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Well, as I was walking out the door of work this evening, my boss decided to inform me that I might be layed off...

I work for a masonry subcontractor, and with the recent down turn in the economy's impact on construction, my industry is really taking a beating. So who knows, I could get the ole pink slip on Friday, could be a month from now, could be never, but I doubt my boss would mention it to me if it wasn't almost definite... along with his comment that "if I find another job, I might want to to take it", I'm taking the situation pretty seriously.

So, if anyone in the Nashville area has any leads on ANY gainful employment, I'd appreciate dropping me a line.

By trade, I'm a Mechanical Drafter, although I've worked mainly on architectural projects. I'm very experienced w/ AutoCAD and Solidworks, and I have SOME experience w/ Autodesk's Inventor software. I've also had experience w/ construction estimating.

I've also worked in the restaurant industry, and still have a valid ABC card, so if any of you folks need a bartender, let me know.

...and to all you vendors, if you need any help around your shop let me know. I'm firearms knowledgeable, and I have book keeping experience.

This post may be a shot in the dark, but I thought it was worth that shot.

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Hate to hear that I've been layed off for 4 weeks in the last 2 months, its been 11 years since I have been layed off, things are slow everywhere I have been looking around myself. I am a design engineer with an air & water purification company in east Tn but use solid edge everyday designing sheet metal & injection molded parts I have seen several solid works/autocad jobs but none were anywhere near here. If I see anything near nashvegas I'll send you a link. I would appreciate it if you would send me anything related you see in the Greeneville, Johnson city, Morristown area.

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Hate to hear that I've been layed off for 4 weeks in the last 2 months, its been 11 years since I have been layed off, things are slow everywhere I have been looking around myself. I am a design engineer with an air & water purification company in east Tn but use solid edge everyday designing sheet metal & injection molded parts I have seen several solid works/autocad jobs but none were anywhere near here. If I see anything near nashvegas I'll send you a link. I would appreciate it if you would send me anything related you see in the Greeneville, Johnson city, Morristown area.

You got it, Schadenfreude. I appreciate it!

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I say you go in tomorrow and ask for a raise.

I have a job starting in Mississippi in about 10 days its about 30 miles south of memphis.If you want to get out of the house,apart,cave, cardboard any way,Ill be passing through Nashville and Memphis in about 10 days.

I only have to be there for about 3 hours then I want to check out Nashville for a few days.OH SNAP What a ya think.

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I say you go in tomorrow and ask for a raise.

I have a job starting in Mississippi in about 10 days its about 30 miles south of memphis.If you want to get out of the house,apart,cave, cardboard any way,Ill be passing through Nashville and Memphis in about 10 days.

I only have to be there for about 3 hours then I want to check out Nashville for a few days.OH SNAP What a ya think.

Sure, shoot me a PM when you'll be around and I'll likely be available in Nashville.

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Guest eyebedam

Man I really hate to hear that. I work with some of the largest metal fab shops in the state & 1 of them is 1 of the largest in the US. I will keep my ears open & if I hear anything I'll pass it along to you.

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As the old saying goes... when in doubt, there is no doubt. Your employer basically told you to start looking because very soon you're going to get your official notice. Consider it a professional courtesy and get humping on finding another job. :death:

I know you're already in this mindset but I'm just throwing it out there in vague generalities in case anyone else may find themselves in similar circumstances soon and happen across this thread.

Employers don't warn you in vague terms about layoffs unless they are trying to "tell you without telling you" that something is about to happen.

Hang in there man.

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Employers don't warn you in vague terms about layoffs unless they are trying to "tell you without telling you" that something is about to happen.

That is the doubled edge sword of management. One the one hand you have to follow the directives you are given... on the other hand you manage people. So you are responsible for them, in good times and bad. You owe it to them to treat them as you would want to be treated. That is of course if the manager is worth anything.

(Sorry.. rambling.)

Best of luck for you "Poak" I hope you not only find something but you find something that you can make more at and enjoy more doing.

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First off, I want to thank everyone for their kind words and suggestions. It's rare I post anything that isn't firearm related, sarcastic, or both, and I really appreciate the community on this forum. :death:

and, yeah, I figured that Tungsten... seems like management's good old fashioned "foot in the door" method. You know, mention it's possible, wait a few weeks, then make it official. I suppose it reduces the "sting" a little.

As for my employer, I harbor no negative feelings. I've been treated very well as an employee, and even though it's stock for the boss man to say "I don't WANT to do this", I know he genuinely doesn't.

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Guest TargetShooter84

Sorry to hear about your situation...

College grad here.....graduated in May '08....Still looking for a FT job.

Currently working 2 PT jobs now...

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Sorry to hear about your situation...

College grad here.....graduated in May '08....Still looking for a FT job.

Currently working 2 PT jobs now...

See that's what bugs me about going back to school. I have a GED and a semester of college and I'm in better long term positions than any of my college friends.

Not downing school, but it seems like a waste alot of times. I did the military, that helped me out, not saying I might not have had a cop job I wanted awhile back if I had school, but I don't feel that it's holding me back in the long run either.

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See that's what bugs me about going back to school. I have a GED and a semester of college and I'm in better long term positions than any of my college friends.

Not downing school, but it seems like a waste alot of times. I did the military, that helped me out, not saying I might not have had a cop job I wanted awhile back if I had school, but I don't feel that it's holding me back in the long run either.

I hear you!

I've done more w/ my Voc-Tech credits than any of my similar aged friends have done w/ their 4yr degrees!

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Well, the speculation is over, I'm layed off as of next Friday. Surprised? Not hardly.

Career wise, I'm considering everything from a job like the one I'm being layed off from (doubtful, the market is terrible) to LE, to active duty, to reserves and a return to school.

For now, I'm kicked back enjoying a few Red Hook ESBs and watching "The Postman"... which is worse than I remember.

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Guest eyebedam
Well, the speculation is over, I'm layed off as of next Friday. Surprised? Not hardly.

Career wise, I'm considering everything from a job like the one I'm being layed off from (doubtful, the market is terrible) to LE, to active duty, to reserves and a return to school.

For now, I'm kicked back enjoying a few Red Hook ESBs and watching "The Postman"... which is worse than I remember.

Dam thaT SUCKS. Not much notice at all. Like I said Ill keep my eyes & ears open. Hopefully you got a decent severance.

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Guest bkelm18

Good luck on your job search. The head honcho at my place of work has promised no layoffs, but our budget is razor thin this coming year, so pretty much no raises or bonuses, and we may be getting our hours cut back, which with as pitiful as my paycheck is, is really gonna hurt. Things will get better eventually. If not, well, you gotta do what ya gotta do.

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Hang in there, you'll find your way.

At 24, life is a long stretch of road still before you. In retrospect, this will not likely even be in your Top Five Bad Things. Maybe not even top ten.

That's the good news and the bad news. Life's funny that way.


- OS

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  • Administrator

Hang in there, you'll find your way.

At 24, life is a long stretch of road still before you. In retrospect, this will not likely even be in your Top Five Bad Things. Maybe not even top ten.

That's the good news and the bad news. Life's funny that way.


- OS

You were laid off from writing greetings at Hallmark weren't you? :D

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