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North Korea and Iran (re: Nuclear Weapons)

Guest 44M

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Guest jth_3s
if you dont back Israel, you WILL end up on the losing end.

Not really I think we need to tend to our own affairs and not try to be the World Police. If Israel Bombs Iran in a Preemptive strike it will be the beginning of WWIII and I have no desire to go fight for Israel after they reinstate the draft.

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Guest justme
You just keep opening your mouth to remove the doubt..... Iran has stated numerous times they desire a bomb.

I have not found a single thing in 15 pages of googling that "Iran has stated they want nuclear weapons"--no statements, no news articles issued from the Islamic government of Iran, no nothing.

What I DID find was a lot of fear mongering by the US government--and it is the US government and the Israeli government who says Iran wants the bomb...Iran however keeps saying their program is peaceful and intended to produce nuclear energy....

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Guest justme
the US has enough bombs to level half of asia and probably more. get rid of what you dont want/need and be done with it, no need for ground troops to even set their feet down on asian soil.

And if the DPRK drops a nuke on Tokyo, and/or Seoul--it won't matter what the US does in retaliation...although it most definitely COULD matter if it draws the Chinese or the Russians into the fight against the US....

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Guest justme
Not really I think we need to tend to our own affairs and not try to be the World Police. If Israel Bombs Iran in a Preemptive strike it will be the beginning of WWIII and I have no desire to go fight for Israel after they reinstate the draft.

too easy--we can't do that..we have to continually stick our national nose where it does not belong--and sooner or later we're going to get drawn into a REAL war with a country like China or Russia or North Korea--and it isn't going to be anything like Iraq...and it could and most likely will involve the first use of nuclear weapons since Aug. 1945...

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I don`t think anything nuclear is an option...everyone knows that nuclear attack would have for a result a global destruction of this planet.... and I do have to agree that I have never heard Iran talking about nuclear weapons, they are pushing for nuclear energy to produce electricity etc....but of course, we all know that`s a BS... now, if a nuclear war is not the answer, what is the answer? economic sanctions? join attack by USA,China and Japan ground forces to distroy NK`s nuclear warheads?... this makes me very nervous, conventional war is one thing but nuclear attack is totaly different story, it takes only one lunatic to push that button... as far as Iran goes I think any kind of attack is out of picture, there is a lot of people overthere who want the same dictator regime gone, we would be hurting potential alies...


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They also were working on a heavy water reactor. Can it be used for power? Apparently, according to wiki, but it was how the old plutonium powered bombs were made. Also, dirty bombs, anyone?

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Guest justme
I don`t think anything nuclear is not an option...everyone knows that nuclear attack would have for a result a global destruction of this planet....

once the first bomb is dropped--say the DPRK drops one on Tokyo after Kim Jong-Il becomes totally convinced that a US attack is imminent--and they have said numerous times that an attack is not out of the question...then the US will be obliged to respond in kind--and China being so close to the North koreans could conceivably launch on the US...being a total nuclear response due to Article 5 of the NATO Alliance which reads:

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security .

You're talking devastation that will make Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like nothing

and I do have to agree that I have never heard Iran talking about nuclear weapons, they are pushing for nuclear energy to produce electricity etc....but of course, we all know that`s a BS...

Do we? How do we know?

now, if a nuclear war is not the answer, what is the answer? economic sanctions? join attack by USA,China and Japan ground forces to distroy NK`s nuclear warheads?...

Again you cannot guarantee that you will get them all--and if you miss a single bomb--and they will, then you can kiss Tokyo goodbye...A military solution is not a viable option to the DPRK--because the leader of that country is just crazy enough to drop the bomb...

And China, and possibly the Russians would never stand by and allow a first strike against their neighbor. My money is on China to fight against the US in such a venture....And a first strike by the Japanese? You have to consider the bad blood between the Chinese and the Japanese, as well as between the Japanese and the Koreans...China would never allow Japanese troops to fight against North Korea....

this makes me very nervous, conventional war is one thing but nuclear attack is totaly different story, it takes only one lunatic to push that button...

The DPRK already has the bomb--more than the US anticipated...now what do you think they are going to do with them if we push them into a corner and cross the line of no return?

as far as Iran goes I think any kind of attack is out of picture, there is a lot of people overthere who want the same dictator regime gone, we would be hurting potential alies...

If Iran was a legitimate threat to Israel tonight--they would attack. They have not. As for our "allies"--the "allies" we have in the Middle East are the Israelis only...Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Iraq, Kuwait--all they are interested in is selling their oil to us, and the Chinese and Europeans...if they had their personal way they would not have an American on any of their soil...funny thing to me--15 of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi citizens--15....

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A military solution is not a viable option to the DPRK--because the leader of that country is just crazy enough to drop the bomb...

yeah, I agree with that...


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Guest 3pugguy
If China cant handle the situation and keep them in Check then we re arm the Japanese....

Iran's getting bombed... its just a matter of time.

Yep, Japan has a definite interest in their neighbor to the west.

And Israel may solve the Iran issue. But it would be nice to see the Arabic countries get their Persian neighbor reined in a little.

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Yep, Japan has a definite interest in their neighbor to the west.

And Israel may solve the Iran issue. But it would be nice to see the Arabic countries get their Persian neighbor reined in a little.[/QUOTE]

There are those who believe (i do) that the "moderate arab conuntries"-- saudi arabia, egypt, other oil states -- while making some noises about Iran's right to develop nuclear power (read that weapons); are very afraid of Iran's real intentions. And while they will make noises about the US and the Hebrews mistreating Iran, they secretly hope (and have probably given the nod to those who need to know) that they are ok with smacking Iran around -- they will just feign the appropriate amount of outrage and go on about their business; taking no side in the fight.

The people of Iran, while nominally sharing the same religion as arab states are a different race -- they are Persian. The moderate arab nations are Arab. The arabs and persians have fought from antiquity. In a part of the world where tribal relationships, families, and ancestry means as much as the do in the middle east; that's a big deal.

Those that ponder these sorts of problems would do well to do a little bit of thinking to wonder at the possible calamity that a state like Iran with a bunch of nuts in power with nuclear weapons could cause. They could conquer the arab oil states and cause plenty of problems. Think of a map that says "Iran" from Egypt thru Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Lebanon, over to the real "Iran".

It is also wise to remember that Amajenidgad (or whatever) is a nut. He has announced to the world on several occasions that he has personally talked to the "Twelveth Imam" down in the well somehere -- that alone, sould sober most folks up. The faithful (read that militant -- thats Amajenidgad and this backers) sheites (bad spelling)---A muslum sect, like the Sunnis -- (most arabs are sunnis)--- believe that a great calamity must come before the "Twelveth Imam" appears to lead the muslum faithful, conquer the entire world, and reign on the earth like Mohamed did -- think of this as similar to the "Great Tribulation" and Second Comming of Christ in Bible literature. The idea of a bunch of nuts like Amajenidgad (or whatever) and those who back him having the ultimate tools of intimidation and terror that every despot on the earth covets -- nuclear arms and a willing army of slaves -- are sobering indeed.

Food for thought.


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Guest justme
You just keep opening your mouth to remove the doubt..... Iran has stated numerous times they desire a bomb. There is nothing Israel can do after the fact.

have you found those numerous statements the Iranian government has made about how they want nuclear weapons? I'm not talking about the fear mongering that the US media and government is so good at--an actual official statement issued by the Grand Ayatollah--the man who wields the real power in Iran who has come out and said "we want nuclear weapons"....

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I don`t think anything nuclear is an option...everyone knows that nuclear attack would have for a result a global destruction of this planet....

Well, there are lots of variables here.

Lots of different size nukes.

Two or three likely wouldn't cause nuclear winter doomsday scenario.

But of course it would be insanity to experiment.

Then again, if an upstart nuclear power, N. Korea, Iran, even Pakistan under control of Taliban rebels, were to unleash one, I think the only question would be WHO would retaliate and with WHAT. It might well be an international decision among the other nuclear powers, but I would expect a nuclear reprisal.

There are probably some other options that we don't even know about. I wonder if we still have the neutron bomb ready to go, for instance? Who knows what other stuff we (and Russia/China/Israel) actually have.

- OS

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have you found those numerous statements the Iranian government has made about how they want nuclear weapons? .....QUOTE]

I gotta ask--- do you think they want nuclear weapons ? It's a short step from "peaceful" nuclear power to weapons grade uranium and plutonium. I may just be suspicious; but I suspect that it is for the same reason that any world power would want them. I also couldnt help but notice that they just happen to be openly advocating the annihilation of the State of Israel. I also remember reading about a fellow by the name of Adolph Hitler who wrote and said outlandish things. Lots of folks didn't believe him either -- but they did in a little while. Im a little slow; but my guess is that nuclear weapons would enhance any Hebrew annhilation activities considerably -- thats probably why they are working on missile technology too.

I aint too worried about what the Grand whoever says -- i'm concerned about what he does. Actions always speak louder that words. I remember these guys fighting the Iraqi's in Saddams days until they had killed most all of the cannon fodder in Iran. You recon the Grand whoevers have had a change of mind?

By the way, im old enough to remember another grand whoever named Komenehi who engineered the taking of US hostages in Iran that bought on the great 444 day hostage crisis that was on the news ever nite. A fellow by the name of Jimmy Carter was president then -- he lasted one term. A fellow named Ronald Reagan solved that crisis with a few words. I also well remember the great prattlers on the news and in the think tanks throughout the world who said brother Komenehi was a great man of peace. He engineered the Iran-Iraq war (the real one).

Something to think about,


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Guest justme
have you found those numerous statements the Iranian government has made about how they want nuclear weapons? .....QUOTE]

I gotta ask--- do you think they want nuclear weapons ? It's a short step from "peaceful" nuclear power to weapons grade uranium and plutonium. I may just be suspicious; but I suspect that it is for the same reason that any world power would want them. I also couldnt help but notice that they just happen to be openly advocating the annihilation of the State of Israel. I also remember reading about a fellow by the name of Adolph Hitler who wrote and said outlandish things. Lots of folks didn't believe him either -- but they did in a little while. Im a little slow; but my guess is that nuclear weapons would enhance any Hebrew annhilation activities considerably -- thats probably why they are working on missile technology too.

I aint too worried about what the Grand whoever says -- i'm concerned about what he does. Actions always speak louder that words. I remember these guys fighting the Iraqi's in Saddams days until they had killed most all of the cannon fodder in Iran. You recon the Grand whoevers have had a change of mind?

By the way, im old enough to remember another grand whoever named Komenehi who engineered the taking of US hostages in Iran that bought on the great 444 day hostage crisis that was on the news ever nite. A fellow by the name of Jimmy Carter was president then -- he lasted one term. A fellow named Ronald Reagan solved that crisis with a few words. I also well remember the great prattlers on the news and in the think tanks throughout the world who said brother Komenehi was a great man of peace. He engineered the Iran-Iraq war (the real one).

Something to think about,


Iran can openly advocate the annihilation of Israel all day long--but advocating it, and launching a strike against Israel that would be akin to national suicide by Iran is another story entirely. It is a known fact that Israel has nuclear weapons--and a great number of them....I don't think Iran is stupid. Second, Ahmadinejad has no real political power--and by real I mean he is essentially a puppet--the real power in Iran is wielded by the Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei--and Khamenei isn't going to let Ahmadinejad push Iran into a war that will cost it more than it could ever hope to win.

Next--I have no idea whether Iran wants nuclear weapons or not. I know the US media keeps pushing the idea of Iranian nuclear weapons, and I know the US keeps fear mongering the idea around--but I don't know. I know Iran has said-and said very plainly that their nuclear program is peaceful. I also know that what Iran does within Iranian territory is the national and sovereign business of Iran--and the US should mind it's collective political business for a change and worry about the problems in this country and quit worrying about the world. Iran is not a threat to the US. Iran could become a threat to Israel--but Israel could wipe Iran out. Iran could become a threat to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar or any other oil rich shiekdom--which means Iran could become a threat to the oil--and the oil is what the US is so worried about....

I also know that this same media kept pushing and shoving the WMD story down our throats as a justification for the new Iraq war--funny thing--no wmds were ever found. But isn't it just convenient that we just had to go into Iraq to get those pesky and mysterious weapons of mass destruction out of Husseins hand....we were lied to then--and they are lying again.

Now, if the US does attack Iran--or if Israel attacks Iran and drags the US into it...Iran will make Iraq look like a walk in the park.

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Iran can openly advocate the annihilation of Israel all day long--but advocating it, and launching a strike against Israel that would be akin to national suicide by Iran is another story entirely. It is a known fact that Israel has nuclear weapons--and a great number of them....I don't think Iran is stupid. Second, Ahmadinejad has no real political power--and by real I mean he is essentially a puppet--the real power in Iran is wielded by the Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei--and Khamenei isn't going to let Ahmadinejad push Iran into a war that will cost it more than it could ever hope to win.

Next--I have no idea whether Iran wants nuclear weapons or not. I know the US media keeps pushing the idea of Iranian nuclear weapons, and I know the US keeps fear mongering the idea around--but I don't know. I know Iran has said-and said very plainly that their nuclear program is peaceful. I also know that what Iran does within Iranian territory is the national and sovereign business of Iran--and the US should mind it's collective political business for a change and worry about the problems in this country and quit worrying about the world. Iran is not a threat to the US. Iran could become a threat to Israel--but Israel could wipe Iran out. Iran could become a threat to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar or any other oil rich shiekdom--which means Iran could become a threat to the oil--and the oil is what the US is so worried about....

I also know that this same media kept pushing and shoving the WMD story down our throats as a justification for the new Iraq war--funny thing--no wmds were ever found. But isn't it just convenient that we just had to go into Iraq to get those pesky and mysterious weapons of mass destruction out of Husseins hand....we were lied to then--and they are lying again.

Now, if the US does attack Iran--or if Israel attacks Iran and drags the US into it...Iran will make Iraq look like a walk in the park.

Man, I've been ignoring this thread. You are correct they have said no weapons, the fatwa, etc. but then in the same topic of nuclear power (undefined) that Israel must be wiped off the face of the earth etc. Their is only one way to do that nuclear. They have developed the carrier missles and targeting systems thanks to Russia, France, and Germany (same as Iraq). To take them at their word and not their actions is like Leroy said,

not wise.

as far as no WMD you again may want to check you facts on that one. We did indeed find several stockpiles of chemical and biological agents, production facilities, etc. Was Iraq maybe faking a little to project more power to the other Arab nations? Possibly, but everyone - even those who didn't agree with us - though it was true. We also know that 60k dead Kurdish as well as many dead Iranians would testify that he not only had them but used them to great effect.

If a guy is holding me up at gunpoint I'm gonna asume the gun is loaded. If after I find out it was empty.... well, that's not my concern or problem.

There were mistakes made no doubt, but again that is what happens in war. If the media had been around in WWII, Patton, Montgomery, and every other great general wouldn't have lasted a month. War is an ugly imperfect science based on deception, misinformation, propaganda, fear, power, death, ect. It is far from clean and surgical as some arm chair generals like to think.

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Iran can openly advocate the annihilation of Israel all day long--but advocating it, and launching a strike against Israel that would be akin to national suicide by Iran is another story entirely. It is a known fact that Israel has nuclear weapons--and a great number of them....I don't think Iran is stupid.

I don't believe these people are stupid either. I believe the leadership in Iran is crazy. The Theocratic regiemes in Iran have a history of doing crazy things. They fought a 10 year war with Iraq in the '70s and lost two generations of their male population. They have taken Iran from a relatively prosperous open secular society (I went to school with some of these guys in the 60's -- good folks) to a 10 th century nutcase dictatorship. Ahmadidijedad (or whoever) would not be in power if the Ayotolyahs were not backing him.

Second, Ahmadinejad has no real political power--and by real I mean he is essentially a puppet--the real power in Iran is wielded by the Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei--and Khamenei isn't going to let Ahmadinejad push Iran into a war that will cost it more than it could ever hope to win.

I hope you are right. I would recommend that you consider the possibility that the "win" could be the ushering in of the time of greatness and world domination by the glorious Islamic Caliphate with the Twelveth Imam at the head -- remember, Amadidejad has talked to him in the well. Sounds nutty, and is. Some of Hitler's pronouncements sounded nutty too.

Next--I have no idea whether Iran wants nuclear weapons or not. I know the US media keeps pushing the idea of Iranian nuclear weapons, and I know the US keeps fear mongering the idea around--but I don't know. I know Iran has said-and said very plainly that their nuclear program is peaceful. I also know that what Iran does within Iranian territory is the national and sovereign business of Iran--and the US should mind it's collective political business for a change and worry about the problems in this country and quit worrying about the world. Iran is not a threat to the US.

I agree with this.

Iran could become a threat to Israel--but Israel could wipe Iran out.

Agreed. So is the whole of Europe, China, and India. Good case for "Drill here, Drill now" don't you think?

Iran could become (I would read that "Is a threat" - and a great big one) a threat to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar or any other oil rich shiekdom--which means Iran could become a threat to the oil--and the oil is what the US is so worried about....


...--funny thing--no wmds were ever found.

They weren't in Iraq because they were moved to the Bekka Valley.............. We were too busy giving them time to move them out. Bad move on Bush 43's part.

My guess is that one of these days very soon, the Hezbolla trash will find them and try them out on Israel; which is probably a very bad idea.

But isn't it just convenient that we just had to go into Iraq to get those pesky and mysterious weapons of mass destruction out of Husseins hand (I agree, Hussein had already used them on the Iraqi Kurds and the Iranians in the 70's -- mabee he used em all up)....we were lied to then--and they are lying again.

With all due respect, I dont believe even the no count US news media can make that story up. There's plenty of evidence out there that Iran is enriching uranium. The difference between power reactor fuel and weapons grade stuff is enrichment. Ahmawhamacallit and the Grand whoever have proclaimed to the world that they are enriching uranium. They had a national celebration of the enrichment successes -- broadcasted it on Iranian TV. I would want to be Iran's next door neighbor and be on their enemies list.

Now, if the US does attack Iran--or if Israel attacks Iran and drags the US into it...Iran will make Iraq look like a walk in the park.

Israel will never drag the US into anything as long as Noboma is in office (as well as lots of Republicans i can think of). The fact of the matter is; I aint sure that Israel will need any help.

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Guest justme

Man, I've been ignoring this thread. You are correct they have said no weapons, the fatwa, etc. but then in the same topic of nuclear power (undefined) that Israel must be wiped off the face of the earth etc. Their is only one way to do that nuclear. They have developed the carrier missles and targeting systems thanks to Russia, France, and Germany (same as Iraq). To take them at their word and not their actions is like Leroy said,

not wise.

that is one opinion. Again--Ahmadinejad can say all day long that he thinks Israel should be wiped out--but again--he has no way to do it, and even if he did--it would require the approval of the Grand Ayatollah, and realizing that to attack Israel with nuclear weapons would result in total devastation for Iran and the whole of the middle east--unless Iran can guarantee they will gain more than they would lose they will not attack.

There has not been in invasion by Iran into what we call Palestine since about 614 A.D and no such Persian invasion has been carried out into Palestine by Persia (Iran) in the modern 20th century. Iran has never preemptively attacked Israel, and indeed--Persian kings who have invaded ancient Palestine in ancient times have showed great mercy to those living in the cities that are located in what we call Israel today...Cyrus is hailed as a great liberator, as is Darius the Mede. This country worries about Iran--and there isn't anything to worry about from them. I lose NO sleep over what the Iranians do/are doing/are about to do. It is their internal business--let them sort it out, and if they start to attack Israel--Israel could very easily turn all of Iran into a wasteland.. However, the Turks (Ottomans), Byzantines-- the Arabs, the Crusaders under the French, and Napoleon, Egypt, Jordan, Syria--all invaded Palestine...and Iraq, Egypt and Syria all invaded "Israel" three separate times between 1948-1973, and in the first two wars Jordan, and a number of other "moderate" Arab countries helped...but Iran was not among them during these invasions...and yet we are all so afraid of the Iranians..

as far as no WMD you again may want to check you facts on that one. We did indeed find several stockpiles of chemical and biological agents, production facilities, etc. Was Iraq maybe faking a little to project more power to the other Arab nations? Possibly, but everyone - even those who didn't agree with us - though it was true. We also know that 60k dead Kurdish as well as many dead Iranians would testify that he not only had them but used them to great effect.

If a guy is holding me up at gunpoint I'm gonna asume the gun is loaded. If after I find out it was empty.... well, that's not my concern or problem.

the "wmds" to which you refer were inert, and were most likely manufactured prior to 1991--now guess who sold the weapons to the Iraqis in the first place? That is right--the west...US, UK, France, Germany....we sold them the weapons that they used on Iran, and that they also used on the kurds...so if any munitions were found--they were ours to begin with.

There were mistakes made no doubt, but again that is what happens in war.

no doubt...no, what happens in "war" is that the people are fear mongered to death in order to provide some false justification to go fight it--so we manufacture this non existent threat of an Iraq "wmd program"--and Iraq destroyed their program after the first gulf war...but yet we gotta get those "wmds"...

If the media had been around in WWII, Patton, Montgomery, and every other great general wouldn't have lasted a month.

the media was around--their presence on the battlefield was closed, and the information they received strictly controlled--nearly all Americans did not know for example that Roosevelt could not even walk.

War is an ugly imperfect science based on deception, misinformation, propaganda, fear, power, death, ect. It is far from clean and surgical as some arm chair generals like to think.

war is based on fear, misinformation, propaganda, fear, power and death--and the politicians use every single one of them every day of the week to justify the continued presence of troops in Iraq, and the invasion to begin with. They are using state controlled propaganda and fear mongering NOW in order to justify wanting to strike Iran...And again--there is no evidence that they want nuclear weapons--just a lot of propaganda from western governments and western media outlets...I mean if they want to really go after WMDs--the US should strike North Korea--I mean they keep talking about WMDs--gotta get those wmds..so why don't they attack? The answer is simple--the DPRK has left no doubt that they have nuclear weapons and that they are not afraid to use them...and knowing that the North Koreans have nuclear weapons--and more than the US thought--kind of changes the whole equation a tad bit...

Edited by justme
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Guest justme
Israel will never drag the US into anything as long as Noboma is in office (as well as lots of Republicans i can think of). The fact of the matter is; I aint sure that Israel will need any help.

Israel could easily turn the whole of the middle east into a barren waste--more so than it is now...the country we should be focusing on is the Chinese....

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Iraq had chemical weapons, aka wmds. 2nd platoon from my rifle company went into an underground storage room full of 55 gallon drums. Half were soon covered in hives and all had to leave the place puking their guts out. After a week or so they were allowed to return to the rest of the company.

This administration has not said anything like "gotta get those wmds".

Stop living in the past.

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Guest justme
Iraq had chemical weapons, aka wmds. 2nd platoon from my rifle company went into an underground storage room full of 55 gallon drums. Half were soon covered in hives and all had to leave the place puking their guts out. After a week or so they were allowed to return to the rest of the company.

This administration has not said anything like "gotta get those wmds".

Stop living in the past.

and if they did have some sort of chemical weapon--it was most likely from the west that they received them.

now was it ever determined what was in the drums What year were they found? Where in Iraq were they found?

As for living in the past--I don't--but history clearly shows us our mistakes--we just can never learn from them and have to repeat them over and over again.

As for this administration saying "we gotta get those wmds"--no, not in those words, but this administration has said--numerous times in fact that they will not allow a nuclear North Korea--the DPRK already has the bomb--several of them from all appearances....

Edited by justme
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