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Little help here!

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I just had some Meprolight sights installed on my XD-m at a local gunshop. Turns out, the guy had more than a little trouble installing them since the sight channels are so tight and had to use a hammer and punch to get them in. He said he broke three sight presses getting the factory sights off. Everything turned out ok but there are some greenish looking marks on the side of the sights that the punch left in the process of installation. My question is, "Is this normal and if so, what can I do to remove these marks if anything?" Thanks.

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I would ask the person who installed the sights to remove the "greenish looking marks". He put them there, so it's on him if he screws it up.

Problem is, he's no longer employed there for reasons I'm unaware of. I'm just not sure if the marks will come off or if I'll need to find something to cover them with.

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From what I hear it is a real pain in the rear to install sights on the xds. I had one of TGO's supporting vendors put night sights on my xd45c and they dinged it up pretty good. I didn't bother complaining since I was warned before hand.

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I would try a little Mothers Mag Wheel polish or Flitz and a soft cloth on them first. Some fine polishing compound for cars will work too, just go slow and easy. It may polish off.

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Guest Sgt. Joe
Problem is, he's no longer employed there for reasons I'm unaware of. I'm just not sure if the marks will come off or if I'll need to find something to cover them with.

Then I would go to management. If these things are so hard to install they should have told you as much and said you may have some dings IMO.

For some of us nothing irks us more than a blemish on our tools.

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