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Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize?

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I really like lthis one!! Lets stir this hornets nest up again. Check out this opinion piece from Dennis Prager. He is exactly right:

Why President Obama Was Awarded the Nobel Prize — The Patriot Post

Why President Obama Was Awarded the Nobel Prize

By Dennis Prager · Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Nobel Peace Prize, already devalued, has sunk to a new low. This assessment has nothing to do with one's estimation of this year's recipient, President Barack Obama. Most of those on the left, with a few predictable exceptions such as the New York Times, regard giving the president the award as belittling him and the prize.

How did this happen? What was the Oslo Committee's motive?

They may be moral idiots, but they are not stupid: I believe that they had two clear aims.

One is to undercut American exceptionalism -- the notion that America has a superior moral value system to that of the "world" (specifically the United Nations and the European Union) and America's willing to use its unique power, alone when necessary, in accordance with that value system. The other is to promote an essentially pacifist agenda.

Here is the entire announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize committee:

1. "The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

Meaning: No more Lone Ranger America.

2. "The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons."

Meaning: The Nobel Committee wants no country to possess nuclear weapons. That an American president shares this dream and is working to achieve it excites the Nobel Committee -- and the world's left generally -- beyond words.

Many people around the world -- not just Americans -- would characterize a world in which America and all other decent countries had no nuclear weapons not as a dream, but as a nightmare. But for the naive left-wing (a redundant phrase: If one is not naive about evil, one is not on the left) members of the Nobel Committee, the prospect of encouraging an American president to dismantle his country's nuclear arsenal was too tempting to allow to pass -- even at the price of appearing foolish.

3. "Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play."

Meaning: To the international left, as embodied by the five members of the Nobel Prize Committee, the United Nations is the beacon of hope for mankind.

To many Americans and others, however, the United Nations is regarded as a moral wasteland that rewards some of world's cruelest regimes with seats on its Human Rights Committee, does nothing to prevent genocides (some would way say the U.N. actually abets them), honoring tyrants, and mired in corruption.

4. "Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts."

Meaning: As the pacifist bumper sticker puts it: "War is not the answer."

Oslo's approach echoes what the British government under Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain believed vis a vis Adolf Hitler. But had Hitler been confronted instead of "dialogued" with, perhaps tens of millions of innocent men and women's lives would have been spared and the Holocaust averted. Europeans tend to believe that evil regimes will act responsibly because of dialogue, not threats of force.

5. "The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations."

Meaning: We believe that a world in which no country possesses nuclear weapons will be a safer world. We believe that even though the technology to make nuclear weapons will still exist, no terrorist organization, nor any other bad people, will make such weapons.

The existence and deterrent power of nuclear weapons have probably saved as many lives as have antibiotics. As David Von Drehle writes in this week's Time Magazine, "If the Nobel committee wants someday to honor the force that has done the most over the past 60 years to end industrial-scale war, they will award a peace prize to the bomb."

6. "Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting."

Meaning: To our delight, unlike the previous president, this one believes in global warming and in changing the American economy to combat it.

The "climate change" scare has become the most effective vehicle for compelling a transformation of Western economies along the lines that left-wing environmentalists have urged for decades.

7. "Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened."

This, unfortunately, has no meaning; it is nonsense. Under Barack Obama, the United States has not been the friend of democrats around the world. America has responded weakly to the democratic movement in Iran, ended the funding of the largest pro-Iranian human rights groups in America, pressured democratic Israel, made overtures to Hugo Chavez while denying American ally and pro-democratic Colombia a free trade agreement, abandoned Honduran anti-Chavez democrats, and has obsequiously deferred to Vladimir Putin.

8. "Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future."

Meaning: Only very rarely does the European left have such a kindred spirit in the American presidency.

9. "His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."

Meaning: With Barack Obama, we in Europe finally have an opportunity to end American exceptionalism.

The Oslo committee's view is, tragically, true. Thanks to Barack Obama, America is for the first time is aligning its values with those of "the majority of the world's population." If you think the world's population has had better values than America, that it has made societies that are more open, free, and tolerant than American society, and that it has fought for others' liberty more than America has, you should be delighted.


Food for thought.


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well hell, I think we should start giving all the baseball teams the pennant before the first game.

Give all actors and actresses the oscar before their first movie.

lets give all the college students a degree before the first day of school ..

because we "believe" that they'll accomplish all they set out to do! we have hope, we have a VISION!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I am gonna post this here, as I have seen a ton of Conservative folks making fun of the Peace Prize and Obama.

I am quoting MIKE HUCKABEE (2008 Republican Candidate and possible 2012 candidate):

"There will be an outcry from those on the right who will say that Obama's nomination, made two weeks into his Presidency, is impossible to justify, but I think such an outcry will sound like right-wing whining. The better response is simply to allow those on the left to explain what he did in his first two weeks as President that merited such recognition." (emphasis added.)

So, um, Democrats and the Prize Committee, just how DOES Obama merit this award?

As for the Conservatives irritated by this award, how about a new focus?

Why not focus on getting O and the Dems out of office? How about focusing on finding an ACTUAL CANDIDATE to go against O? McCain was an anti-gun, spend and spend, "new" Republican of the W Bush type. How about a candidate that is TRUE to the Republican Platform?

So far, since the election, I have heard little from Republican friends about winning back the White House, or Congress for that matter...

So far, all I have heard has been quite similar to Democrats when they claimed Bush "stole" the election, nothing but sore losers complaining about their butt hurt.

Personally, I am sick of the poor sportsmanship shown by a lot of Conservatives and Republicans, from the Joker Faced Obama to the racist statements, like the Witch Doctor pictures on his health care push. Same stuff I saw from Democrats during the W Administration... So much for claiming the High Moral Ground...

I am really tired of those who are conspiracy theorists, with their Birth Certificate false hope, and the "Sekrit Muslin" counterparts. Get a life and reality check.

I am just hoping, seemingly against hope, the Conservatives and Republicans will mount a counter to O. But, they continue to push down the path of the sore looser, marching lock step into irrelevancy.

As for the TEA Party - Well, where were you the past 8 years when the hundreds of billions of surplus became over a 1.2 trillion debt? After the last Admin gives 800 Billion Bailout to the Banks? No? Only after O got into office you then start whining like stuck pigs over taxes... Taxes that have NOT been raised, nor have been even discussed by the new administration...

Will this TEA Party be bad news for Republicans? Possibly, as they are starting to have their own candidates run for Congress. This will split the Conservative vote.

But, I do feel like we need new parties, as the Dems and GOP seem to be the opposing wings of the same Vulture...

Rant off.

Sorry if I offended... Wait, no I am not, as I hope Conservatives get off of the Whine and get ACTIVE. Or, heck, continue your focus on your Butt Hurt, and keep O and the Dems IN OFFICE...

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HvyMtl :rolleyes: Don't get me going! I can't tell by your comments where you're at politically and yes I am offended. Get off the republican democrat thing. They are both to blame. I'm about my country, liberty, freedom, and upholding our constitution. This is about an out of control and highy corrupt government. Yes I understand by throwing a third party candidate in the mix it takes away from the voting base against O. I'm just trying to figure out if dipstick is leaving us a country we can vote in. Please tell me you don't agree with his policies? This is your answer to fixing the country?

I am butthurt, but right now yours is in the same boat as everyone else's and it can't be feeling good. I think you better take a step back and look at the real issues. Read between the lines and don't always read the black and white. It may just save your ass. No new taxes! You have fallen victim to his deception. He made a promise of no new income taxes for you. Look around at all the new federal tax hikes imposed on every day purchases. Soda for one. I can't go on. It taxes me just to think about it.

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. How about a candidate that is TRUE to the Republican Platform?

Heck no, I want a conservative.

. Personally, I am sick of the poor sportsmanship shown by a lot of Conservatives and Republicans, from the Joker Faced Obama to the racist statements,

Gotta clue you in, here - the Joker poster was made by a democrat. The only racist statements I've seen are the accusations from the left. Apparently, any opposition to Obamas' policies, appointments, or tactics is racist.

. I am really tired of those who are conspiracy theorists, with their Birth Certificate false hope, and the "Sekrit Muslin" counterparts. Get a life and reality check.

Well, to be honest, the 'birthers' may have a point. The guy was born in Kenya, his father was not an American. There may well be a legal challenge to his eligibility, but all I've seen to counter this position is scorn. Now granted, it isn't a position I'd bet more than openers on, but as a legitimate constitutional question, it deserves at least a legitimate investigation.

. I am just hoping, seemingly against hope, the Conservatives and Republicans will mount a counter to O. But, they continue to push down the path of the sore looser, marching lock step into irrelevancy.

Huh? Frankly, the guys' own policies are a pretty effective counter to any swing voters making that mistake again. The economy is going down faster than the Hindenburg (Or, to put it so StrickJ gets it, faster than Linda Lovelace). Unless the GOP actually nominates Satan, they've got a shot at it. What, exactly, makes them irrelevant? Opposition to legislation and appointments that at first blush are bad, but on deeper study are clearly disastrous?

. As for the TEA Party - Well, where were you the past 8 years when the hundreds of billions of surplus became over a 1.2 trillion debt? After the last Admin gives 800 Billion Bailout to the Banks? No? Only after O got into office you then start whining like stuck pigs over taxes... Taxes that have NOT been raised, nor have been even discussed the new administration...

Not so, Grasshopper. Conservatives were screaming about bank bailouts long before the Tea Party movement formed. Conservatives were just as unhappy as liberals over some of the Patriot Act provisions. The only people who can claim straight-faced that all this "new-found" opposition sprang up overnight (due to racism, no doubt) are either completely clueless or obamabot plants. As for taxes, don't know about you, but I'm paying more in taxes already, comrade. Of course, I'm an evil smoker, so I probably deserve it.

. Will this TEA Party be bad news for Republicans? Possibly, as they are starting to have their own candidates run for Congress. This will split the Conservative vote.

Ever heard the term "separate the wheat from the chaff"?

But, I do feel like we need new parties, as the Dems and GOP seem to be the opposing wings of the same Vulture...

Rant off.

Sorry if I offended... Wait, no I am not, as I hope Conservatives get off of the Whine and get ACTIVE. Or, heck, continue your focus on your Butt Hurt, and keep O and the Dems IN OFFICE...

Active how, since Tea Parties, "Town Hall" meetings that have RHINOs and Libs in hiding, supporting Palin, and holding (some) rep's feet to the fire don't seem to count? You've made a blanket whine about whining, but failed to hint at any plan more than to "get active". Looking around, I see the conservative base more active than it has been in the last 40-some years.

Edited by Mark@Sea
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Well, where were you the past 8 years when the hundreds of billions of surplus became over a 1.2 trillion debt? After the last Admin gives 800 Billion Bailout to the Banks? No? Only after O got into office you then start whining like stuck pigs over taxes... Taxes that have NOT been raised, nor have been even discussed by the new administration...

I tell you what I love. When libs point out how much W spent as a justification to how much the Big O has spent. Seems to me the Big O has added more to the national debt than all administrations before him, added together had. Yep that makes the national debt seem ok. Doesn't it? Also a big fan of W's immoral war.

Where were your types when troops were sent over to Iraq after 9-11? I am not sure but I do not remember anyone, ANYONE not in favor of it.

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Ok, I am gonna post this here, as I have seen a ton of Conservative folks making fun of the Peace Prize and Obama.

I am quoting MIKE HUCKABEE (2008 Republican Candidate and possible 2012 candidate):

"There will be an outcry from those on the right who will say that Obama's nomination, made two weeks into his Presidency, is impossible to justify, but I think such an outcry will sound like right-wing whining. The better response is simply to allow those on the left to explain what he did in his first two weeks as President that merited such recognition." (emphasis added.)

So, um, Democrats and the Prize Committee, just how DOES Obama merit this award?

As for the Conservatives irritated by this award, how about a new focus?

Why not focus on getting O and the Dems out of office? How about focusing on finding an ACTUAL CANDIDATE to go against O? McCain was an anti-gun, spend and spend, "new" Republican of the W Bush type. How about a candidate that is TRUE to the Republican Platform?

So far, since the election, I have heard little from Republican friends about winning back the White House, or Congress for that matter...

So far, all I have heard has been quite similar to Democrats when they claimed Bush "stole" the election, nothing but sore losers complaining about their butt hurt.

Personally, I am sick of the poor sportsmanship shown by a lot of Conservatives and Republicans, from the Joker Faced Obama to the racist statements, like the Witch Doctor pictures on his health care push. Same stuff I saw from Democrats during the W Administration... So much for claiming the High Moral Ground...

I am really tired of those who are conspiracy theorists, with their Birth Certificate false hope, and the "Sekrit Muslin" counterparts. Get a life and reality check.

I am just hoping, seemingly against hope, the Conservatives and Republicans will mount a counter to O. But, they continue to push down the path of the sore looser, marching lock step into irrelevancy.

As for the TEA Party - Well, where were you the past 8 years when the hundreds of billions of surplus became over a 1.2 trillion debt? After the last Admin gives 800 Billion Bailout to the Banks? No? Only after O got into office you then start whining like stuck pigs over taxes... Taxes that have NOT been raised, nor have been even discussed by the new administration...

Will this TEA Party be bad news for Republicans? Possibly, as they are starting to have their own candidates run for Congress. This will split the Conservative vote.

But, I do feel like we need new parties, as the Dems and GOP seem to be the opposing wings of the same Vulture...

Rant off.

Sorry if I offended... Wait, no I am not, as I hope Conservatives get off of the Whine and get ACTIVE. Or, heck, continue your focus on your Butt Hurt, and keep O and the Dems IN OFFICE...

The "surplus" you guys are always referring to was smoke and mirrors. It never actually existed.

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Where were your types when troops were sent over to Iraq after 9-11? I am not sure but I do not remember anyone, ANYONE not in favor of it.

Sure you don't mean Afghanistan?

That's where troops went first, shortly after 9/11/2001

Most everyone was in favor of THAT.

Iraq was much later, 2003.

MANY people not in favor of THAT.

Including moi.

- OS

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Sending troops to afghanistan wasn't my first choice.

A nuke, now...

Now now...

That would eradicated half the opium in the world.

And the current strongest part of the US economy. :biglol:

If Dubya could've gotten Osama, then he wouldn't have had to go after Sadaam - had to swing his dick to show he was doing something to avenge 9/11. And of course to finish his daddy's feud.

I thing Dubya really is that simple a guy.

- OS

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Considering the funding, training, safe-haven and operational links between Hussein and Al Queda, I'm certain the situation was a little more complicated than you think. You're entitled to your opinion, though, just as I am entitled to think you're wrong about it.

I'm pretty happy that we took out Hussein. It wasn't exactly "his daddys' feud", but I won't go into that. BDS isn't something I am even remotely qualified to deal with.

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.. BDS isn't something I am even remotely qualified to deal with.

I actually had no idea what that was til a quick search:

Bush Derangement Syndrome

Far out.

There are plenty of Bad Poobahs in the world. Just taking the one down, at least the way we've done it, has significantly contributed to bankrupting us, and won't enhance the stability of that area of the world one iota within a few years (maybe a few months) of our withdrawal.

- OS

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