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Wolf Shirt = Awesome

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We stopped at a road side flea market, just north of the Shelby County line on Highway 51, in Tipton County, and I stumbled across this beauty.

It was hard to contain my excitement. Seeing one of these with the possibility of purchasing was more than I could take. Luckily my wife whisked me away, before any damage was done. At least I was able to snap a photo.


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I wonder how many women are mesmerized and can't click away from this page right now? You need to change your name to Wolfpack if you bought that feline magnet.

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It was hard to contain my excitement. Seeing one of these with the possibility of purchasing was more than I could take. Luckily my wife whisked me away, before any damage was done.

Hmmmmmmm... sounds like some lucky dog (uh, I mean Wolf) is getting a something special under the tree. :rock:

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hahahahaha....there for a second I thought you were gonna say you bought it lol.

Actually we ought to buy some and have "ELITE TGO SECURITY TEAM" silkscreened on the back of them in Bright yellow for the guys to wear at the guns and gear event! LOL!!! :D

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Guest abailey362

"How bout that ride in. I guess that's why they call it sin city. Ha ha ha. You guys might not know this but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one man wolfpack. But when my sister brought Doug home I knew he was one of my own. And my wolfpack, it grew by one. So there were two of us in the wolfpack. I was alone first in the pack and then Doug joined in later. And 6 months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys I thought, wait a second, could it be. And now I know for sure that I just added two guys to my wolfpack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together in Las Vegas looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast."

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hahahahaha....there for a second I thought you were gonna say you bought it lol.
I've gotta say, I'm a little disappointed that he didn't. I just can't fathom how someone could gaze upon such a thing of beauty, available for sale no less, and not purchase it at any price. Even if someone had been wearing it at the time, I would have still had to at least make an offer. Beautiful, but in a strong, rugged, and manly way. Absolutely breathtaking.:tough:
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