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Lock and Load: Pistols

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Guest coldblackwind
R. Lee appeared to have his finger on the trigger at in-appropriate times a little too often.

I noticed that too, did a lot of chamber a round, then start showing off the gun too, of course I did notice things kept changing, such as hammers that were up in one shot were down in the next, so I can only hope they unloaded the gun between times.

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Yeah it was pretty cool to see him almost fall over after shooting the .44 and having the ballistics gel flip completely over.

He lost half his grip on the .44 and almost buried the front sight in his forehead! That Smith & Wesson .500 looked darned painful to shoot.

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Personally, I liked seeing that .44 magnum hit the ballistics gel, especially after having a .38 and a .45 to compare it too.

Bear in mind that the .38 was a .38 Colt, not a .38 Special and that both rounds were ball ammo, not hollow points like the .44.

However - the .44 was awesome!!

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Guest coldblackwind
Bear in mind that the .38 was a .38 Colt, not a .38 Special and that both rounds were ball ammo, not hollow points like the .44.

However - the .44 was awesome!!

This is true....but it was still spectacular!

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I noticed that too, did a lot of chamber a round, then start showing off the gun too, of course I did notice things kept changing, such as hammers that were up in one shot were down in the next, so I can only hope they unloaded the gun between times.

Almost certainly it was edited accidentally in a way that made R. Lee look bad. Otherwise, you'd have to believe that he was pointing guns at camera men and then pulling the trigger. Lots of B-roll and then lots of shots of the same action at different angles played over and over. Lends excitement at the expense of teaching safety, but what the hell, it's just a TV show.

I did not know R. Lee pushed the Glock. Seems like an american pistol company would want that endorsement more, but oh well.

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Guest NeuralFizz
Almost certainly it was edited accidentally in a way that made R. Lee look bad.

Obviously the man is incapable of making mistakes.


But yeah, I was surprised when I watched it last night.

Edited by NeuralFizz
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Yeah it was pretty cool to see him almost fall over after shooting the .44 and having the ballistics gel flip completely over.

Did anyone notice later in the program when Gunny was at discussing the 9mm Beretta with the other marine officer inside Quantico gun lab that Gunny had a mark/bruise above his left eyebrow?

I think either the .44 or the .50 hit him above the eye with the front sight.

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Guest NeuralFizz
Did anyone notice later in the program when Gunny was at discussing the 9mm Beretta with the other marine officer inside Quantico gun lab that Gunny had a mark/bruise above his left eyebrow?

I think either the .44 or the .50 hit him above the eye with the front sight.

haha! I noticed that too. He seemed pretty nubish yesterday. Maybe he's getting senile in his old age.

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