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American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee

Tennessee residents planning to travel or stay in Arizona should be aware that on April 23, 2010, Arizona enacted a state racial profiling law that will require police officers to demand papers proving U.S. citizenship or immigration status from any individual whom they stop, detain, or arrest, based on an undefined “reasonable suspicion†that the individual is in the country unlawfully. It invites discrimination against and pretextual stops and arrests of Latinos, other racial minorities, and individuals believed to look or sound “foreign." If individuals are unable to prove to the police officer that they are permitted to be in the United States, they may be subject to warrantless arrest without any probable cause that they have committed a crime.

New legislation in Tennessee also effectively requires individuals who could be perceived as foreign-born to carry immigration documentation at all times so that they can prove they are in the country legally in case they are arrested. The Tennessee law differs from Arizona’s in that it requires an arrest before immigration status is checked. However ACLU-TN is concerned that with the passage of this legislation, law enforcement in Tennessee will be more likely to arrest an individual for a minor infraction, rather than to issue a citation, in order to trigger an immigration investigation. The Tennessee law goes into effect January 1, 2011.

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Fortunately for us the aclu doesn't make laws in AZ or TN, the citizens do. While traveling around AZ, the aclu needs to take their ***** back to CA where they belong. They can take the criminal aliens with them.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Well, didn't we buy it from them? I don't want to give them a thing,

except maybe 10-12 million of their citizens back.

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I really don't think that it's too much to ask of legal citizens to carry some form of identification. I may be wrong, but from what I understand you could be asked to show a passport in every country on earth, and if you don't have it on you there is the possibility of arrest. Heck, I was born in this country but if an officer stops me and I do not have some form of identification I risk being detained until they find out who I am.

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My family and I just got back from Arizona. If you have not seen the Grand Canyon, you really MUST see it!!!

Didn't get hassled or see anyone getting hassled about ID.

There is a lot of BS in the media about the Arizona law. The ACLU statement above comes really close to being an outright lie. When you read it, it sounds like they are saying that the law invites officers to arbitrarily arrest anyone who 'might' be in the country illegally. Actually, the reverse is true. It says that AFTER a person is arrested, if the person is suspected of being in the country illegally, THEN the police can require that person to prove they are here legally.

And this section IS an outright lie:

"If individuals are unable to prove to the police officer that they are permitted to be in the United States, they may be subject to warrantless arrest without any probable cause that they have committed a crime."

If you cannot prove you are here legally, then THAT is probable cause of a crime (illegal entry into the US).

I'm surprised. Usually the ACLU does a better job of trying to incite outrage without resorting to such obvious lies.

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My family and I just got back from Arizona. If you have not seen the Grand Canyon, you really MUST see it!!!

Didn't get hassled or see anyone getting hassled about ID.

There is a lot of BS in the media about the Arizona law. The ACLU statement above comes really close to being an outright lie. When you read it, it sounds like they are saying that the law invites officers to arbitrarily arrest anyone who 'might' be in the country illegally. Actually, the reverse is true. It says that AFTER a person is arrested, if the person is suspected of being in the country illegally, THEN the police can require that person to prove they are here legally.

And this section IS an outright lie:

"If individuals are unable to prove to the police officer that they are permitted to be in the United States, they may be subject to warrantless arrest without any probable cause that they have committed a crime."

If you cannot prove you are here legally, then THAT is probable cause of a crime (illegal entry into the US).

I'm surprised. Usually the ACLU does a better job of trying to incite outrage without resorting to such obvious lies.

That's because they never had A CLU.

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I'm just wondering when such a large portion of our country forgot that it was a crime to be in this country illegally. I'm not the most educated feller out there, but from my understanding it was a crime to be anywhere illegally. In fact, I've been under the impression that it was a crime to do anything illegal. I'm slowly starting to learn that the majority of the population of this country only believes it is a crime to do something illegally if you are NOT a minority. If you break the law and are a minority, it is racist for anyone to arrest you.

Someone mentioned the movie Idiocracy the other day in one of these threads. I'm really starting to believe that there is alot of truth to that movie than I originally thought. Someone needs to round up all these dumbasses and execute them before it's too late.

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Tennessee residents planning to travel or stay in Arizona should be aware that on April 23, 2010, Arizona enacted a state racial profiling law that will require police officers to demand papers proving U.S. citizenship or immigration status from any individual whom they stop, detain, or arrest, based on an undefined “reasonable suspicion†that the individual is in the country unlawfully. It invites discrimination against and pretextual stops and arrests of Latinos, other racial minorities, and individuals believed to look or sound “foreign." If individuals are unable to prove to the police officer that they are permitted to be in the United States, they may be subject to warrantless arrest without any probable cause that they have committed a crime.

New legislation in Tennessee also effectively requires individuals who could be perceived as foreign-born to carry immigration documentation at all times so that they can prove they are in the country legally in case they are arrested. The Tennessee law differs from Arizona’s in that it requires an arrest before immigration status is checked. However ACLU-TN is concerned that with the passage of this legislation, law enforcement in Tennessee will be more likely to arrest an individual for a minor infraction, rather than to issue a citation, in order to trigger an immigration investigation. The Tennessee law goes into effect January 1, 2011.

This is simply a copy of federal law. By law I am required to carry my Permanant Resident Card with me at all times, so nothing new has been added and it certainly isn't some kind of discrimination.

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Guest 6.8 AR

The statist have long since adopted one of Goebbels attitudes about

misinformation and propaganda. "Tell a lie enough until it becomes the truth".

They set traps in what they say and the ACLU is a mouthpiece for them.

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Guest CrazyLincoln

I'm waiting for AZ to arrest a Russian who was here illegally to nullify the racial profiling argument.

I could just see the headlines "White undocumented Russian immigrant caught under Arizona racial profiling immigration law."

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I'm waiting for AZ to arrest a Russian who was here illegally to nullify the racial profiling argument.

I could just see the headlines "White undocumented Russian immigrant caught under Arizona racial profiling immigration law."

they just did..but they called them spies instead...

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