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A chance to respond to lawsuit

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The Davidson County restaurant litigation started July 1. Its July 2 and the efforts of firearms owners are starting already.

I did several news interviews yesterday - I encourage everyone to be contacting news outlets and submitting "letters to the editor" and requesting more balanced and truthful (i.e., "guns in bars" is a misnomer) coverage.

I also want to share the information that we (TFA) have done a BBC interview with Nikki Goeser that should air on July 13. We (TFA) are doing a ABC network interview this morning with Nikki Goeser and Senator Jackson but I am not sure of the airtime.

We (Bob Pope and TFA) are doing a call-in talk radio show July 2 with purchased - no commercial airtime. The show guests will be - Sen. Doug Jackson, Sen. Jim Tracy, Rep. Ben West, Jr., Nikki Goeser, John Harris and, perhaps, former metro councilman Adam Dread who was invited but has not committed to show up.

Sen. Jackson introduced and carried the restaurant bill in the Senate and Rep. West introduced one version of the bill in the House. Adam Dread is a former Metro Councilman and a local attorney who is opposed to the restaurant law and asserts that the local governments not the Legislature should be making these types of decisions. He is also one of the attorneys representing the restaurant owner on the lawsuit.

Please tell ALL your friends to listen in to the show Thursday July 2, 11am-1pm, WAMB radio 1200am and 99.3 fm. The show is 2 hours with NO COMMERCIAL BREAKS. The show call in number is (615) 889-1960. For those who are not in the Nashville area, we are trying to get a live feed set up on TFALive - accessible through the TFA web site's main page in the upper menu - so that the show can also be heard live with chat but that will depend on whether the station is able to finalize arrangements for a sufficient internet feed by airtime.

This is a special broadcast. It will also be available July 10 bobpopegunshows.com in the click on guest archives.

We are planning another live callin show with another of the plaintiffs' attorneys and John Harris on Tuesday, July 7, on Newschannel 5+ Openline. That will air between 7pm and 8pm CST and should be available live from the Newschannel5+ web site.

If you have time, please help turn up the heat and show an example of 2nd Amendment political fireworks on this historic eve.

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Guest Phantom6

+1 ;) This Guns in Bars language is Bulls**t. It is contrived by Know-nothing individuals intent in squashing our Second Amendment rights and perpetuated by the Liberal media in an effort to not only do the same but also to whip up ignorant masses and get them to pay attention to their media outlets so they can claim a larger audience and therefore sell more advertising.

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Its killing my law practice right now but its something that has to be done. Please help by watching / listening to these shows and calling in!!!!!!

Thank you for your sacrifice. I have sent many emails and made numerous phone calls and will continue to do so in support of our constitutional rights. I'm thankful that there are people like you with the legal knowledge and appropriate connections to lead us in this struggle. I'm willing to make an effort but it's great to have someone to point me and my efforts in a useful direction.

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Guest HexHead

What good is writing letters at this point? It's not legislative any longer, it's judicial and it's going to get decided by one Chancery Court Commissioner. I don't see how trying to sway public opinion matters now. It will be hopefully decided on the merits (or lack thereof) of the lawsuit.

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Guest benchpresspower

Wonder if we could get air time on the Steve Gill or Michael Delgiorno shows??? They run Guns and Leather ads all the time so maybe we could.

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What good is writing letters at this point? It's not legislative any longer, it's judicial and it's going to get decided by one Chancery Court Commissioner. I don't see how trying to sway public opinion matters now. It will be hopefully decided on the merits (or lack thereof) of the lawsuit.

As members of “We the People” we have a right, and I feel an obligation to voice our thoughts, it is our only opportunity to affect the outcome.

The Legislators, who fought for our issues this session, need to see that we are still resolute, and that we will hold them accountable.

Public Opinion might modify the outcome, but will only do so if we are heard. If the Judge is activist against our cause, he will order an injunction. We simply must reconvene in the next session of Congress and write a bill with better language that will preclude the same scenario occurring again.

If we are mute now, we have gained no ground. The Senators and Representatives who did this good work for us will be less likely to stand for our interest in the future

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With every business having the right to simply post their property off limits to HCP holders I can't see what more this lawsuit hopes to accomplish except to strip away our 2A rights.

I agree. I think the judge will just say, "Nobody is forcing you to allow legal guns in your restaurant, so why are you here?"

This has the potential to really backfire on the anti-gunners.

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Guest HexHead
I agree. I think the judge will just say, "Nobody is forcing you to allow legal guns in your restaurant, so why are you here?"

This has the potential to really backfire on the anti-gunners.

I'm thinking that's fairly likely as well.

I posted this in another thread this morning....

Lawsuit to be heard on Tuesday with Chancellor Claudia Bonnyman. I googled her to try and get a read on her past decisions.

She did side with the ACLU in forcing CCA to make documents available, saying that they were acting as agents of the government and thus subject to the open records law. She didn't give them legal fees.

She prevented the English Only referendum from being on the Nov. 2008 ballot, but she handed Rayburn's attorney a defeat by allowing the Jan. 2009 special election to take place. Smith was representing the main plaintiff, some Guatemalan that couldn't speak English.

She ruled against the TN Restaurant Assoc., making them pay millions in workers comp costs.

She appears not to be a liberal activist and handed Smith his ass as recently as January of this year. :D

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I'm re-broadcasting the second hour of the Bob Pope Talk show over on TFALive (visit the TFA website, and then click TFALive).

I'll be re-running the 2nd hour at least 2 more times tonight. It will be a couple more days before I get the first hour online (we had some audio problems recording it).

Any question post away.

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Guest 3pugguy
The Davidson County restaurant litigation started July 1. Its July 2 and the efforts of firearms owners are starting already.

I did several news interviews yesterday - I encourage everyone to be contacting news outlets and submitting "letters to the editor" and requesting more balanced and truthful (i.e., "guns in bars" is a misnomer) coverage.

I also want to share the information that we (TFA) have done a BBC interview with Nikki Goeser that should air on July 13. We (TFA) are doing a ABC network interview this morning with Nikki Goeser and Senator Jackson but I am not sure of the airtime.

We (Bob Pope and TFA) are doing a call-in talk radio show July 2 with purchased - no commercial airtime. The show guests will be - Sen. Doug Jackson, Sen. Jim Tracy, Rep. Ben West, Jr., Nikki Goeser, John Harris and, perhaps, former metro councilman Adam Dread who was invited but has not committed to show up.

Sen. Jackson introduced and carried the restaurant bill in the Senate and Rep. West introduced one version of the bill in the House. Adam Dread is a former Metro Councilman and a local attorney who is opposed to the restaurant law and asserts that the local governments not the Legislature should be making these types of decisions. He is also one of the attorneys representing the restaurant owner on the lawsuit.

Please tell ALL your friends to listen in to the show Thursday July 2, 11am-1pm, WAMB radio 1200am and 99.3 fm. The show is 2 hours with NO COMMERCIAL BREAKS. The show call in number is (615) 889-1960. For those who are not in the Nashville area, we are trying to get a live feed set up on TFALive - accessible through the TFA web site's main page in the upper menu - so that the show can also be heard live with chat but that will depend on whether the station is able to finalize arrangements for a sufficient internet feed by airtime.

This is a special broadcast. It will also be available July 10 bobpopegunshows.com in the click on guest archives.

We are planning another live callin show with another of the plaintiffs' attorneys and John Harris on Tuesday, July 7, on Newschannel 5+ Openline. That will air between 7pm and 8pm CST and should be available live from the Newschannel5+ web site.

If you have time, please help turn up the heat and show an example of 2nd Amendment political fireworks on this historic eve.

Thank you for all that you do, for the efforts of TFA and for your reasoned responses/approach in combatting the propaganda of the anti-gun crowd.

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I have been told by the BBC that the TFA Interview of Nikki Goeser (Me) will air this friday. I am waiting to get confirmation as to the time. I will post it later today. Thank you John Harris for helping me have a voice with lawmakers & the media. When I speak, I speak for ALL of us. I am just one little lady that was handed a huge nightmare and instead of wasting away in sorrow and doing nothing, I am doing something to insure that these criminals are not able to rule this world. The more HCP holders out there, the better. Crime DOES happen in Restaurants that serve alcohol and we should not have to just sit there without being able to protect ourselves. Our message is important and just because we are a minority, does not mean that we should be disciminated against. If African Americans did not stand up for civil rights, where would they be now? What if Rosa Parks had just said..."okay Mr. White man, I'll get up out of this seat because you demanded me to". We have to rise up and rise above in a peaceful manner to those that wish to stomp on our Constitution and make our voices heard. This lawsuit that has been filed is completely innapropriate. It is a waste of tax payer's money and shows these people just have a really bad case of "sour grapes". The Appropriate thing to do would be....put your little "no guns allowed" sign up on your door and WAIT till the next legislative session to challenge this. This is nothing more than people who live in this country that want to strip away good, law-abiding citizens 2nd Amendment Rights. There are many great organizations that ALL support 2nd Amendment Rights and are wonderful forums for people like us. I am proud to say I am a member of TGO, TFA, Second Amendment Sisters and the NRA. If we all work together we can move Mountains. I hope MANY of you will show up Monday for the hearing. I posted a thread giving details as to when and where. Go check it out. Keep on keeping on!

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Guest HexHead

I just read the notice posted at top. How will anyone know which side we are supporting? The media will probably say the large turn out was to support Rayburn and the lawsuit. Remember, they're not on our side and can't be depended on for veracity.

I agree, don't come dressed in camo etc and of course courtroom demeanor and respect must be the order of the day. I still think empty holsters will send the proper message, silently.

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  • Administrator
I just read the notice posted at top. How will anyone know which side we are supporting? The media will probably say the large turn out was to support Rayburn and the lawsuit. Remember, they're not on our side and can't be depended on for veracity.

I agree, don't come dressed in camo etc and of course courtroom demeanor and respect must be the order of the day. I still think empty holsters will send the proper message, silently.

Don't go wearing an empty holster. It's going to be seen as being inflammatory if you do and the media will wear it out. That's assuming that security lets you in like that in the first place. If I was charged with keeping people with firearms out of a building, and some dude walked in wearing a holster, you can guarantee he'd get some extra scrutiny. :screwy:

If you want to do something, wear an NRA hat. Wear a TGO hat. Wear an NRA polo or some other innocuous article of clothing that doesn't make you look like a wingnut but does show where you stand on the issue.

Make a name-badge style sticker that says "I SUPPORT THE 2nd AMENDMENT" and wear that on your shirt or something.

Hell if enough people want them, I'll make some up, print them on the color laser printer here at TGO HQ and hand them out somehow.

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Guest HexHead
Don't go wearing an empty holster. It's going to be seen as being inflammatory if you do and the media will wear it out. That's assuming that security lets you in like that in the first place. If I was charged with keeping people with firearms out of a building, and some dude walked in wearing a holster, you can guarantee he'd get some extra scrutiny. :screwy:

If you want to do something, wear an NRA hat. Wear a TGO hat. Wear an NRA polo or some other innocuous article of clothing that doesn't make you look like a wingnut but does show where you stand on the issue.

So I'm guessing my "I'm a bitter gun owner and I vote" NRA T-shirt wouldn't be a good choice then? :D;) ;)

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  • Administrator
So I'm guessing my "I'm a bitter gun owner and I vote" NRA T-shirt wouldn't be a good choice then? :D;) ;)

Other organizations have suggested wearing a suit. I'm saying business casual. Unless you're a lawyer, you probably don't have very many suits hanging around in your closet, but most of us have a nice pair of khakis and polo shirt that we can wear.

Leave the slogan shirts and clothing of that nature at home. :screwy:

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