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your carry stories

Guest 2fast28

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Guest ArmyVeteran37214

My permit class instructor advised against giving aid. I think one scenario was if you get too close and the BG makes a last lunge, and you shoot them again, a witness close enough to watch, but not close enough to be aware of all the facts may think you just finished them off execution style.

I read this and the first thought in my mind was DOUBLE TAP!

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Hey guys

I was just wondering if people had any carry stories. I have been carrying for about 2 months. I was just wondering if any body had to use there firearm. Feel free to share or not.

Which newspaper do you work for? :)

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I do my best to avoid any problems, don't go far after dark,

stay away from bad places, If they catch me anyway then:

I practice triple tap, two in the chest,

One in the coconut,:D

No reason to try to render aid:koolaid:

Just enough to stop the threat :D

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Well there was interesting thing that happened to me last week in the parkinglot of wal mart. I drove in and was waiting patiently for the car in front if me to get parked. There was a car behind me, the car in front of me put on his bu lights and started backing up toward my car. I thought he was going to hit me so I honked my horn. The car behind oblivious to what is going on so I couldn't back up. Well after this went on for a minute, 2 black guys a white girl and 2 other white dudes jumped out if this old Caprice and started jawing at me and my wife to get out of the way, not in such nice terms. So I'm sitting here my wife is scared, freaking out.

One of the white dudes starts reaching in his pants with his Atlanta Falcons jacket covering his hand and is yelling "what you going to do b"""". So I have said not a word at this point and I'm a little nervous and the guy behind me finally backs up only to have to stop for the car behind him. I quickly reach into the back seat and grab my trusty 870 tactical as this cat is approaching my car with his hand down in his junk.

Well I did all I thought I could so I hung my 870 out the window and piped one with a quick pump on the way out the opening. Well needless to say Mr "too fly for a white guy stopped dead in his tracks about 10 feet from the blazer and jerked his hand back out of his drawers. Proceeded to say " you going to shoot me?". Now his friends have all bailed on him at this point except for the girl. She is yelling something I don't know because I don't understand Ebonics.... I told my wife to keep an eye on her as I opened the door and stepped out with the barrel of my 870 pointing at Eminem. I got out to ask the cars behind me to back up but they were already rolling. So I did a quick scan for his buddies and they were all running like hell across the parking lot. I asked him to to "move along" and he yelled as he was semi running back toward his friends not to shoot. I don't know where Ms Daisy went but she was gone. I was scared and freaking out inside but I kept my cool got back into my car and drove off calling the police on the way out to let them know what had happened. They asked me to come to the station and file a report so i did. It turns out they had rounded up these guys ( no girl ) and arrestedthem for disorderly conduct based off of witness statements when they arrived at walmart. Apparently thier Caprice wouldn't start so they couldn't leave. They checked my permit and took down my info. They said no gun was found on the dudes but agreed I had reasonable cause to fear for me and my wife's life.

Edited by Krull
to fix IPhone errors from my HC.
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Well I wasn't going to shoot him I was pretty sure he didn't have a gun. I can't remember what he yelled running off. Was something about no gun or I'm unarmed or something. I guess he will not stick his hand down his pants again and act like it. Well I would have shot him if.........

Edited by Krull
Sucky spelling
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Guest jake0587

Lol @ eminem post. I'm sure that gave them a quick lesson on manners. I never had to draw, been carrying about 1.5 years now. Although I've been in about half dozen places where I was glad I was packing.

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This was the only time in 6 years I felt threatened enough to show steel. I pulled my jacket back at the Kingsport mall one time to reveal my browning hp to a bunch of thugs blocking the stairs and they parted like the red sea.

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Well there was interesting thing that happened to me last week in the parkinglot of wal mart. I drove in and was waiting patiently for the car in front if me to get parked. There was a car behind me, the car in front of me put on his bu lights and started backing up toward my car. I thought he was going to hit me so I honked my horn. The car behind oblivious to what is going on so I couldn't back up. Well after this went on for a minute, 2 black guys a white girl and 2 other white dudes jumped out if this old Caprice and started jawing at me and my wife to get out of the way, not in such nice terms. So I'm sitting here my wife is scared, freaking out.

One of the white dudes starts reaching in his pants with his Atlanta Falcons jacket covering his hand and is yelling "what you going to do b"""". So I have said not a word at this point and I'm a little nervous and the guy behind me finally backs up only to have to stop for the car behind him. I quickly reach into the back seat and grab my trusty 870 tactical as this cat is approaching my car with his hand down in his junk.

Well I did all I thought I could so I hung my 870 out the window and piped one with a quick pump on the way out the opening. Well needless to say Mr "too fly for a white guy stopped dead in his tracks about 10 feet from the blazer and jerked his hand back out of his drawers. Proceeded to say " you going to shoot me?". Now his friends have all bailed on him at this point except for the girl. She is yelling something I don't know because I don't understand Ebonics.... I told my wife to keep an eye on her as I opened the door and stepped out with the barrel of my 870 pointing at Eminem. I got out to ask the cars behind me to back up but they were already rolling. So I did a quick scan for his buddies and they were all running like hell across the parking lot. I asked him to to "move along" and he yelled as he was semi running back toward his friends not to shoot. I don't know where Ms Daisy went but she was gone. I was scared and freaking out inside but I kept my cool got back into my car and drove off calling the police on the way out to let them know what had happened. They asked me to come to the station and file a report so i did. It turns out they had rounded up these guys ( no girl ) and arrestedthem for disorderly conduct based off of witness statements when they arrived at walmart. Apparently thier Caprice wouldn't start so they couldn't leave. They checked my permit and took down my info. They said no gun was found on the dudes but agreed I had reasonable cause to fear for me and my wife's life.

Good to know Kingsport's finest backed you up. Was this the wal mart on Ft Henry Dr?

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Yes colonial heights Wally World. Haven't seen anything in the papers about it at all. Wonder why? Was wanting to pin up the clipping as a reminder never to let your guard down.

Don't hold you breath waiting on the media to report on something like that. It doesn't support their agenda so they will rarely ever print something that might make someone think that they may be safer with a gun. Let a permit holder be involved in a bad shooting and they will be all over it like stink on ;)!

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Guest 10mm4me

I reported a a DUI to the Sheriff and followed the guy until he crashed.He then ran up towards the nearest house to do God knows what so I went after him, grabbed him, threw him down, he jumped up so I drew and went to the low ready...He stayed put after that. He was in a stolen vehicle under the influence of all sorts of pills.The sheriff showed up then the state troopers. He left in cuffs w/a stupid look on his face.

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Putting gas in my truck last winter on Nolensville Road in N'ville. Guy walks up smiling saying "I need money!" I agree with him; I need money too! He keeps approaching me, puts his hand in his pocket and starts out with SOMETHING. I raise my vest and put my hand on my S&W 686 . . . he immediately begins running away and drops cheap switchblade knife . . .

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Putting gas in my truck last winter on Nolensville Road in N'ville. Guy walks up smiling saying "I need money!" I agree with him; I need money too! He keeps approaching me, puts his hand in his pocket and starts out with SOMETHING. I raise my vest and put my hand on my S&W 686 . . . he immediately begins running away and drops cheap switchblade knife . . .

I guess that as he's running away he's thinking about the old joke about bringing a knife to a gun fight! :pleased:

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