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Meet Smith & Wesson

xd shooter

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Guest tnxdshooter
Got Wesson (the black female) from another forum member on here a little while ago.

She is 1yr old as of this week.

Smith (the white male) I got from a lady in Clarksville last week he is 6mo old & the same size as Wesson.

So whatcha think??





I am thinking I don't like dobermans and never have. No offense.

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Love me some Dobies. We are on our fourth one now. The last three have come from rescue agencies. Have had 2-blk/tan, 1 red, and one blue. Does the white one have any problems with exposure to sun? Looks like yours are as big a bunch of spoiled "killer lap dogs" as ours are/were. My oldest son learned to walk holding our first dobies tale stub!

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Smith is a really easy going lay around take it easy, & follow every step you take.

Wesson is a hyper one & alot of fun. She is very smart & will do what I tell her with the snap of my fingers.

So the kinda offset eachother when they are together.

O yea BIG TIME lap dogs!!

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Yup, never seen a white one before either. I have know people with several black ones.

Those can certainly immediate people that don't know them. I don't care hope big of a baby they are, if a person don't know that fact about yours, they have a rep that proceeds them.

If someone broke in a home to be confronted by a pair of doberman's, you would probably even up with a new door though the wall as they made a fast exit.

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Guest Glock23ForMe

Dad had a black doberman that he used to keep at the horse barn... One day.. She chased me into the creek. :)

Never have liked them, they still scare me. But they're awesome dogs!

I have a border collie. :D

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+1 for apdopting a dog through TGO. We adopted our Boxer from a TGO member last spring (with some hesitation from the wife)and he's a great dog. The wife even recently remarked that he's a better dog than the Cocker Spaniel that we've had for six years. Great looking dogs you've got there.

Edited by JReedEsq
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Guest Lester Weevils

Smith being an albino makes him look even spookier than an ordinary Dobe. Bet he wouldn't be a lap dog if somebody was to break in.

The expression on his face on your second picture, looks like he is wondering how tasty you would be. ;)

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