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Sandra Bullock ain't all that

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So Gran Torino is over, and the next movie on is" All about Steve" Not that I am going to watch it or anything. About my bed time anyway but the point is...

A lot of people made a giant fuss about Jesse James running around on Sandra Bullock, about how hot she is etc...

I am here to say she is not all that. I also say she is not really very good looking at all.

And on top of that, Jesse probably had more than enough of her crap. And that is why he was running around. She is borderline ugly and a be-otch.

Anyway, after seeing her in the opening scenes of this movie I pretty much think she is a dog. I would not hit it with Strickj's thing.

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Guest Jamie
I would not hit it with Strickj's thing.

Damn... that's harsh. :taunt:

I don't like her either... won't watch anything she's in, if I can help it, but it's not really her appearance that bugs me. Matter of fact, I really don't know what it is about her that I don't like, but I just can't stand her. :tinfoil:


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Guest oldsmobile98

The Blind Side got a D from me.

If you mute it during all her lines, it would get a B at least.

I won't comment on her looks.

It is unfortunate when anybody gets cheated on.

That said, I would suggest being careful about marrying anyone whose second ex-wife was a porn star.

Edited by oldsmobile98
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Guest Jamie
Five words I never expected to hear from you. :P

I tell ya, between all these home appliances going toes-up at pretty much the same time, and now this out of Mike... the apocalypse must be near. :blah::taunt::tinfoil:


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Guest Jamie
What do you all like...guys? Sandra Bullock is smoking hot. Not beautiful per say, but hot in a girl next door kind of way. Now Julia Roberts is just plain dirty sexy!

What, you wanna ask my wife what I think of S.B.? 'Cause I assure you she'll tell you that no, I don't like guys, and that no, I wouldn't touch Bullock with a 10 foot pole... no matter who the pole belonged to.

The woman just has a dumb/brainless/incompetent/inept/clueless thing going on that leaves me unable to stomach her. Add to that the fact I also don't think she's all that pretty, and there ya go.


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Guest Jamie
:DTell us how you really feel.

Well, I can also tell ya that Julia Roberts makes me think of something I'd expect to see sucking algae off the inside of an aquarium...


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HATERS!!! Everyone of you would hit it given the chance. LOL

Amen and +1. She's got that girl next door thing both in looks and style. She's a slam dunk for me. Yes, I agree about Julia Roberts, especially since she jacked up her lips. They don't look good at all. Plus she's really painful to listen to on talk shows. Sandra Bullock is the best female talk show guest, bar none.

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Guest Jamie

I didn't say she was pretty, I said she was sexy. There's a big difference.

So you're saying you have a thing for large-lipped fish? :rofl:

Ah well, to each their own, I guess...


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I'm glad to hear other folks that think Sandra Bullock, as well as Julia Roberts. I was starting to think I was the only one. My main issue with SB is the fact that my ex wife looks like her, so every time I see a movie with her in it all I can think about is someone who is a be-otch and likes to throw things. I've lived an eventful life, and done a whole lot of things I'm not particularly proud of, but it's all part of living. Looking back the only thing about my life that I truely regret was that marriage. The whole situation just ruins SB for me, so I could never think of her as hot. Julia Roberts I've always thought was ugly, and don't really see why so many find her attractive.

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