading here, go to Useltons yourself, and make your own opinion, they must be doing something right with 400 very happy members.

OK. I'll do that.

oh and I'm just a rare elated customer...

Can you get the rest of us the family discount? :)

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poak u work for guns and leather, u and metal are cute together thats great.

Get a grip.

1.) I don't now, nor have I ever worked for G&L.

2.) Learn to use caps. Put a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence. If nothing else, it will make the obnoxious whine of your posts seem more tolerable... and seriously, it's "you", not "u". What are you, a 14yr old girl?

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Guest bkelm18
Get a grip.

1.) I don't now, nor have I ever worked for G&L.

2.) Learn to use caps. Put a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence. If nothing else, it will make the obnoxious whine of your posts seem more tolerable... and seriously, it's "you", not "u". What are you, a 14yr old girl?

I'd just leave him be, most trolls move on when they stop being fed.

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  • Administrator


I received an email this morning from someone purporting to be Rick Uselton. I will copy the contents of that email:

Richard Uselton <useltonarms@hotmail.com> to admin@tngunowners.com


you have people writing untrue statements on your web sight it will stop.I am a new member and will not stand for it.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that, per the rules and regulations of the forum and the initial agreement that every new member of TGO must affirm their compliance with before gaining access to the forum, that the opinions posted herein are those of the person posting them and not necessarily those of TGO, the Staff or the Ownership.

We engage in very little "censorship" here and encourage free thought and free discussion of the issues. I'm not sure if the person claiming to be Rick Uselton wants us to begin censoring things that pertain to him, but I of course would refuse to do that so long as the statements are factual and being made in good faith.

This could get interesting. :slapfight:

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What I can't believe is that every gun shop owner in the state is not on this site.

No doubt TGO has been good for business for the better gun shops here in Tennessee. I could name a half dozen off the top of my head I would deal with just because I have read good things about them here.

The not so better gun shops also get found out about. And I would think if they were here on this sight they might get some actual outside insight into how their business is perceived.

It's a win - win situation for the membership here.

I hope the email Tungsten referenced really is Rick Uselton. Maybe he can learn something too.

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Guest Mugster

I never met the guy, so I have no opinion.

I will say the cost of doing business in williamson county is high. And the people that live there can afford a premium product at a premium price. If that's his business model, I say more power to the guy.

Generally speaking though, the gunshow loophole thing is important to me, so if he supports closing it, thats idiocy.

For a hollywood poster pic, finger on the trigger? I dunno if I care. I have a poster of rambo with his finger on the trigger of an M60. That doesn't bother me either.

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Guest 153blue

wow. he has his "son" come trolling in to defend him. then writes tung an email crying because us guys are making fun of him. he just lost all chance of me ever stepping in his shop nonetheless respecting him. what a big OLD baby. let me grab a bucket for you p-rick :rant:

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While I am new here, I think we should just give the guy a break. He does have a nice shop. He is just out there to make a living and provide for his family. I know it has been said before but until you go there and meet the guy for yourself, lets not make a quick judgement about him. I have been there and find them to be great people. I went in there with an open mind and didnt make it up till I was there and left. Yeah they dont have as much inventory as other stores, but who needs to in these times? They can just order what you want and not have to stock it and pay for it before it sells. To me that is smart business. The range is one of the nicest I have been to. I bought some ammo there and it was cheaper than going to any place else. His prices on guns were also very competitive with other places.

I also took my permit class there a few weeks ago and it was great. Very informative. A guy named Tim taught the class and it was very informative. He went through all the stuff but then added more info. Rick also came in there at time and also added very good info for us all to know.

Now I know this will stir up some responses and negative feelings, but I urge all of you to go there yourself with an open mind and give the guy a chance. Dont just judge him and his business because someone else has here. You might be surprised.

BTW, I am not a employee of them nor a member there. These are just my personal opinions. You can take them or leave it.

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Guest bkelm18
While I am new here, I think we should just give the guy a break. He does have a nice shop. He is just out there to make a living and provide for his family. I know it has been said before but until you go there and meet the guy for yourself, lets not make a quick judgement about him. I have been there and find them to be great people. I went in there with an open mind and didnt make it up till I was there and left. Yeah they dont have as much inventory as other stores, but who needs to in these times? They can just order what you want and not have to stock it and pay for it before it sells. To me that is smart business. The range is one of the nicest I have been to. I bought some ammo there and it was cheaper than going to any place else. His prices on guns were also very competitive with other places.

I also took my permit class there a few weeks ago and it was great. Very informative. A guy named Tim taught the class and it was very informative. He went through all the stuff but then added more info. Rick also came in there at time and also added very good info for us all to know.

Now I know this will stir up some responses and negative feelings, but I urge all of you to go there yourself with an open mind and give the guy a chance. Dont just judge him and his business because someone else has here. You might be surprised.

BTW, I am not a employee of them nor a member there. These are just my personal opinions. You can take them or leave it.

I think the point is, based on the NUMEROUS negative experiences about this guy, people don't need to see for themselves. One or two experiences, ok that may be a fluke, but not several.

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Who AP no need for name calling, really.

While I know what an upper decker is I can't actually imagine being the type of person who would do this to anybody.

Tower is right, who thinks these things up?

I don't live anywhere near Uselton's shop. but after reading quotes from him in the news story I can't believe I would ever be inclined to spend a nickel in his shop.

There are plenty of good guys in the business to deal with. Never been to Hero Gear but that place is highly recommended, ATF in Oak Ridge is great people to deal with, even that Jewish fellow in North Nashville has many good things said about his business.

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Guest parris001
Sarcasm? understand?:rant:

I work there, and i know who and how i am. i don't let a single person come in the store without asking them if they need any help or would like to see anything. i know most of the members by first name and have become very close with many of them. but whoever it is, i am a genuinely nice and thoughtful person, i have been working in retail for 12 years, and on a personal level, the posts about the staff are what really hurts me at least, not that i dont feel inclined to defend my soon to be father in law. anyone who reads this, lets start over, because the staff is not at all the same from the madison or goodletsville stores, and i personally would love to try to maybe change some opinions. My name is hayden, and i seriously and with welcome, ask that any of you come in and ask for me, and see if maybe i can't improve prior experiences or pre-judgements. i am confident that those of you may find yourself pleasantly surprised.

Angela ran me out of the store with a good 15 minutes left before you closed on Friday. Your staff is rude. There's no getting around that fact. I've visited your location 3 times now and have yet to have an employee ask if they could help me. Hey, and do 99.7 a favor and quit playing Phil's show in the store. You might lose him some listeners.

Word of advise, lock the bathroom door and assign an attendant. I feel an upper decker coming on..............

Edited by TGO David
Leave personal attacks out of this.
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Guest haydenmp27

Rick sent the email because some people here on this post know rick knows him, and some he may even have thought were acquaintances.

I'm not a 14 year old girl, i didn't realize grammar was of the utmost importance, and i write here on this post partly to defend rick in some ways, but mostly out of pure confusion. I have so many customers that come in on a daily basis that could not be happier with the setup they have with our range, so many customers tell me that they have been waiting for the kind of attention, information, and simple care i show them.

We received a bundle of Christmas cards and thank you letters that i simply have to at least offer some of the folks here a chance to be surprisingly happy with our setup and the quality of service we strive to give.

Really and truly that is my intention, because i have seen it happen.

The range memberships and range prices are designed the way they are with some obvious relation to overhead, the expenses of opening that range were severe and that was the beginning of the difficulty.

If you go to a golf course outside of any remote civilization, the cost to build and keep that range would be absolutely nothing in comparison. but some people like the option of paying a bit more to get a bit more. Not everyone sits in that boat, but u cant directly compare every store or range on a level plain.

But here is the strangest part to me, our ammo is more plentiful and cheaper than most places, it just is. period. our gun prices are generally lower than others DIRECTLY around us. so as a business it would seem to me to be more than legitament in most every way, out side of personal issues with the owner. So i would at least hope that folks could seperate the two, because the rest are assumptions.

Now if anyone would like to belittle me regarding this post, feel free, but what i have said certainly does not warrant it nor would it do more than point out the personal vendettas of some of the folks posting here.

thank you

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Guest haydenmp27
Angela ran me out of the store with a good 15 minutes left before you closed on Friday. Your staff is rude. There's no getting around that fact. I've visited your location 3 times now and have yet to have an employee ask if they could help me. Hey, and do 99.7 a favor and quit playing Phil's show in the store. You might lose him some listeners.

Word of advise, lock the bathroom door and assign an attendant. I feel an upper decker coming on..............

point made again, id love to meet your significant other and call her a B*tch, but we dont do that sort of thing, if you even have one. personal personal personal. Maybe you could do me a favor, and have some class. but feel free to come in and use the bathroom, especially when we know your coming, so we can take a picture of u doing it, post it here, and figure out what rude actually means. there doesnt appear to be any reaching anyone, everyone seems hellbent on taking ****s around the store which is certainly the best way to show someone else that they are the rude one.

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Guest bkelm18
point made again, id love to meet your significant other and call her a B*tch, but we dont do that sort of thing, if you even have one. personal personal personal. Maybe you could do me a favor, and have some class. but feel free to come in and use the bathroom, especially when we know your coming, so we can take a picture of u doing it, post it here, and figure out what rude actually means. there doesnt appear to be any reaching anyone, everyone seems hellbent on taking ****s around the store which is certainly the best way to show someone else that they are the rude one.

And you seem to be hellbent on ignoring the fact that there are metric butt-tons of people who are dissatisfied with your establishment. That says something right there.

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Rick sent the email because some people here on this post know rick knows him, and some he may even have thought were acquaintances.

I'm not a 14 year old girl, i didn't realize grammar was of the utmost importance, and i write here on this post partly to defend rick in some ways, but mostly out of pure confusion. I have so many customers that come in on a daily basis that could not be happier with the setup they have with our range, so many customers tell me that they have been waiting for the kind of attention, information, and simple care i show them.

We received a bundle of Christmas cards and thank you letters that i simply have to at least offer some of the folks here a chance to be surprisingly happy with our setup and the quality of service we strive to give.

Really and truly that is my intention, because i have seen it happen.

The range memberships and range prices are designed the way they are with some obvious relation to overhead, the expenses of opening that range were severe and that was the beginning of the difficulty.

If you go to a golf course outside of any remote civilization, the cost to build and keep that range would be absolutely nothing in comparison. but some people like the option of paying a bit more to get a bit more. Not everyone sits in that boat, but u cant directly compare every store or range on a level plain.

But here is the strangest part to me, our ammo is more plentiful and cheaper than most places, it just is. period. our gun prices are generally lower than others DIRECTLY around us. so as a business it would seem to me to be more than legitament in most every way, out side of personal issues with the owner. So i would at least hope that folks could seperate the two, because the rest are assumptions.

Now if anyone would like to belittle me regarding this post, feel free, but what i have said certainly does not warrant it nor would it do more than point out the personal vendettas of some of the folks posting here.

thank you

Hayden I think if this was the way you would has addressed the statements made when you first started posting yesterday alot more people might have given Uselton's another chance. Instead your original tone was a little harsh and I think automatically that makes alot of people put their guard up. I personally think it would be nice of Rick to make an appearance on TGO and defend himself and his business. Also why he wants the Gun show loophole closed and such. It would be really interesting to hear from him and he may change a few peoples opinions who knows. Just my opinion.

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