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Marine Veteran David Hedrick at Town Hall Meeting w/ Rep. Brian Baird


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That's because he's a representative. We all know that senators and representatives work hard to get to their elite position. I have a position to suggest to them. I don't think it made it to the Kama Sutra.

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Guest beefcakeb0

haha good one

i hope it rattle round his head a bit before it left his other ear, but more than likely this kinda stuff just helps to fuel pelosis opinion, and helps to distance them from the people

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Guest David William Hedrick

First of all, thank you for all of the support. Your kind words are appreciated.

I intend to run for office if I can come up with the required support and funding to fuel a campaign. You can find me on the facebook (David William Hedrick) that I just got up. Also, a website is in the works and should be up this weekend.

By the way, if you are not familiar with his voting record, Brian Baird has voted for gun registration and waiting periods. He claims to be a second amendment supporter who only wants "reasonable restrictions". We’ve heard this before.

I hope I can continue to count on your support.

David William Hedrick

Cpl USMC, NRA Life Member


For now: davidwhedrick@yahoo.com

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David, since Rep. Baird didn't take the time, I will. Thank you very much for your service to a grateful nation. Semper Fi, Marine.

Second, if ever a fresh can o' whoop ass was opened on someone, that was it. Fantastic speech. You said more worth hearing in two minutes than Pelosi, Reid, and Obama have said in 8 months.


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First of all, thank you for all of the support. Your kind words are appreciated.

I intend to run for office if I can come up with the required support and funding to fuel a campaign. You can find me on the facebook (David William Hedrick) that I just got up. Also, a website is in the works and should be up this weekend.

By the way, if you are not familiar with his voting record, Brian Baird has voted for gun registration and waiting periods. He claims to be a second amendment supporter who only wants "reasonable restrictions". We’ve heard this before.

I hope I can continue to count on your support.

David William Hedrick

Cpl USMC, NRA Life Member


For now: davidwhedrick@yahoo.com

Thank you for your service, David. I don't think Baird was expecting the verbal airstrike. Please check back in with updates!


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest David William Hedrick

I have decided to run against Brian Baird in 2010. Please help me get the word out by telling everyone you can. Sending them a link to my video and website is a great way to do this, but feel free to be creative.

I am going up against an entrenched incumbent with large financial resources, so I will need all of the financial and volunteer help I can get. No donation of time or financial support is too small. Please help in any way you can.

Together, we will take our country back.

God Bless,

David William Hedrick


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