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returning to factory

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question to all who have had to return a pistol to the manufacturer: I have a mag releasing after each firing, mag pin is poly type, been careful not to jamb mag into pistol for that reason (warned about that prior to purchase), but three out of three mags drop after each shot. I'm going to return it to factory for repairs. If I send the complete pistol to factory, once repaired, do they have to send it to a FFL since its a complete unit? I know when purchasing a pistol via internet dealers must ship to FFL dealer, does the same apply to repairs? I'm afraid I'm not that familiar with requirements for shipping firearms. Thanks for any help

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I called Springfield about some custom work to my XD(m) and that's what they told me. I ship to them...they ship directly back to me. No FFL involved.

I'm sure you can confirm that by calling the manufacturer of your firearm. Definitely wouldn't ship it to them without calling and getting a RGA# first.

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question to all who have had to return a pistol to the manufacturer: I have a mag releasing after each firing, mag pin is poly type, been careful not to jamb mag into pistol for that reason (warned about that prior to purchase), but three out of three mags drop after each shot. I'm going to return it to factory for repairs. If I send the complete pistol to factory, once repaired, do they have to send it to a FFL since its a complete unit? I know when purchasing a pistol via internet dealers must ship to FFL dealer, does the same apply to repairs? I'm afraid I'm not that familiar with requirements for shipping firearms. Thanks for any help

What kind of gun? If it is a S&W they will send you the mag release (new updated version), and then if that don't fix it they will send a ups tag for the gun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Customer service at Kel-Tec is better than I gave them credit for. Sent my PF-9 back for repairs on 4/02 and received an email stating it would take 4-6 weeks before it was returned. Got it back yesterday, 15 working days including travel time, not bad IMHO.....

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