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TGO musicians...step on in

Guest JCE

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Wondering if there are any members here that are musicians

I've been playing drums for 27 years and play with different bands here and there.

Also play some bass too, but just as a hobby since I suck at it :eek:

So whether you play for thousands or just play for your cat, post here please :)

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hey JCE!

actually, I like to play guitar (Love the blues)...I'm not as good with guitar and bass as I am with my harmonica, but I like to play with people!

I have a piece o' crap hamer guitar, with a fairly nice 120w amp and a washburn 5 string bass with a decent 60 watt amp. I have more fun on the bass :eek:

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hey JCE!

actually, I like to play guitar (Love the blues)...I'm not as good with guitar and bass as I am with my harmonica, but I like to play with people!

I have a piece o' crap hamer guitar, with a fairly nice 120w amp and a washburn 5 string bass with a decent 60 watt amp. I have more fun on the bass :eek:

Hey that's great!!!

I've played in a couple blues bands, had a blast

I love to hear a good harmonica player, especially one that plays tastefully and doesn't try to dominate the jam :)

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Guest Rooster

I have played guitar most of my life. Mostly acoustic and mostly country. I do writers rounds in Nashville every once in a while. Right now I have a Rosewood Larrivee that I love, it plays like butter, and I would put it up against any Taylor, Martin, Gibson or whatever.

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Been playing Bass for 20 years or so. I recently started playing with some guys at work. Right now we're reliving the garage band days and maybe we'll play out somewhere in the future. I can also fake my way around the guitar and drums.

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I'm still in the music business but I retired from playing a few years ago. This was after 30 years of playing in the studios and on the road for a variety of artists. I've managed to have a heck of a good time along the way.

A drummer by trade, I still like to noodle around and generally humiliate a couple of great acoustic guitars I have. They cringe when they see me coming.:D :D

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I've had alot of fun playing over the years, but playing bars and clubs

these days seems to be more trouble than it's worth.

I guess since I don't drink/party anymore my tolerance for drunken A-holes

has went way down, I don't go to bars anymore unless I'm payed to play there.

The country band I play with hosts a dance every tuesday night from 7-10

we rent the building for the night and charge $5 admission, and since there's no alcohol and the building isn't posted CHL holders are welcome there.

Once my permit gets here I intend to play my drums while armed :D

If anyone around Paris wants to stop by it's downtown at the old shirt factory on E Washington street.

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Guest LiLBucket

Mostly play for the cats anymore! Guitar and bass. I was in a band for a while, but it broke up a while back. Making music and jamming some quality songs out is truely one of the best feelings! :)

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Anyone here get into PC based home recording?

I've been thinking about having a go at it, I could do the drums and bass

and get someone who knows what they're doing to play guitar.

I'll need a real singer too, my singing makes small children cry :)

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Guest Steelharp

Well... I'm a professional musician, have been for 33 years now. I'm a studio guy, play steel guitar (steel) and harmonica (harp). That's where the moniker comes from. Seems like just as many musicians are avid gun fans as there are antis. We either really like 'em, or are just scared ninnies about 'em.

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Seems like just as many musicians are avid gun fans as there are antis. We either really like 'em, or are just scared ninnies about 'em.

That's so true, and I have managed to bring a few of my fellow musicians

who were anti, over to our side :)

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Guest macho999

I'm trying to learn the banjo in my spare time. Steve Gulley fomerly of Mountain Heart and fixing to be Grasstowne lives 2 houses up from me. Maybe if I get good enough he'll let me in his band.

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I've played the drums for about ten years now. Hard to believe its been that long. Just recently found a steal on a MUCH nicer kit than I had, so I've been playing more than usual. Its a Pearl export kit with a full set of Sabian Paragons.

My dad plays guitar, and is a "local celebrity" in my hometown cuz he plays music at least twice a week at various places, mostly bluegrass / gospel. He has a Martin D35, another acoustic I can't think of, a Gretsch, a Gibson Chet Atkins classic electric, and a couple others, plus some various amps and other sound equipment. He has played close to 50 years and I admire him very much. I just never really cared for the guitar, so I've never picked it up.

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Guest pherman926

I noodle on the guitar a little. Have never played with anyone else, just me and the cats. I have recently gotten a Guitar Port by Line 6. The effects are whatever they are, but I can plug into my laptop and play as loud as I want without bothering anyone by using headphones. And, I can grab licks from my music library and try to learn 'em.

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I mess with the ol' guitar a little here and there. Back in h/s I was big into rock and playin with a few buddies of mine, but these days I just play around a little on my acoustic. I don't even have any cats to play for, just a little concrete dog, and he seems to like it.;) With all the other hobbies I have I don't get much time anymore to even pick it up though.

Always wanted me a fiddle, but haven't tried to learn much of that yet.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest Drewsett
Wow! This may be a new thread resurrection record. 3 1/2 years!!!!!

I was just thinking the same thing!

But since I missed it the first go 'round...

I'm a classically trained opera singer. Basso profundo to be exact. I can do country, jazz, and swing as well...but I sound a little weird singing classic rock heh.

I don't sing professionally anymore (not much of a market for italian-trained basses here in Nashville).

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