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So tell me again...

Guest Jamie

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All I can tell 'em is that I know what "warm" is, and this ain't it. :stare:

"12" is a number that should be applied to... eggs? donuts? Maybe even movies... ( The Dirty Dozen, Ocean's 12, etc. )

... but it certainly should NEVER be a temperature.

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'climate change' means that whenever the weather is not exactly at the long term average, the tree huggers get to take lots of tax dollars from us to save the rainbow tailed crawdad that lives in only 100,000,000 streams in the US.

It drives me crazy that they use any deviation from the average to push a political agenda. We can't (accurately) predict the weather more the a couple of days out; how in the world are supposed to measure/predict the climate?

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Guest mustangdave

LOL...Jamie in some cases it even worse than that...case in point...the other day, I was headed out to lunch here in LaVergne...listening to the radio...the "weather guesser" says..."outside its SUNNY and a brisk 32 degrees...here in the Nashville area."...I just luaghed...it was probably closer to 25...overcast with flurries and a 5mph wind. I mean come on guys...I know there are no tornado's bearing down on us...but at least take a gander out the window.

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.. .... I mean come on guys...I know there are no tornado's bearing down on us...but at least take a gander out the window.

What??? ...and do something logical andrealistic???

Update... it is now 19 in the middle,middle, down in this little hollow between hills on my street.

Edited by hipower
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LOL...Jamie in some cases it even worse than that...case in point...the other day, I was headed out to lunch here in LaVergne...listening to the radio...the "weather guesser" says..."outside its SUNNY and a brisk 32 degrees...here in the Nashville area."...I just luaghed...it was probably closer to 25...overcast with flurries and a 5mph wind. I mean come on guys...I know there are no tornado's bearing down on us...but at least take a gander out the window.

I was driving in Kansas City one summer day when the weatherman came on the radio stating that it was clear and sunny. I watched with wonder as the storm pounded my car.

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Wadda ya mean "a couple of days out"? Half the time they can't reliably predict what it's gonna do the NEXT DAY.

Sometimes they get lucky and get pretty close to the next day's weather. I was in Nashville when they predicted light, afternoon snow. By lunch time we had 7" on the ground! For those of you that don't live around Nashville, 7" of snow might as well be 70" the way people drive around here.

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Guest mustangdave
For those of you that don't live around Nashville, 7" of snow might as well be 70" the way people drive around here.

and no where to buy a SNOW Machine...shoot around here 2" is enough to cause a mass panic and a run on the local Kroger

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and no where to buy a SNOW Machine...shoot around here 2" is enough to cause a mass panic and a run on the local Kroger

flurries require all able bodied Nashvillians to report to Kroger to buy at least 3 gallons of milk and 4 loaves of bread (per person, of course).

I've got a Jeep. Last year when we had 5" or so, I went out for pizza. My wife and neighbors thought I was crazy but it was a blast. I waited until everyone was home from work (or stuck for the night) and had no problems going anywhere. I think I saw one other car the whole time I was out.

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Guest mustangdave

LOL...Bubba...I woulda been one of those that "survived" the drive home...summer high performance tires...even with LOTS of tread...don't do so well. I did a 180 on a lightly "dusted" Bluehole Rd...1/2 mile from the homestead...and was only doing 10mph...it was a very slight downhill....not fun doing the "slide for life"...BACKWARDS!!! and just hoping you stop before the back end goes into the ditch/culvert.

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Back in the mid-80s, I ended up having to drive from Charlotte ave. to Inglewood, an hour into a pouring snow storm. ( I had started off an hour away, and was trying to get there and get home before it got bad. I didn't quite make it. :-\ )

It was one'a those little "surprises" that leave the weather people scratching their heads and muttering to themselves... Anyway, I finally got to where I was going, and there was a few inches of snow piled up by the time I did. When I got in the house and turned the TV on, the local news had a crew out at a spot I had just come through not 45 minutes previous.

Any of you that know much about Trinity lane know what sort of hill there is, right as it approaches then crosses Ellington parkway... Well, it seems the road was completely frozen over, and as slick as greased glass... and that people were cresting the hill, seeing what was in front of 'em and standing on the brakes.... only to slide down and end up in a big pile at the bottom. While they were reporting, one of the news crew almost got squashed by one of the impromptu "tobogganers". :)

Figured I'd used up all my luck for that day, and didn't even try to get back out in it.

Anyway, I don't remember how much snow we got out of that particular storm... I'm sure any of you living in the area at that time remember the storm I'm talking about though.

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:tough:7 degrees at 5:30 this morning, still got 6in. left, no more untill Sunday, is what the're saying. Had 8in. with 1/2in. of ice under it. JUST gett'n started !!!!:)

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