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what's your everyday beer?


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Guest Michael Kelly


A six pack of these usually lasts me for a week or more. I don't drink more than two at a time, and may go several days without one at all. However, if I am cooking out like I was today I have to keep one close by or in my hand. Grilling is thirsty work.

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Dam you guys are going to give me Hell

I don't always drink beer, cause I can't afford to drink what I want all the time

but when drink beer I prefer.


However, I never complain over any other beer.

That just happens to be my first pick, but I will drink any beer pretty much.

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Guest db99wj

A six pack of these usually lasts me for a week or more. I don't drink more than two at a time, and may go several days without one at all. However, if I am cooking out like I was today I have to keep one close by or in my hand. Grilling is thirsty work.

Those are good. When I have some I'll have that, or dos xx amber or Killians.

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Guest jackdm3
That explains why we've made it into four pages worth of a thread without hearing Mike say "I'd hit it"...

Mike can't talk right now. He's too busy driving. drivingdudeicon.gif

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When I was employed, I would drink Sam Adams Seasonal, any good german beer, Bass Ale, & Fat Tire. Since the job got cut and I've had to cut back, Icehouse.......sorry but it takes to long to find a pix and post it. If I really feel like highbrow, Mich Amber Ultra Lite (watching my boyish figure).

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Guest db99wj
When I was employed, I would drink Sam Adams Seasonal, any good german beer, Bass Ale, & Fat Tire. Since the job got cut and I've had to cut back, Icehouse.......sorry but it takes to long to find a pix and post it. If I really feel like highbrow, Mich Amber Ultra Lite (watching my boyish figure).

Michael amber ultra is pretty dang good. Ive forgot about that.....hmmm need to go get reacquainted with that!

Tapatalk makes it a little hard on posting pics

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Guest jackdm3

You don't know Mike just yet, as you are new, but you have to follow his instructions to get the extra points. Need a pic of said beers, whether he wrote the rule or not. Hurry up and fix it before he wakes. Thanks for playing!

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