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Do You Buy Into This?

Guest Orionsic

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Guest HVAC Worker
moving here recently, and being a resident of 2 other states in my life, you need to understand that it is not easy to shoot in many states. Factors such as finding a nearby, convenient place to shoot or that it is "politically incorrect" to shoot in some locales make firing many rounds cumbersome.

Good point EagleEye.Welcome to TGO.

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Come on :), if someone says NIB never fired, you know what they mean.

I know,

I was ribbin people.

I can just see it now though a newb buying a gun and finding the bullet in the little envelope in the case and getting all bent out of shape and what not.

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Guest clownsdd

I've got several weapons that I purchased 'cause I wanted them. Maybe took to the range and shot 10-30 times, cleaned and put in the safe.

I've also got my "favorites" that have 500+ rounds thru them.

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I've got a number of firearms that I have traded for and haven't never found time to shoot yet. I also just inherited a Marlin 336 from my uncle that got it in 1974 and it has never been shot. It's still in the box, papers and all

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Unfired...That's why I like going to gun shows. There are always tons of old guns that have never been fired! :tough:

I don't go to a lot of local gun shows, but do go to collector's shows. I don't really hear this much from anyone, not to say you don't hear it. The irony to this is it rarely makes any difference. It might make a difference on a special commemorative gun or a one off. However, collectors of most collectible pieces don't usually care if a gun as been shot. In fact most collectors shoot their collectible pieces except certain types of antique guns.

That said there are some people who look for that type of gun, but they are rare. they usually look for a gun with the original box. On a revolver they would want no marks on the cylinder to show it hasn't even been dry fired. On an old pump gun they might look for one that has absolutely no marks to indicate the gun had been racked. It wouldn't matter if they had been fired or not, just the marking wear would be enough to turn them off. Obviously these are special guns to begin with for some reason.

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Ive read countless of ads for firearm sales on gunbroker and this site, as well as store related purchases of used guns, that 90% of ads state the round count on a certain firearm to be in the low 100s. Does anyone else find this to be a crock of bull****?

Many ads read a shot count between 200-500. Who does this? Why buy a gun from somebody that doesnt even shoot the thing anyway? Are the majority of people that buy a gun, practically dont even use it, and sell it uneducated?

I would find it insulting for someone selling me a used firearm, telling me they put probably about 600 rounds. Its too redundant.

Sounds to me the problem is yours. I have quite a few guns, and I shoot when I can. I work two jobs so my time is limited. If I tell you or anyone else an approximate round count that is the truth. I think you paint with to broad a brush.
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Talk about stupid, I was in a gun shop last week, a guy came in said " I've made up my mind I'm gonna buy that G19", owner said great choice, took the gun to the register, happen to say to the other person behind the counter "that's the last G19". You know what, the idiot walked out , wouldn't buy the gun because it was a "display model" and other people had handled it.!!!! Talk about stupid !! The owner told me today the G19 had only been in the case 2 days when the idiot didn't buy it because it was the last one they had. Got me think'n a "Hammerhead" like that shouldn't be buying a gun. That's the kind who shoots them selfs and their relatives sue the gun companies for selling un-safe guns !!! :tough:

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I do belive it,I have many handguns that are like new in box LNIB.I belive are factory fired only and some are 40 years old.

I have others 1 year old that have 2500+ rounds

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Additional round count meters are only 199.99 plus shipping.

You know you got a good one when it comes marked as only 498 rounds down the barrel but comes with 6 ammo counters!! :hiding:

(it does get a little difficult to hold the rifle as round count increases though....but we don't want to mislead anyone)

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Has anyone yet to mention the cost of being able to fire ammo many thousands of times??

....let me show you an example...

(given example does not reflect actual prices but average prices based on WalMart pricing)

1 box of 9mm avg. price $10 for 50rds

500rds would cost approx $100

1000rds would cost approx $200

2000rds would cost approx $400

4000rds would cost approx $800

8000rds would cost approx $1600

And the price goes up pending caliber......with .22lr usually being the cheapest and most cost effective

Thousands of rounds through any firearm can get expensive even if its over a peorid of time. Last year in 09' I purchased about around 1400rds (approx $300) of 9mm and around 1700rds of 7.62x39 (approx $425). So give or take I spent around $700 in ammo. Many people can't afford to do this much less be able to do it in multiple calibers. Heck, if I'd stop shootin' for a year, I'd be able to buy another firearm...:hiding:

Edited by kwe45919
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In '09 I was training at 1600 rounds per month. Granted they were reloaded, but still, why would you make me think about how much I've spent on ammo... that's just mean.

Has anyone yet to mention the cost of being able to fire ammo many thousands of times??

....let me show you an example...

(given example does not reflect actual prices but average prices based on WalMart pricing)

1 box of 9mm avg. price $10 for 50rds

500rds would cost approx $100

1000rds would cost approx $200

2000rds would cost approx $400

4000rds would cost approx $800

8000rds would cost approx $1600

And the price goes up pending caliber......with .22lr usually being the cheapest and most cost effective

Thousands of rounds through any firearm can get expensive even if its over a peorid of time. Last year in 09' I purchased about around 1400rds (approx $300) of 9mm and around 1700rds of 7.62x39 (approx $425). So give or take I spent around $700 in ammo. Many people can't afford to do this much less be able to do it in multiple calibers. Heck, if I'd stop shootin' for a year, I'd be able to buy another firearm...:up:

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Has anyone yet to mention the cost of being able to fire ammo many thousands of times??

....let me show you an example...

(given example does not reflect actual prices but average prices based on WalMart pricing)

1 box of 9mm avg. price $10 for 50rds

500rds would cost approx $100

1000rds would cost approx $200

2000rds would cost approx $400

4000rds would cost approx $800

8000rds would cost approx $1600

And the price goes up pending caliber......with .22lr usually being the cheapest and most cost effective

Thousands of rounds through any firearm can get expensive even if its over a peorid of time. Last year in 09' I purchased about around 1400rds (approx $300) of 9mm and around 1700rds of 7.62x39 (approx $425). So give or take I spent around $700 in ammo. Many people can't afford to do this much less be able to do it in multiple calibers. Heck, if I'd stop shootin' for a year, I'd be able to buy another firearm...:up:

If I didnt buy ammo for a year I could buy another truck!!!

If I didnt buy guns for a year I could buy another house!!! Pretty sick huh!!

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Guest Orionsic
Sounds to me the problem is yours. I have quite a few guns, and I shoot when I can. I work two jobs so my time is limited. If I tell you or anyone else an approximate round count that is the truth. I think you paint with to broad a brush.

I might be painting with a broad brush, but on the contrare, Im not vouching for anyone other than myself.

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In '09 I was training at 1600 rounds per month. Granted they were reloaded, but still, why would you make me think about how much I've spent on ammo... that's just mean.


If I didnt buy ammo for a year I could buy another truck!!!

If I didnt buy guns for a year I could buy another house!!! Pretty sick huh!!

Most of us can relate....:up:

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I sold a gun on this forum a few months back. I conservatively overestimated the number of rounds fired. It was an M&P 9c. I bought it and never liked the dangling pinky (short grip). I don't think I shot two boxes of ammo through it.

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Nearly 100% of all NIB guns are fired at the factory to insure they are working before they are shipped out. So to sit there and say they have "never" been fired is misleading.

You must have OCD! :up:

I was talking about the retail customer. We all know the guns are test fired before leaving the factory.

So fine tho.. the guns hit the retail customer they are never fired by them.

Edited by lowbud
too early can't spell
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Guest davidz71

Gee, I had an XD40 Tactical for several months, fired 100 rds. through it and traded for an XD40 4" which has had 500 rounds through it. On the other hand, I have had a Browning Citori in the safe 10 years and only fired 50 rounds through it. My 3 45's have 250, 300 some odd and 400 some odd rounds through them. The ones with the lower count are customs and the one with the most rounds is a compensated Springfield for pin ball shooting years ago. It is still tight as can be. All my Smith's have had thousands of wadcutter rounds through them with the exception of my new J frame.

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I know,

I was ribbin people.

I can just see it now though a newb buying a gun and finding the bullet in the little envelope in the case and getting all bent out of shape and what not.


Hopefully the newb doesn't call the shell / casing a bullet.

Edited by shirtshirt
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Guest 1817ak47

well some of my arsenal includes

mosin m44 never fired since bought in fll 09

mosin 91/30 purchased in sum 09 haven't fired since

xd9 about 200-250 rnds

unissued last fired summer 09

bottom line, I don't have a place to shoot at, and getting people together so that i have a place I can shoot at seems to be impossible to make happen, and it pisses me off as I have some relativly nice guns but can't shoot them. oh and a bunch of keyboards too.

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