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How many open carrys??

Guest Rem_700

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Guest bluecanary25

Depending on my mood (I am such a bitch at times), I have OC'd enough that I am comfortable doing so.

My first time, I felt like the police were gonna swoop in at any moment.

My wife's opinion of OC, at first...:rolleyes: now she thinks it's funny when people finally "see" a gun on my side.

It may suprise you that many people will never notice OC'd handgun. (Sheeple)

Sweet lady that she is, no longer questioning how I carry. Just makes sure that I do carry! :D


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Why attract the extra attention and possibly have the police involved? Remember if someone who is incompetent about firearms sees you with a gun, he or she may freak and call the cops on you. You may have a handgun carry permit issued to you, but that does not prevent the the cops from harassing you if they responded to a call. That will take away your valuable time. In my opinion, i would keep it concealed. No one needs to know that i am packing but me and of course a law enforcement officer if he or she ask to see my permit. Also, think about how beneficial the element of surprise would be if you needed to use your firearm.

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Guest archerdr1

typically, I stay concealed, but this week I did oc b/c I was going to a rehearsal in GA and we had to have it in the school and I got off of work and didn't bother untucking my shirt since I would have to disarm when I got where I was going. I had to stop at the Walgreens to return a movie and a lady saw me. It was kinda funny. She looked at me, then turned her car around, got on her cell phone and followed me through east ridge. I don't know if she was calling the cops, but I figured she was. never got stopped though.

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Normally, I carry IWB with a shirt over it. Occasionally, I'll carry my paddle holster and not worry about covering it. Last week, I went to Walgreens for the wife at 1am. Grabbed my paddle and my G26 and trotted out the door. Got to Walgreens, got out and walked in. Got what I needed and headed to the check out. 2 Oak Ridge cops standing there talking to the register attendent about what ever. One of the officers casually asked (casually litterally) do you have a permit for that? My response was "I'd better or I'm fixin' to have to do some explaining, right?" The cops laughed and said that's the best response they'd heard yet. So I grabbed my receipt and was on my merry way out the door.........................











when both cops took flank on opposite sides and ask to see my permit. I gladly chuckled and said I kept it out for ya. Showed it to them and was on my way, no further delays or questions.....:D

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Guest db99wj

Usually no. I carry in my CTAC, so I'm IWB. My shirt is either covering it (weekends), or I am tucked in when I dress nicer(during the week at work).

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Yes it has been asked and debated ad nasum, but I think it is beneficial to see what the current trend is.

I carry OWB 90% of the time ATM, but keep it covered (concealed). When I decide on a IWB holster and loose some weight I will be IWB concealed, especially in the summer.

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How many times has this question been asked?
Obviously not enough,or I wouldn't have asked the question..:wave:

True...because every person that wants to know the answer has to have their own thread instead of posting in an existing one. :D

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Normally, I carry IWB with a shirt over it. Occasionally, I'll carry my paddle holster and not worry about covering it. Last week, I went to Walgreens for the wife at 1am. Grabbed my paddle and my G26 and trotted out the door. Got to Walgreens, got out and walked in. Got what I needed and headed to the check out. 2 Oak Ridge cops standing there talking to the register attendent about what ever. One of the officers casually asked (casually litterally) do you have a permit for that? My response was "I'd better or I'm fixin' to have to do some explaining, right?" The cops laughed and said that's the best response they'd heard yet. So I grabbed my receipt and was on my merry way out the door.........................











when both cops took flank on opposite sides and ask to see my permit. I gladly chuckled and said I kept it out for ya. Showed it to them and was on my way, no further delays or questions.....:D

why even put yourself in a situation where police have to "flank" you...???? You find your azz is one sneeze away from getting splattered!

I never open carry, its always out of sight.

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I'm like Mike, open carry everywhere. No matter what.

I'm a small guy and trying to conceal a full size USP is impossible. And buying another gun right now is out of the question. So I just open carry, plus I have to for work so why switch it up.

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