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i need 1 7.62x54r to borrow

Guest pontiac_fiero_g

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Cameron has never been in love - at least, nobody's ever been in love with him. If things don't change for him, he's gonna marry the first girl he lays, and she's gonna treat him like ****, because she will have given him what he has built up in his mind as the end-all, be-all of human existence. She won't respect him, 'cause you can't respect somebody who kisses your ass. It just doesn't work.

--Ferris Bueler

True wisdom, my friend. True wisdom!

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I thought that was because bkelm is a home wrecker...

There's more turns to that story than the Dragon. Its going to be a new soap opera in San Francisco.

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Cameron has never been in love - at least, nobody's ever been in love with him. If things don't change for him, he's gonna marry the first girl he lays, and she's gonna treat him like ****, because she will have given him what he has built up in his mind as the end-all, be-all of human existence. She won't respect him, 'cause you can't respect somebody who kisses your ass. It just doesn't work.

--Ferris Bueler

What's sad is that you either quoted that from memory or went and looked it up to post in this thread!:(

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Guest Mugster
That's the analogy I always use! :(

Got a shoe problem?

A man can get a roll of small colored stick on dots and place them on the sole of unused footwear. If you jot a date on the dot and can prove no wear in 3 years, it might be possible to get them donated to the salvation army. Thats the only way I've ever figured to get my shoes back in the closet.

I'll deny any knowledge of this technique if placed on the stand during the divorce.

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Guest mrl4ng

two questions:

First. Have you ever shot a mosin? To each his own, but im not sure the experience is exactly tattoo worthy...

Second. I have an extra mosin. IF it IS seriously your dream gun, im sure you could justify trading me something cool for it. :koolaid: I know all about having to "launder" funds for guns past my better half. Trust me. You can convince her to TRADE something cool for one. ;)

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Guest pontiac_fiero_g
two questions:

First. Have you ever shot a mosin? To each his own, but im not sure the experience is exactly tattoo worthy...

Second. I have an extra mosin. IF it IS seriously your dream gun, im sure you could justify trading me something cool for it. :confused: I know all about having to "launder" funds for guns past my better half. Trust me. You can convince her to TRADE something cool for one. :screwy:

what kind of stuff you looking for? i have a bunch of ring and pinion sets for chevy rearends as well as a few center sections. i have some stereo equiptment, a go cart, plenty of dvd's you might like or i can trade service for it. im pretty good at fixing cars and mowing grass as well as some construction stuff.

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Guest pontiac_fiero_g
and what are these valid reasons?

this my fight with jerry pictures by pontiac_fiero_guy - Photobucket

he was renting the downstairs apartment at my grandmothers and he got drunk started beating his girlfriend so she came upstairs for protection and he came up and tried to get in so i went out side to try to talk him into going back downstairs and sleeping it off and he decided that he wanted to do a little more than talk and he hit me so i kept hitting him until he stopped swinging at me and i felt that the threat to me and my loved ones was eliminated. the picture was about a day and a half later. i broke a few ribs puntured one lung broke all of his teeth off at the gum line, broke the roof of his mouth, broke his jaw bone into multiple pieces, his forehead and skull were broken into over 120 pieces, his socket behind his eye was broken and his eye keeps falling back into his head where you can barely see it, his eye actually came out of the socket and fell out after the swelling went down, his jaws were wired shut for a couple of months.

and he still drinks heavily and beats his girlfriend

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