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cross-eyed dominant rifle shooting

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I am left eyed dominate and a right handed shooter shooting an AR with iron sights.

Keeping above in mind, is there anything I ought to know prior to sighting in my weapon? I will be using my non-dominant eye will that make things more difficult for me?

Thanks for an insight.

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I am in the same boat as you. There is very little that can be done to remidy the situation. Perhaps using a set of shooting glasses that black out your dominant eye would help. One thing I have found is using a non magnified red dot does help and just keeping both eyes open. Both images are tranfered to the brain and good hits can become normal. I am Very strongly dominant in my left eye but still managed to make it through sniper school shooting right handed and right eyed only, though.

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Guest FroggyOne2
The only way I can shoot left handed is with both eyes closed

So instead of shooting a the "Frontsight course" You shoot the "blindsight" course?

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Other than closing one eye or wearing a dot on your shooting glasses, then you are left with learning to shoot with the dominant side.

I just close one eye. I know it's not the tactical thing to do, but I am a hunter, not a SWAT officer.

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You can 'train' your eyes by closing your left eye when aiming. It takes time and practice, but you can make your brain treat your right eye as dominant when looking through the sights. The Army and Marine Corps have done this for 200+ years.

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Shooting a rifle such as used for hunting or long range is easy, close your left eye shooting right handed. This is also true of shotgun shooting, even clays. You could also blur a lens on your shooting glasses and keep your eyes both open. You do not have to retrain anything if one eye is closed. If only one eye is open there is no discordance. The brain sees only one sight picture, so I have no idea why anyone would ever say close you dominant eye and retrain your brain. The conflict only arises when both eyes are open.

When shooting an AR you really should learn to shoot with both eyes open and facing nearly forward. Closing one eye or even worse blurring an eye is not a viable option on the AR. Will you likely have your glasses on in a defensive situation? Will you carry a jar of vaseline around to put on your glasses every time you want to shoot your AR? You can also amass a lot of headaches trying to train yourself to keep both eyes open and use the wrong eye, squinting and such with your dominant eye, or even worse cocking your head around.

200 years ago the Army didn't have M4's or other shoulder fired carbines to be shot with both eyes open. The military is often slow to change and because they have done something a certain way forever doesn't mean that is the most efficient way to do it. In fact only recently did the military change their stance training to a forward position from bladed even though private trainers have taught spec ops to do this since Gulf War 1.

Same here again, most contractor trainers now and many military trainers who have trained under those people have begun to teach RH, LD shooters to simply shoot LH. It is far far easier to retrain the hands than the eyes, brain. Takes less time and in the end makes you a far better shooter.

If you would be happy being a mediocre and fairly slow shooter trying to overcome eye dominance issues, go for some other method. IF you want to get to your full potential, retrain your hands.

I am left leaning ambidextrous. I am L eye dom. I shoot right handed AR's left handed with no prob. You don't need a LH AR. Over the years I have watched countless shooters struggle mightily with this. One they made the commitment to switch, their skills went up drastically.

Edited by Warbird
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Learn to shoot left handed is all I can say!

My BIL was asked to start shooting left handed at the Police academy and low and behold he is a crack shot left hand! He wasn't a newbie to shooting but was to lefty. He even went on to become their DM/sharpshooter.... left handed mind you. Maybe I should switch to lefty.

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I'm left handed and right eye dominant, though the eye dominance isn't especially strong. I grew up shooting right-handed rifles and shotguns left handed and it still feels more natural to me.

I switched to shooting right handed a few years ago when I got more into handguns. My vision is better in my right eye (I have a minor astigmatism in my left eye that my contacts don't correct for) and the vast majority of guns (particularly handguns) are right handed.

I struggle shooting with both eyes open. I'm sure I need more practice.

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I can go either way shooting, not sure which eye is dominant, they both seem to work the same.

I am lefty and pretty much shoot lefty. I practice shooting with both eyes open. Dunno, maybe that holds me back some.

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I can go either way shooting, not sure which eye is dominant, they both seem to work the same.

I am lefty and pretty much shoot lefty. I practice shooting with both eyes open. Dunno, maybe that holds me back some.

Sounds like you are one of the lucky ones who is neither eye dominant. I sure wouldn't change it. It doesn't hold you back. Most have to work hard to shoot with both eyes open. The only time I close one eye is when I am looking down a magnified scope or through old peep sights at a far off target.

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