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Maryville Gun Show Feb 27-28

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Anyone know admission prices?

Not me. I found out because Weigel's had a stack of $1 off coupons. I'll let some go for about 25 cent. ;)

Never been to one and it's only 100 tables...so not expecting too much. According to the weather forcast I might just be up at Norris shooting.

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I have a co-worker who will have a table (section) there. He attends Clear's Silat and Street Kung Fu and has stated that it should be a decent show though it will be small. I think the hours are something like 9 to 6 on Sat and 11 to 5 on Sun.......I think the price of admission is $8 or $10....not too much.

Considering I work 10 minutes from there.....I'll have to stop by and see what they have when I get off of work tomarrow morning.....:D

Edited by kwe45919
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I went to this show the last time it was at the Maryville Nat'l. Guard Armory and have been looking forward to their having another one there. Yes, it is small. In fact, I am a little surprised to hear that it actually has as many as 100 tables. Folks looking for beef jerky were surely disappointed. Folks looking for an actual deal on a firearm, however, might have felt better - not that all the prices were all that great but there were some pretty good ones.

That show has the distinction of being the only local show where I have actually bought a firearm - and the only local show where I saw at least one dealer with prices that I couldn't beat at my LGS. In fact, that dealer (the one from whom I bought a firearm) is the reason I am going to this show - if he isn't there, I may join the disappointed.

The firearm I bought? Well, nothing spectacular and probably not exactly a 'steal' but I got a Winchester 190 for $79 (picture below.) The dealer was selling that and other firearms that he had gotten in trades, estate sales, etc. for what seemed to me to be decent prices compared to what I have seen similar firearms priced at in this area. Of course, he had not personally tested most of them so they were being sold 'as is'. There were a few other .22 rifles for about the same price (some with pretty distressed wood were actually priced at $59 or $69.) I missed out on a Ruger .22 pistol (not sure which MK but it was an older one) that looked to be in good 'shooter' shape that another guy in line next to me picked up for $150 (unless I am mistaken, the dealer had tried that one out and said that it ran well.)

The same dealer had some Hi-Points that he was selling for somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 bucks. I'd like to have one in .40 S&W as a beater gun. Doesn't even matter if it works or not because Hi-Point will fix it no questions asked. He only had 9mm and .380s the last time, though.

An adjacent table (I actually think it was the same dealer and he just had another guy helping him work them) had some single-shot shotguns (mostly 12 gauge, I believe) that were priced at 3 for $89 (actually think he marked them down to 3 for $79) and a few old pump shotguns (again, mostly 12 gauge) for $79 - $89 each.

I was disappointed that there was no ammo to speak of at that show but was quite happy with the little Winchester. I did have to replace the inner mag tube assembly - the old one worked, sort of, but the spring was too weak to push the last round in the tube up into the chamber. With the new inner tube, it now shoots great.

Personally, I consider the shows at the Jacobs Building, etc. to be a 'ripoff', I don't care how many tables they have. I have simply never seen anything I would consider to be even remotely a deal at any of those and get so aggravated every time I attend one that I have pretty much sworn off of going to them. Hopefully there will be some more decent deals at the one in Maryville tomorrow. If not, I'll swear off that one, too.


Edited by JAB
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Guest Sgt. Joe

If anyone does go I have a friend who will have a table there, he also has opened a small store here in Jackson.

His name is Brandon and his store name is Direct Hit.

His in-store prices are reasonable and he has treated me and a friend very good. I am working on him to become a member and maybe vendor here.

If ya see him at least stop by and tell him to Join us and tell him Joe sent ya.

I have no idea what he is taking to the show nor what his prices are going to be, I just know it is a long drive from here and he is a good guy.

I hope the show goes well for all involved.....;)

I hope to be shooting some this weekend as I caught Wally World with some ammo actually on the shelves today........Fully stocked it lasted all of about 4 hours.:P

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