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Anyone else live in a neighborhood or apartment where your neighbors are unbearable?


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Anyone else live in a neighborhood or apartment complex where your neighbors are unbearable?

You know the types, 24/7/365 unbelievable levels of noise.

Everything from pounding on random objects, walls etc to slamming doors and loud bass filled music, TV, XBox... and noises that are so loud and unusual they are no longer identifiable at all. Just unpalatable racket.

The types of neighbors who cannot walk to the mailbox without making more bedlam than the entire 3rd Armored Division as they moved through Iraq, complete with recon by fire ops.

Loud cars and trucks coming and going all hours of the day and night, with little to no muffler systems. Loud stereos played at concert levels.

What makes folks do this?

What possesses people to be this loud, is it out of some type of need, hate for the world or a complete lack of respect for other or the ability to even understand what they are doing?


Its pointless to call Metro PD. All they can do is BOLO loud music complaints, they don't have the man power to send a car out to every noise complaint.

So what the heck do you do?

There is no home owners association or community courtesy officer, so whats left?

Calling in an airstrike?


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Guest tnfireman

The one time I had that problem I went out back and started "target practice" with my 12ga. Funny how 50 rounds or so will make people quiet down

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The one time I had that problem I went out back and started "target practice" with my 12ga. Funny how 50 rounds or so will make people quiet down

Well I'm sure Metro would most definitely come running if I took up a firing position in my backyard and began tearing up the fence line with 00B.

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Guest 1817ak47

had a similiar problem but in a apartment. except I had a powerful home stereo system. I had a good set of floor standing speakers from the mid 80's with 12" woofers. a very nice pioneer amp/reciever, and a 10 band equalizer. I usedthe equalizer to heavily amplify the sub 100hz frequencies for a long period of time at a loud volume, after a few days of that they relized I could make more sleep killing sound than there puny compact systems could. after a few days of that, problem was then solved, cause they realized I could make things a whole lot worse for them than they could me.

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I've been pretty lucky so far. Even when I lived in a condo in the ghetto of Madison, I didn't have too many problems. Well, except for the shoot-out in the apartment a few doors down. Oh, and the pizza guy that was robbed and shot near the rear of the complex.

Other than that, I've been pretty lucky.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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I know exactly what you mean. Listening to some loud banging sounds above the kitchen area of my apartment right now. These are new neighbors, and of course they had to move in right above us. Oh well, last time we had problems with our neighbors, I decided to start cleaning my guns outside. After that, the noise stopped. Hopefully the same will happen again.

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The one time I had that problem I went out back and started "target practice" with my 12ga. Funny how 50 rounds or so will make people quiet down

AGREE,AGREE,AGREE,AGREE. Used to fight the same problem at my old house.

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Guest malbolja
had a similiar problem but in a apartment. except I had a powerful home stereo system. I had a good set of floor standing speakers from the mid 80's with 12" woofers. a very nice pioneer amp/reciever, and a 10 band equalizer. I usedthe equalizer to heavily amplify the sub 100hz frequencies for a long period of time at a loud volume, after a few days of that they relized I could make more sleep killing sound than there puny compact systems could. after a few days of that, problem was then solved, cause they realized I could make things a whole lot worse for them than they could me.

I have used this tactic successfully myself. "Peace through superior firepower."

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Guest 6.8 AR

I've thought about firing a few shots toward the street when the gang bangers or rappers or whatever you call them deafen everyone up and down the street. I guess I have restraint. Damn, it's tempting. May be the same crowd that likes to bust out the glass in the car for nothing.

It's a sign of declining civilization. What they're taught in school, if they even go.

Respect for others? Not much of that, any more. They know they can get away with it. Cops are spread too thin, already, to do anything about that. And it isn't just in

Memphis. "Neighborhood Watch" sometimes helps, if you even know your neighbors.

Just a sign of troubling times.

Give it a few more years of the welfare state mentality and keep 'em loaded and wait.

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Its pointless to call Metro PD. All they can do is BOLO loud music complaints, they don't have the man power to send a car out to every noise complaint.

I would have figured a man such as your self would have some connections in the force...

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Guest Straight Shooter

Im in the situation right now, of having the person next to me evicted. She is supposed to be out in the next few days. What a beligerent ass of a woman. They live and act like animals, and I finally got tired of it. I pay rent too, and their right to be loud ENDS at MY ears. F em, hope they have to live in the car.

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Guest bkelm18

Luckily my apartment complex has a pretty high turnover rate as far as tenants. Mostly just white trash. I've had my share of loud ass people, druggies, people slamming their doors, loud music. They usually aren't here too long. Luckily the property manager is super nice and takes that stuff seriously. She even chews you out for swearing in the common areas.

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I have some New York transplants next door to me. The husband is ex LEO (or so he claims) and is now in the home inspection business. They had two pre-teen sons and a teenage daughter at the time they bought the house.

The first time I met him there was just something about him I didn't like. Couldn't put my finger on it, just knew I didn't like him. But I tried to be neighborly and just keep my distance. They think that dogs are people, and they have had several German Shepherds in the 16 or so years that they have been next door.

The problems started with the dogs and just went downhill from there.

When the sons entered their last two years of high school, all hell broke loose. They started having parties about once a month that gradually turned into every weekend. Loud music, cars coming in and out, even driving through my yard, people standing outside and talking loudly, even yelling and screaming until 3 am, with as many as 50-60 kids there. The parents were home all this time. I would call them and ask them to turn it down and they would send the two idiot sons down to "apologize" but then they would be right back at it the next weekend. The morning after I would find beer bottles and cans, liquor bottles, and cigarette butts all in my yard. Mind you, I am their closest neighbor, so I got the full effect of their clattering. Their defense was that I was "the only one complaining".

It finally got so bad I started calling the sheriff. They would come out, talk to them, basically do nothing, and leave. It would usually break up the party, however, because they were all underage. I have no idea if there were ever any arrests made.

Well, they didn't like me calling the law. The youngest punk son would come down and ring my doorbell at 2am and want to talk to me. I tried reasoning with him one time, and the next time he did it I told him that from then on he was trespassing and I would have him arrested. Luckily for him, I was not carrying at the time, nor did I have any loaded weapons in the house. Otherwise he would have been looking down the barrel of a 12 gauge. He never came onto my property again, and the father left a message on my answering machine wanting to know why I was "harassing" him. Unbelievable.

When Comcast came out to install my cable service, he had to go up in their yard to access the utility pole, and both the father and the idiot son came out and started threatening him. The father spit on him, and I couldn't convince the technician to press charges, so he got away with it. The father is certifiable, and I am armed every time I go outside. I hope he has enough sense to never come onto my property.

The noise has stopped, but we are obviously not on speaking terms. I have always tried to get along with my neighbors, but he and his family of morons have made it impossible to do that. I don't like being at odds with my neighbors, but sometimes it's unavoidable.

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Guest PapaB

Having grown up in an inner-city housing project, I've had my fill of bad neighbors. That's why I haven't even lived in a sub-division in more than 30 years. I like keeping several acres between myself and my neighbors.

Edited by PapaB
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Guest Jamie

I used to have a**hole neighbors living on each side of me...

One set recently decided they needed to go somewhere else, after I made it known that their behavior would not be tolerated, and the bunch on the other side finally figured out that if they behaved, maybe all those guys with badges guns and uniforms would quit showing up on their doorstep. ;)

( The set that left apparently didn't care for the sound of gunfire for an hour afterward, every time they did something stupid. :woohoo: )


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I think we've all had this problem at one point or another. If we haven't, then it seems that it is bound to happen in our future. We had a really bad experience with the neighbor below us when we lived in Austin, TX. We were fortunate that the one time we actually got fed up and called the cops, that it turned into a immigration situation. Turns out that if you are illegal, and you have your 15 member illegal family living with you in a 2 bedroom apartment, that playing loud mariachi music all night and cussing out your redneck neighbor may not be a good idea.

We had a neighbor next door (HUD house) to us at our current house for three years, until last summer, that gave us some problems. The single mom was nice, and the kids were capable of being nice. The biggest problem was that the kids had no respect for other's property and they were loud. But they were "kid loud." No parties, just playing.

They moved out, and the young, single mom that moved in with her autistic son was quiet as a mouse. She seemed to turn the place into a flop house, though, and there were tons of her friends staying over all weekend and half the week. They never made a peep, but there were so many cars out there that I continually had no place to park my Jeep. I told myself that I don't own the street, and they can park where they wish right up until they decided to park in front of my one car driveway one night. I thought about going ballistic, but then I thought better since this is the only real problem they have caused in a year. So I went next door and asked nicely if they could move the car. Within minutes a polite young man came out and apologized profusely for causing a problem. It was a weekend, they were all being quiet, and this young guy was so polite and apologetic, that I actually parked the wife's sploder in the garage and moved my Jeep to the driveway so he could have my parking spot on the street.

Sometimes just politely approaching the neighbor and discussing the uncomfortable topic can help. Sometimes you have to get the police involved. Other times there is no resort left but to burn their house down...

Since the wife is pregnant, and this house isn't really big enough to fit another person, we are buying another house. The HUD house next door, and living on a corner lot of a busy street is a close second reason to move, though. We are going to keep this house and rent it out. I have already told all the other neighbors that own their homes what I'm doing, given them my numbers, and told them that at the first sign of trouble to call me so I can take care of the problem. I refuse to be a landlord who lets his tenants destroy his property, the property of others, or cause problems for the whole neighborhood.

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Guest strelcevina
had a similiar problem but in a apartment. except I had a powerful home stereo system. I had a good set of floor standing speakers from the mid 80's with 12" woofers. a very nice pioneer amp/reciever, and a 10 band equalizer. I usedthe equalizer to heavily amplify the sub 100hz frequencies for a long period of time at a loud volume, after a few days of that they relized I could make more sleep killing sound than there puny compact systems could. after a few days of that, problem was then solved, cause they realized I could make things a whole lot worse for them than they could me.

that made your apartment complex have 2 crazies living in it :popcorn:

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Apartments suck. Neighbors in a campus apt had a party so big, they sold t-shirts after the fact with the description from the campus police report to help pay the fines.

After school, people above me had regular drunken domestic disputes and harbored a fugitive for a while. It's fun when the SWAT team knocks on your door at 11pm and tells you to stay inside. It really is funny when your neighbor opens his window and starts playing the "Cops" theme and you hear the SWAT guys hiding in the bushes laughing.

I currently have two unpleasant neighbors in my subdivision. Neither are noisy or otherwise annoying, just exceptionally unfriendly. The other neighbors are very nice.

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I live in a 'nice" area of Donelson...only one group home that I've been told of right down the street from me.

Or course I was told this by the MNPD officer that came to my door wanting to know where the heavy set black fella that walks up and down the street lived. He also pointed at my 1911 on my hip and said "good idea" The guy was wanted for kicking in the door of a lady he thought was pretty.

I'm the one around here that will follow shady people around when I see them come out of someones yard and let them see me on the phone to the LEOs.

No I'm not going to move. I'll keep pissing 'em off until THEY move, or I get to do some pentration testing of 7.62 rounds on a moving vehicle...whichever comes first.

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After several years, and living in several places, I finally have neighbors that I like. I knew them somewhat before I moved there though, so that usually makes things better between folks in the same area.

For the neighbors that I didn't like in the past, I learned that there is always something that can accidentally be done to make things better in the neighborhood. Take those that throw those late night parties for instance. Simply drink a few beers, and then go join the party. While there, make sure to consume or "accidentally" spill as much of their alcohol as possible. Also, be drunker than you actually are and "accidentally" break things here and there in their house until alot of good stuff has been trashed. Try to do this without being seen if possible, but if you do get caught it shouldn't be a big deal since you're drunk and partying. After their house has been trashed a few times they'll eventually stop having parties, some get to where they don't even invite anyone at all over to their house anymore.

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Guest pjblurton

We live in a pretty nice neighborhood in the 'burbs... (Still in Shelby County so hold the Memphis cracks)

But we've got a familly in the house diagonally across from us that has a teenage son "trying" to start a band. They practice once a week in the garage with the door closed. I can hear it plain as day in my house. I let this slide for a couple of weeks before saying anything, kids will be kids, and they sure as hell needed the practice.

One day it just seemed particularly loud. I step across the street and Dad comes out and meets me halfway. I guess he saw me coming...

He is already apologizing, and says he will take care of it right away, he heads back in the house and within 30 seconds, I don't hear so much as a mouse fart from over there.

Caught up with the Dad a few days later and he confessed that he had already asked them to turn it down once and in typical teen angst fashion, they turned it up. So dad pulled the breaker out of the breaker box...

You would be surprised what a kind word will get you these days.

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Guest Daelith

Reading these makes me glad I live out in the country with several acres between me and my closest neighbors. Now if I could just get the stupid woodpeckers to stop making so much racket.:popcorn:

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Guest Tiny G

We are going to keep this house and rent it out. I have already told all the other neighbors that own their homes what I'm doing, given them my numbers, and told them that at the first sign of trouble to call me so I can take care of the problem. I refuse to be a landlord who lets his tenants destroy his property, the property of others, or cause problems for the whole neighborhood.


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Reading these makes me glad I live out in the country with several acres between me and my closest neighbors. Now if I could just get the stupid woodpeckers to stop making so much racket.:leaving:

At least if you shoot those you wont have the kinda legal issues that you have when shooting noisy neighbors.:popcorn:

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